misc improvements
added self reference, allowing the bot to accrue currency messed about with some messages (removed swears, changed 'schlorped', etc) improved send output regular wattery to make 'wat' interesting
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
package main
import "fmt"
import "crypto/tls"
import "github.com/go-irc/irc"
import "github.com/namsral/flag"
import "crypto/tls"
import "git.circuitco.de/self/watbot/wat"
func main() {
pass := flag.String("pass", "", "password")
fmt.Printf("PASS len %d\n", len(*pass))
config := irc.ClientConfig {
Nick: "watt",
Pass: *pass,
@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ func CleanNick(nick string) string {
func (w *WatBot) HandleIrcMsg(c *irc.Client, m *irc.Message) {
switch cmd := m.Command; cmd {
case "PING":
w.write("PONG", m.Params[0])
@ -64,11 +63,12 @@ func (w *WatBot) Msg(m *irc.Message) {
// make sure there's actually some text to process
if len(m.Params[1]) == 0 {
// fieldsfunc allows you to obtain rune separated fields/args
args := strings.FieldsFunc(m.Params[1], func(c rune) bool {return c == ' '})
if len(args) == 0 {
@ -76,9 +76,13 @@ func (w *WatBot) Msg(m *irc.Message) {
if w.Admin(m) {
// Do a special admin command and return, or continue
// allow impersonation of the robot from anywhere
if args[0] == "imp" && len(args) > 2 {
w.write(args[1], args[2:]...)
if args[1] == "PRIVMSG" {
w.write(args[1], strings.Join(args[2:], " "))
} else {
w.write(args[1], args[2:]...)
@ -108,7 +112,7 @@ func (w *WatBot) Run() {
defer w.conn.Close()
err := w.client.Run()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error returned while running client: " + err.Error())
@ -23,12 +23,13 @@ func NewWatGame(bot *WatBot, db *WatDb) *WatGame {
g.commands = map[string](func(*Player,[]string)(string)) {
"wat": g.megaWat,
"watch": g.Watch,
"watcoin": g.Balance,
"coins": g.Balance,
"send": g.Send,
"rest": g.Rest,
"leech": g.Leech,
"roll": g.Roll,
"dice": g.Dice,
"mine": g.Mine,
g.lifeCommands = map[string](func(*Player, []string)(string)) {
"steal": g.Steal,
@ -53,6 +54,7 @@ func (g *WatGame) Msg(m *irc.Message, player *Player, fields []string) {
if g.commands[fields[0]] != nil {
reply = g.commands[fields[0]](player, fields)
} else {
// one liners
switch strings.ToLower(fields[0]) {
case "rules":
reply = rules
@ -60,12 +62,9 @@ func (g *WatGame) Msg(m *irc.Message, player *Player, fields []string) {
reply = helpText
case "topten":
reply = fmt.Sprintf("%s holders: %s", currency, g.TopTen())
case "mine":
reply = g.Mine(player)
if g.lifeCommands[fields[0]] != nil {
// Nothing was handled. Maybe this is an action that requires consciousness.
if !player.Conscious() {
reply = unconscious
} else {
@ -104,7 +103,7 @@ func (g *WatGame) Roll(player *Player, fields []string) string {
amount, e := g.Int(fields[1])
if e != nil {
return "wat kinda numba is that"
return "wat kinda number is that"
if amount > player.Coins {
return "wat? brokeass"
@ -132,15 +131,17 @@ func (g *WatGame) Punch(player *Player, fields []string) string {
chance := rand.Int63n(6)+1
dmg := rand.Int63n(6)+1
ret := fmt.Sprintf("%s rolls a d6 to punch %s: It's a %d! %s ", player.Nick, target.Nick, chance, player.Nick)
if chance <3 {
ret := fmt.Sprintf("%s rolls a d6... %s ", player.Nick, player.Nick)
if chance > 3 {
dmg += player.Level(player.Anarchy)
ret += fmt.Sprintf("hits %s right in the torso for %d points of damage!", target.Nick, dmg)
ret += fmt.Sprintf("hits %s for %d points of damage!", target.Nick, dmg)
target.Health -= dmg
if target.Health <= 0 {
ret += target.Nick + " has fallen unconscious."
} else {
dmg += target.Anarchy
ret += fmt.Sprintf("fumbles, and punches themselves in confusion! %d self-damage! ", dmg)
ret += fmt.Sprintf("fumbles, and punches themselves in confusion! %d self-damage. ", dmg)
player.Health -= dmg
if player.Health <= 0 {
ret += player.Nick + " has fallen unconscious."
@ -174,7 +175,6 @@ func (g *WatGame) Frame(player *Player, fields []string) string {
ret += fmt.Sprintf("You frame %s for a minor crime. They pay me %d.", target.Nick, amount)
player.Anarchy += 1
target.Coins -= amount
// bot gets coins
} else {
ret += fmt.Sprintf("You were caught and pay them %d. %s gets the rest.", (amount/2), g.bot.Nick)
player.Coins -= amount
@ -203,19 +203,21 @@ func (g *WatGame) Steal(player *Player, fields []string) string {
return err
if target.Coins < amount {
return fmt.Sprintf("wat? %s is a poor fuck and doesn't have that much to steal.", target.Nick)
return fmt.Sprintf("wat? %s is poor and doesn't have that much to steal. (%d %s)", target.Nick, target.Coins, currency)
n := rand.Int63n(6)+1
ret := fmt.Sprintf("%s is trying to steal %d %s from %s... ", player.Nick, amount, currency, target.Nick)
if n < 3 {
ret += "! You snuck it! Sneaky bastard!"
ret += "You did it! Sneaky bastard!"
player.Coins += amount
player.Anarchy += 1
target.Coins -= amount
} else {
ret += fmt.Sprintf("... You were caught and I took %d %s from your pocket.", (amount*2), currency)
ret += fmt.Sprintf("You were caught and I took %d %s from your pocket.", (amount*2), currency)
player.Coins -= amount*2
g.me.Coins += amount*2
return ret
@ -227,7 +229,7 @@ func (g *WatGame) GetTarget(player, target string) (*Player, string) {
return nil, "Who? wat?"
if t.Nick == player {
return nil, "You can't do that to yourself, dummy."
return nil, "You can't do that to yourself, silly."
return &t, ""
@ -235,11 +237,11 @@ func (g *WatGame) GetTarget(player, target string) (*Player, string) {
func (g *WatGame) Leech(player *Player, fields []string) string {
divisor := int64(10)
if len(fields) < 3 {
return fmt.Sprintf("leech <nick> <%s> - using your wealth, you steal the life force of another player. this will probably backfire and kill you.", currency)
return fmt.Sprintf("leech <nick> <%s> - using your wealth, you steal the life force of another player", currency)
amount, er := g.Int(fields[2])
if amount < divisor {
return fmt.Sprintf("wat?? can't try to leech with less than %d %s, what do you think this is, free?", divisor, currency)
return fmt.Sprintf("wat? its %d %s for 1 hp", divisor, currency)
if player.Coins < amount || er != nil {
return "wat great fortune do you think you have? poor wats shouldn't be doing this, wat a waste..."
@ -255,7 +257,8 @@ func (g *WatGame) Leech(player *Player, fields []string) string {
if r < 5 {
target.Health -= hpDown
player.Health += hpDown
reply += fmt.Sprintf("The deal is done, you schlorped %d HP from %s. They now have %d HP, you have %d.", hpDown, target.Nick, target.Health, player.Health)
player.Anarchy += 1
reply += fmt.Sprintf("The deal is done, you took %d HP from %s. They now have %d HP, you have %d.", hpDown, target.Nick, target.Health, player.Health)
} else {
reply += "The gods do not smile upon you this waturday. Your money vanishes and nothing happens."
@ -263,7 +266,7 @@ func (g *WatGame) Leech(player *Player, fields []string) string {
func (g *WatGame) Rest(player *Player, fields []string) string {
minRest := int64(86400)
minRest := int64(43200)
delta := time.Now().Unix() - player.LastRested
ret := ""
if player.LastRested == 0 {
@ -272,7 +275,7 @@ func (g *WatGame) Rest(player *Player, fields []string) string {
} else if delta < minRest {
ret = fmt.Sprintf("wat were you thinking, sleeping at a time like this (%d until next rest)", minRest-delta)
} else {
value := rand.Int63n(20)+1
value := rand.Int63n(10)+1
ret = fmt.Sprintf("wat a nap - have back a random amount of hitpoints (this time it's %d)", value)
player.LastRested = time.Now().Unix()
@ -294,7 +297,7 @@ func (g *WatGame) Send(player *Player, fields []string) string {
return fields[2] + " is not an integer, wat?"
if int64(amount) > player.Coins {
return "wat? you poor fuck, you don't have enough!"
return "wat? you're too poor!"
target, str := g.GetTarget(player.Nick, fields[1])
if target == nil {
@ -304,10 +307,10 @@ func (g *WatGame) Send(player *Player, fields []string) string {
target.Coins += int64(amount)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s sent %s %d %s", player.Nick, target.Nick, amount, currency)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s sent %s %d %s has %d watcoin, %s has %d watcoin ", player.Nick, target.Nick, amount, currency, player.Nick, player.Coins, target.Nick, target.Coins)
func (g *WatGame) Mine(player *Player) string {
func (g *WatGame) Mine(player *Player, _ []string) string {
delta := time.Now().Unix() - player.LastMined
if delta < 1800 {
return fmt.Sprintf("wat? 2 soon (%d)", delta)
@ -375,6 +378,7 @@ func PrintTwo(nick string, value int64) string {
func (g *WatGame) megaWat(player *Player, _ []string) string {
mega := rand.Int63n(1000000)+1
kilo := rand.Int63n(1000)+1
ten := rand.Int63n(10)+1
reply := ""
if mega == 23 {
player.Coins += 1000000
@ -384,6 +388,10 @@ func (g *WatGame) megaWat(player *Player, _ []string) string {
player.Coins += 1000
reply = fmt.Sprintf("OMGWAT! %s has won the KiloWat lottery and gains 1000 %s!", player.Nick, currency)
if ten == 10 {
player.Coins += 10
reply = fmt.Sprintf("%s won the regular wattery. This one only pays 10 %s.", player.Nick, currency)
player.Watting += 1
return reply
Reference in New Issue
Block a user