# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vim: ft=sls {%- set tplroot = tpldir.split('/')[0] %} {%- set sls_package_install = tplroot ~ '.package.install' %} {%- set sls_service_running = tplroot ~ '.service.running' %} {%- from tplroot ~ "/map.jinja" import apache with context %} {#- The apache variable can grow _very_ large, especially the sites subkey. Create a trimmed copy with config variables. #} {%- set map = apache %} {%- do map.pop('sites', None) %} include: - {{ sls_package_install }} - {{ sls_service_running }} {%- for id, site in salt['pillar.get']('apache:sites', {}).items() %} {%- set documentroot = site.get('DocumentRoot', '{0}/{1}'.format(apache.wwwdir, site.get('ServerName', id))) %} apache-config-vhosts-standard-{{ id }}: file.managed: - name: {{ apache.vhostdir }}/{{ id }}{{ apache.confext }} - source: {{ site.get('template_file', 'salt://apache/config/vhosts/standard.tmpl') }} - template: {{ apache.get('template_engine', 'jinja') }} - makedirs: True - context: id: {{ id|json }} site: {{ site|json }} map: {{ map|json }} - require: - pkg: apache-package-install-pkg-installed - watch_in: - module: apache-service-running-reload - require_in: - module: apache-service-running-restart - module: apache-service-running-reload - service: apache-service-running {%- if site.get('DocumentRoot') != False %} apache-config-vhosts-standard-{{ id }}-docroot: file.directory: - name: {{ documentroot }} - makedirs: True - user: {{ site.get('DocumentRootUser', apache.get('document_root_user'))|json or apache.user }} - group: {{ site.get('DocumentRootGroup', apache.get('document_root_group'))|json or apache.group }} - allow_symlink: True {%- endif %} {%- if grains.os_family == 'Debian' %} {%- if site.get('enabled', True) %} apache-config-vhosts-standard-{{ id }}-cmd-run-a2en: cmd.run: - name: a2ensite {{ id }}{{ apache.confext }} - unless: test -f /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/{{ id }}{{ apache.confext }} - require: - file: apache-config-vhosts-standard-{{ id }} - watch_in: - module: apache-service-running-reload - require_in: - module: apache-service-running-restart - module: apache-service-running-reload - service: apache-service-running {%- else %} apache-config-vhosts-standard-{{ id }}-cmd-run-a2dis: cmd.run: - name: a2dissite {{ id }}{{ apache.confext }}: - onlyif: test -f /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/{{ id }}{{ apache.confext }} - require: - file: apache-config-vhosts-standard-{{ id }} - watch_in: - module: apache-service-running-reload - require_in: - module: apache-service-running-restart - module: apache-service-running-reload - service: apache-service-running {%- endif %} {%- endif %} {# Debian #} {%- endfor %}