# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vim: ft=sls {#- Get the `tplroot` from `tpldir` #} {%- set tplroot = tpldir.split('/')[0] %} {%- set sls_package_install = tplroot ~ '.package.install' %} {%- set sls_scripts_manage = tplroot ~ '.scripts.manage' %} {%- from tplroot ~ "/map.jinja" import keepalived with context %} {%- from tplroot ~ "/libtofs.jinja" import files_switch with context %} include: - {{ sls_package_install }} - {{ sls_scripts_manage }} keepalived-config-file-file-managed: file.managed: - name: {{ keepalived.config_file }} - user: root - group: root - template: jinja - source: {{ files_switch(['keepalived.conf.tmpl', 'keepalived.conf.tmpl.jinja'], lookup='keepalived-config-file-file-managed' ) }} - require: - sls: {{ sls_package_install }} - context: config: {{ keepalived.config | json }}