The full apache context variable can grow quite large if using multiple vhosts with SSL certificates. With 200 sites the apache variable is being rendered 200 times which resuls in observed renderer output of about 950MB... state.apply will result with MemoryErrors in such cases. This PR modifies the templating code to _only_ use a per site context and pass a trimmed down copy of the apache context instead of the full. Drive-By: Correct indentation for context variables. Drive-By: Remove duplicate map/apache functionality. Only use map.
132 lines
6.2 KiB
132 lines
6.2 KiB
# This file is managed by Salt! Do not edit by hand!
{# Define default values here so the template below can just focus on layout #}
{% set sitename = site.get('ServerName', id) -%}
{% set vals = {
'interfaces': site.get('interface', '*').split(),
'port': site.get('port', '80'),
'ServerName': sitename,
'ServerAlias': site.get('ServerAlias', ''),
'ServerAdmin': site.get('ServerAdmin', 'webmaster@{0}'.format(sitename)),
'UseCanonicalName': site.get('UseCanonicalName'),
'LogLevel': site.get('LogLevel', 'warn'),
'ErrorLog': site.get('ErrorLog', '{0}/{1}-error.log'.format(map.logdir, sitename)),
'LogFormat': site.get('LogFormat', '"%a %l %u %t \\"%r\\" %>s %b \\"%{Referer}i\\" \\"%{User-Agent}i\\""'),
'CustomLog': site.get('CustomLog', '{0}/{1}-access.log'.format(map.logdir, sitename)),
'ProxyRequests': site.get('ProxyRequests', 'Off'),
'ProxyPreserveHost': site.get('ProxyPreserveHost', 'On'),
'ProxyRoute': site.get('ProxyRoute', {}),
'Location': {
'Order': 'allow,deny',
'Allow': 'from all',
'Require': 'all granted',
'LocationMatch': {
'Order': 'allow,deny',
'Allow': 'from all',
'Require': 'all granted',
} -%}
<VirtualHost {%- for intf in vals.interfaces %} {{ intf }}:{{ vals.port }}{% endfor -%}>
ServerName {{ vals.ServerName }}
{% if site.get('ServerAlias') != False %}ServerAlias {{ vals.ServerAlias }}{% endif %}
{% if site.get('ServerAdmin') != False %}ServerAdmin {{ vals.ServerAdmin }}{% endif %}
{% if site.get('UseCanonicalName') %}UseCanonicalName {{ vals.UseCanonicalName }}{% endif %}
{% if site.get('LogLevel') != False %}LogLevel {{ vals.LogLevel }}{% endif %}
{% if site.get('ErrorLog') != False %}ErrorLog {{ vals.ErrorLog }}{% endif %}
{% if site.get('LogFormat') != False -%}LogFormat {{ vals.LogFormat }}{% endif %}
{% if site.get('CustomLog') != False -%}LogFormat {{ vals.LogFormat }} {{ sitename }}
CustomLog {{ vals.CustomLog }} {{ sitename }}{% endif %}
{% if site.get('SSLCertificateFile') %}SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile {{ site.SSLCertificateFile }}
{% if site.get('SSLCertificateKeyFile') %}SSLCertificateKeyFile {{ site.SSLCertificateKeyFile }}{% endif %}
{% if site.get('SSLCertificateChainFile') %}SSLCertificateChainFile {{ site.SSLCertificateChainFile }}{% endif %}
{%- endif %}
{% if site.get('Rewrite') %}RewriteEngine on
{{ site.Rewrite|indent(4) }}
{%- endif %}
{% if site.get('SSLProxyEngine') %}SSLProxyEngine {{ site.SSLProxyEngine }}{% endif %}
ProxyRequests {{ vals.ProxyRequests }}
ProxyPreserveHost {{ vals.ProxyPreserveHost }}
{% if site.get('ProxyErrorOverride') %}ProxyErrorOverride {{ site.ProxyErrorOverride }} {% endif %}
{% if site.get('ProxyErrorDir') %}ProxyPass /{{ site.ProxyErrorDir }}/ ! {% endif %}
{%- for proxy, proxyargs in vals.ProxyRoute|dictsort|reverse %}
{%- set proxyvals = {
'ProxyPassSource': proxyargs.get('ProxyPassSource', '/'),
'ProxyPassTarget': proxyargs.get('ProxyPassTarget', 'https://{0}'.format(sitename)),
'ProxyPassTargetOptions': proxyargs.get('ProxyPassTargetOptions', ''),
'ProxyPassReverseSource': proxyargs.get('ProxyPassReverseSource', '/'),
'ProxyPassReverseTarget': proxyargs.get('ProxyPassReverseTarget', proxyargs.get('ProxyPassTarget', 'https://{0}'.format(sitename))),
} %}
######### {{proxy}} #########
ProxyPass {{ proxyvals.ProxyPassSource }} {{ proxyvals.ProxyPassTarget }} {{ proxyvals.ProxyPassTargetOptions }}
ProxyPassReverse {{ proxyvals.ProxyPassReverseSource }} {{ proxyvals.ProxyPassReverseTarget }}
{% endfor %}
{%- for path, loc in site.get('Location', {}).items() %}
{%- set lvals = {
'Order': loc.get('Order', vals.Location.Order),
'Allow': loc.get('Allow', vals.Location.Allow),
'Require': loc.get('Require', vals.Location.Require),
'Dav': loc.get('Dav', False),
} %}
<Location "{{ path }}">
{%- if map.version == '2.4' %}
{% if lvals.get('Require') != False %}Require {{ lvals.Require }}{% endif %}
{%- else %}
{% if lvals.get('Order') != False %}Order {{ lvals.Order }}{% endif %}
{% if lvals.get('Allow') != False %}Allow {{ lvals.Allow }}{% endif %}
{%- endif %}
{% if loc.get('Formula_Append') %} {{ loc.Formula_Append|indent(8) }} {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{%- for regpath, locmat in site.get('LocationMatch', {}).items() %}
{%- set lmvals = {
'Order': locmat.get('Order', vals.LocationMatch.Order),
'Allow': locmat.get('Allow', vals.LocationMatch.Allow),
'Require': locmat.get('Require', vals.LocationMatch.Require),
'Dav': locmat.get('Dav', False),
} %}
<LocationMatch "{{ regpath }}">
{%- if map.version == '2.4' %}
{% if lmvals.get('Require') != False %}Require {{ lmvals.Require }}{% endif %}
{%- else %}
{% if lmvals.get('Order') != False %}Order {{ lmvals.Order }}{% endif %}
{% if lmvals.get('Allow') != False %}Allow {{ lmvals.Allow }}{% endif %}
{%- endif %}
{% if locmat.get('Formula_Append') %} {{ locmat.Formula_Append|indent(8) }} {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{%- for proxypath, prox in site.get('Proxy_control', {}).items() %}
{%- set proxvals = {
'AllowAll': prox.get('AllowAll', vals.AllowAll),
'AllowCountry': prox.get('AllowCountry', vals.AllowCountry),
'AllowIP': prox.get('AllowIP', vals.AllowIP),
} %}
<Proxy "{{ proxypath }}">
{%- if proxvals.get('AllowAll') != False %}
Require all granted
{%- else %}
{% if proxvals.get('AllowCountry') != False %}{% set country_list = proxvals.get('AllowCountry', {}) %}GeoIPEnable On
{% for every_country in country_list %}SetEnvIf GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE {{ every_country }} AllowCountry
{% endfor %}Require env AllowCountry {% endif %}
{% if proxvals.get('AllowIP') is defined %}{% set ip_list = proxvals.get('AllowIP', {}) %}
Require ip {% for every_ip in ip_list %}{{ every_ip }} {% endfor %} {% endif %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- if site.get('Formula_Append') %}
{{ site.Formula_Append|indent(4) }}
{%- endif %}