When using the register_site state, if the `state` for the site in the apache pillar did not equal "enabled" the error ``` Cannot extend ID 'a2ensite <name>' in 'base:apache.register_site'. It is not part of the high state. ``` If statements were there to build out the `a2ensite` or `a2dissite` ID appropiately, but the next state for managing the config always assumed that the `a2ensite` id would be there. Addressed by making a Jinja variable that will be the appropiate ID, probably could use a better name.
Formulas to set up and configure the Apache HTTP server.
See the full Salt Formulas installation and usage instructions.
Available states
Installs the Apache package and starts the service.
Enables and disables Apache modules.
Enables the Apache module mod_proxy.
Enables the Apache module mod_proxy_http and requires the Apache module mod_proxy to be enabled.
Installs the mod_wsgi package and enables the Apache module.
Configures Apache name-based virtual hosts using data from Pillar.
Example Pillar:
example.com: # must be unique; used as an ID declaration in Salt; also passed to the template context as {{ id }}
template_file: salt://apache/vhosts/standard.tmpl
Installs and configures Apache on Debian and Ubuntu systems.
These states are ordered using the order
Different stages are divided into the following number ranges:
- apache will use 1-500 for ordering
- apache will reserve 1 -100 as unused
- apache will reserve 101-150 for pre pkg install
- apache will reserve 151-200 for pkg install
- apache will reserve 201-250 for pkg configure
- apache will reserve 251-300 for downloads, git stuff, load data
- apache will reserve 301-400 for unknown purposes
- apache will reserve 401-450 for service restart-reloads
- apache WILL reserve 451-460 for service.running
- apache will reserve 461-500 for cmd requiring operational services
Example Pillar: