this is needed on archlinux where the pid file is set by systemd not the nginx.conf file. In the pillar file you just add pid: an value of 'None' and no pid entry in nginx.conf. this now works with every None value set in the pillar file
33 lines
997 B
Nginx Configuration File
33 lines
997 B
Nginx Configuration File
{% set indent_increment = 4 %}
{%- macro nginx_block(value, key=None, operator=' ', delim=';', ind=0) -%}
{%- if value != None -%}
{%- if value is number or value is string -%}
{{ key|indent(ind, True) }}{{ operator }}{{ value }}{{ delim }}
{%- elif value is mapping -%}
{{ key|indent(ind, True) }}{{ operator }}{{ '{' }}
{%- for k, v in value.items() %}
{{ nginx_block(v, k, operator, delim, (ind + indent_increment)) }}
{%- endfor %}
{{ '}'|indent(ind, True) }}
{%- elif value is iterable -%}
{%- for v in value %}
{{ nginx_block(v, key, operator, delim, ind) }}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- else -%}
{{ key|indent(ind, True) }}{{ operator }}{{ value }}{{ delim }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endmacro -%}
# Default nginx server configuration
# This file is managed by Salt.
{% for key, value in config.items() %}
{{ nginx_block(value, key) }}
{%- endfor -%}