template and sample configs
Signed-off-by: Pratyush Desai <pratyush.desai@liberta.casa>
This commit is contained in:
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@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
// server
set k_minrate 2500 // minimum rate setting for players/spectators
set sv_maxrate 50000 // maximum rate setting for players/spectators
set k_autoreset 1 // exec configs/reset.cfg when last player leaves
set k_noframechecks 1 // check for fps/speed manipulation (0 = no, 1 = yes)
set k_no_fps_physics 0 // fps independent physics (0 = off, 1 = on)
set k_short_gib 0 // remove gibs after 2 seconds (0 = no, 1 = yes)
set k_exclusive 0 // number of players gets locked on game start (0 = no, 1 = yes)
set k_master 0 // only let admins change match settings (0 = no, 1 = yes)
set k_admins 1 // allow admins on server (0 = no, 1 = yes)
set k_lockmax 32 // maximum number of teams in game
set k_lockmin 0 // minimum number of teams in game
set k_membercount 1 // minimum number of players in each team to start match
set k_lock_hdp 0 // allow handicap (0 = yes, 1 = no)
set k_count 10 // countdown before match starts (seconds)
set k_idletime 0 // after how many seconds the idlebot kick players who are not ready (0 = disable)
set k_extralog 0 // log extra information (0 = no, 1 = yes)
// gameplay
set k_highspeed 320 // maximum allowed runspeed (cmd speed will switch between this setting and sv_maxspeed)
set k_timetop 30 // maximum time in minutes allocateable by a player for a game
set k_dm2mod 1 // modified deathmatch 2 mode (0 = standard qw dmm2, 1 = modified dmm2)
set k_midair 0 // midair (0 = off, 1 = on)
set k_yawnmode 0 // yawnmode (0 = off, 1 = on)
set k_pow 0 // powerups (0 = off, 1 = on)
set dq 0 // drop quad (0 = off, 1 = on)
set dr 0 // drop ring (0 = off, 1 = on)
set dp 1 // drop backpacks (0 = off, 1 = on)
set k_dis 1 // discharge (0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = only discharge players in liquid)
set k_666 0 // respawn 666 (0 = off, 1 = on)
set k_bzk 0 // berzerk (0 = off, 1 = on)
set k_btime 20 // berzerk time (seconds)
set k_frp 0 // fairpacks (0 = drop equipped weapon, 1 = drop best weapon, 2 = drop last fired weapon)
set k_overtime 1 // overtime mode (0 = off, 1 = time, 2 = suddendeath)
set k_exttime 3 // overtime length in minutes if k_overtime = 1
set k_fallbunny 1 // fallbunny (0 = off (broken ankle), 1 = on (standard qw behaviour))
set k_disallow_kfjump 1 // kfjump (0 = on, 1 = off)
set k_disallow_krjump 1 // krjump (0 = on, 1 = off)
set k_teamoverlay 0 // team overlay (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled)
set k_free_mode 5 // who can issue XonX/ffa/ctf commands (0 = noone, 1 = admins, 2 = elected admins, 3 = judges, 4 = elected judges, 5 = all)
set k_spw 3 // spawn mode (0 = qw respawns, 1 = kombat teams spawn safety, 2 = kombat teams respawns, 3 = ktx respawns)
set k_spm_custom_model 1 // use new spawn.mdl instead of goldkey to show spawn locations (0 = use goldkey, 1 = use spawn.mdl)
set k_spm_glow 1 // enable yellow glow for spawn markers (0 = off, 1 = on)
set k_spm_show 0 // Show spawn point markers (0 = off, 1 on)
// visible weapons
set k_allow_vwep 1 // allow visible weapons on server (0 = no, 1 = yes)
set k_vwep 0 // enable visible weapons (0 = off, 1 = on)
// instagib
set k_instagib 2 // instagib (0 = off, 1 = fast coilgun, 2 = slow coilgun)
set k_instagib_custom_models 1 // custom models for instagib mode (0 = no, 1 = yes)
// dmm4
set dmm4_invinc_time 0 // spawn invincibility time for dmm4 in seconds (-1 = disable, 0 = default (2 seconds))
set k_dmm4_gren_mode 0 // grenade explosions (0 = default, 1 = only on direct impact)
set k_disallow_weapons 16 // weapons allowed in dmm4 (bit mask):
// 1=sg, 2=ssg, 4=ng, 8=sng, 16=gl, 32=rl, 64=lg, 4096=axe
// map support
set add_q_aerowalk 1 // add quad on aerowalk (0 = no, 1 = yes)
set k_end_tele_spawn 0 // remove tele spawn on map end (0 = yes, 1 = no)
set k_remove_end_hurt 1 // end modifications (0 = no modifications, 1 = remove hurt and changelevel triggers, 2 = remove hurt trigger)
// ctf
set k_ctf_custom_models 1 // ctf models (0 = use original quake models, 1 = use ctf models)
// prewar
set k_prewar 1 // prewar setting (0 = prewar fire is disallowed, 1 = prewar fire is allowed, 2 = no fire or jump until ready)
set k_sready 1 // players glow when not ready (0 = no, 1 = yes)
set k_freeze 0 // freeze platforms and doors before matchstart (0 = no, 1 = yes)
// race mode
set k_race_simultaneous 1 // multi player race mode on/off
// timing players
set allow_timing 0 // timing/lagged players manipulation (0 = off, 1 = on)
set timing_players_time 6 // how long a player should lag before manipulation starts (seconds)
set timing_players_action 1 // timing/lagged players manipulation (bit mask):
// 1=info, 2=glow, 4=invincible, 8=autokpause
// demo recording
set demo_tmp_record 1 // enable mvd-autorecording (0 = off)
set demo_skip_ktffa_record 0 // record ffa games (0 = yes, 1 = no)
set demo_scoreslength 6 // how many seconds to show score table at end of game
set k_demo_mintime 360 // if the game is breaked, save demo if this many seconds has passed
set k_demoname_date "%Y%m%d-%H%M" // will add date at end of demoname in form of YYYY-MM-DD
set k_demotxt_format "json" // .txt files generated next to .mvd files will be in json format
// central server integration
set sv_www_address "https://badplace.eu" // URL to send match/race results to
set sv_www_authkey "" // contact meag to find out what string to put here
// voting
set k_allowvoteadmin 1 // allow admin election (0 = no, 1 = yes)
set k_lockmap 0 // prevent players from changing map (0 = no, 1 = yes)
set k_vp_break 51 // vote percentage for breaking
set k_vp_admin 75 // vote percentage for admin election
set k_vp_captain 51 // vote percentage for captain election
set k_vp_map 51 // vote percentage for map change
set k_vp_pickup 51 // vote percentage for pickup
set k_vp_rpickup 51 // vote percentage for random pickup
// flood protection
set k_fp 1 // floodprot: max X messages per Y seconds, else silence for Z seconds (1 = 9 1 1, 2 = 4 1 5, 3 = 5 3 7)
set k_cmd_fp_kick 3 // warnings given before kicking
set k_cmd_fp_dontkick 1 // kick command flooders (0 = on, 1 = off)
set k_cmd_fp_disabled 0 // flood protection (0 = on, 1 = off)
// practice
set allow_toggle_practice 5 // toggle practice mode (0 = noone, 1 = admins, 2 = elected admins, 3 = judges, 4 = elected judges, 5 = all)
set lock_practice 1 // lock practice mode (0 = unlock on reset, 1 = allow_toggle_practice, 2 = locked)
set srv_practice_mode 0 // practice mode (0 = off, 1 = on)
// spectators
set k_ann 0 // announce spectator join/quits during game (0 = no, 1 = yes)
set k_spectalk 0 // spectators can talk to players during game (0 = no, 1 = yes)
set k_spec_info 1 // moreinfo (bit mask):
// 0=infospec off, 1=infospec on, 2=infolock admins
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//don't edit this file
// match/matchless mode
set k_matchless 1 // run ktx as a regular match server or as a matchless (ffa) server (0 = regular, 1 = matchless)
set k_mode 3 // server mode (1 = duel, 2 = team, 3 = ffa, 4 = ctf)
// matchless settings
set k_matchless_countdown 0 // countdown in matchless mode (0 = off, 1 = on)
set k_pow_min_players 1 // number of players on server required for powerups to be turned on
set k_pow_check_time 10 // how often should ktx check if the k_pow_min_players requirement has been met (seconds)
set k_no_vote_map 0 // allow map voting (0 = allow map voting, 1 = disallow map voting)
set k_no_vote_break 0 // allow vote break (0 = allow vote break, 1 = disallow vote break)
// samelevel
samelevel 0 // change level after match ends
// map rotation
set k_ml_0 "dm2"
set k_ml_1 "dm3"
set k_ml_2 "e1m2"
//set k_ml_3 "e1m3" // etc
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@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
fraglimit 0 // fraglimit
timelimit 20 // timelimit
teamplay 2 // teamplay
deathmatch 1 // deathmatch mode
maxclients 32 // maximum clients
maxspectators 12 // maximum spectators
maxvip_spectators 4 // maximum vip spectators
timeout 65 // seconds to wait for zombies
pausable 0 // pausable
samelevel 1 // same level after match ends
floodprot 10 1 1 // flood protection - allow x messages per y seconds, else silence for z seconds
floodprotmsg "quiet!" // flood protection message for client
sv_gamedir qw // gamedir
sv_maxspeed 320 // maximum player (walking) speed
sv_mintic 0.01 // mintic
sv_maxtic 0.03 // maxtic
sv_loadentfiles 1 // load .ent files (0 = no, 1 = yes)
sv_loadentfiles_dir ctf // subdirectory of maps/ where ctf .ent files are located
sv_getrealip 2 // get real ip (0 = off, 1 = on connect failure, 2 = on failure drop)
sv_use_dns 0 // dns lookup (0 = off, 1 = on)
sv_hashpasswords 1 // hash account passwords (0 = off, 1 = on)
sv_crypt_rcon 1 // rcon encryption (0 = off, 1 = on)
sv_timestamplen 60 // time (seconds) during rcon command which encryption is valid
sv_rconlim 3 // limit of rcon requests per second
sv_unfake 1 // auto unfake any mm1 messages (0 = no, 1 = yes)
sv_kicktop 1 // kick topcolor spammers (0 = no, 1 = yes)
sv_speedcheck 1 // anti speed cheat code from AM101, slows cheaters down to normal speed
sv_mapcheck 1 // check map checksums (0 = no, 1 = yes)
sv_specprint 0 // show spectators some info (1 = centerprint, 2 = sprint, 4 = stuffcmd)
sv_reconnectlimit 5 // throttle reconnecting players for x seconds
sv_forcespec_onfull 1 // turn connecting players into spectators if the server is full (0 = no, 1 = yes)
sv_sayteam_to_spec 0 // send say_team messages to spectators (0 = no, 1 = yes)
sv_reliable_sound 1 // reliable sounds channel, prevents missing sounds during PL (0 = off, 1 = on)
sys_select_timeout 10000 // timeout in micro seconds for function select in main loop
sys_restart_on_error 0 // restart on error (0 = no, 1 = yes)
sv_progtype 1 // progtype (0 = .dat, 1 = .so/.dll, 2 = .qvm)
sv_enableprofile 0 // profiling of qvm mods (0 = off, 1 = on)
sv_progsname qwprogs // name of mod file without extention
sv_forcenick 0 // force player name to the name in accounts file (0 = no, 1 = yes)
serverinfo fpd 206 // fpd values from qizmo.txt
// 1 = disable %-reporting
// 2 = disable use of powerup timer
// 4 = disable use of soundtrigger
// 8 = disable use of lag features
// 16 = make qizmo report any changes in lag settins
// 32 = silent %e enemy vicinity reporting (reporter doesn't see the message)
// 64 = spectators can't talk to players and vice versa (voice)
// 128 = silent %x and %y (reporter does not see the message)
// 256 = disable skin forcing
// 512 = disable color forcing
serverinfo pm_ktjump 1 // jumpfix (0 = off, 1 = on)
serverinfo maxfps 77 // maxfps
// ktx vip password values (do not change)
vip_values "1 8 4 20 12 28"
// mvd recording
sv_demoExtraNames 0 // show player names in demo filenames (0 = show team only, 1 = show player names)
sv_demotxt 2 // create demo .txt (0 = off, 1 = on - .txt, 2 = on - .json)
sv_demodir demos // demos directory name
sv_demoDirAlt "" // alternative folder for demo storage
sv_maxdownloadrate 100000 // maximum download client rate
sv_downloadchunksperframe 4 // increase chunked download speed rate (1=77kB/s, 4=308kB/s)
sv_onrecordfinish mvdfinish // name.qws will be started after demo recording is finished
sv_demoMaxDirSize 4096000 // maximum demos dir size. 4096000=4GB
sv_demoClearOld 10 // if total demos size > sv_demoMaxDirSize, this will delete x demos
sv_demoUseCache 1 // use cache when writing demos (0 = off, 1 = on)
sv_demofps 77 // record demos at 77fps instead of the default 30fps
fs_cache 0 // something to do with demos and lag (0 = preferred)
// downloading
allow_download 1 // allow downloads from server (0 = no, 1 = yes)
allow_download_maps 1 // allow map downloads from server (0 = no, 1 = yes)
allow_download_pakmaps 0 // allow pak map downloads from server (0 = no, 1 = yes)
allow_download_skins 1 // allow skin downloads from server (0 = no, 1 = yes)
allow_download_sounds 1 // allow sound downloads from server (0 = no, 1 = yes)
allow_download_models 1 // allow model downloads from server (0 = no, 1 = yes)
allow_download_demos 1 // allow demo downloads from server (0 = no, 1 = yes)
allow_download_other 1 // allow other downloads from server (0 = no, 1 = yes)
// minping
sv_minping 0 // minping for server (0 = off)
sv_enable_cmd_minping 0 // cmd minping (0 = off, 1 = on)
// display this url to people downloading maps from the server
download_map_url "http://maps.quakeworld.nu/"
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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
// motd (max 15 rows) - this is the welcome message displayed when you connect to a server
//set k_motd1 "" // auto generated server name at the bottom of the config
set k_motd2 " "
set k_motd3 "Available game modes:"
set k_motd4 "1on1, 2on2, 4on4, 10on10, XonX, ffa, ctf,"
set k_motd5 "hoonymode, 2on2on2, 3on3on3, 4on4on4, race, wipeout" // etc..
set k_motd_time "5" // time motd is displayed in seconds
// edit the lines below if you want different gamemodes on this port
// matchless mode
set k_matchless 0 // run ktx as a regular match server or as a matchless (ffa) server (0 = regular, 1 = matchless)
set k_use_matchless_dir 1 // use configs/usermodes/matchless instead of [...]/ffa (0 = no, 1 = yes)
// free modes
set k_defmode 2on2 // default mode on server
set k_allowed_free_modes 4095 // allowed free modes (bit mask):
// 1=1on1, 2=2on2, 4=3on3, 8=4on4, 16=10on10, 32=ffa, 64=ctf, 128=hoonymode, 256=2on2on2, 512=3on3on3, 1024=4on4on4, 2048=XonX
set k_defmap maphub_v1 // server homemap. server will change to this when last player leaves the server
set k_mode 2 // server mode (1 = duel, 2 = team, 3 = ffa, 4 = ctf)
// generated server info
set k_motd1 "GibCasa FFA EU-DE #1"
hostname "GibCasa FFA EU-DE:28501"
sv_admininfo "mog <mogad0n@liberta.casa>"
sv_serverip ""
qtv_streamport "28501"
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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
// motd (max 15 rows) - this is the welcome message displayed when you connect to a server
//set k_motd1 "" // auto generated server name at the bottom of the config
set k_motd2 " "
set k_motd3 "Available game modes:"
set k_motd4 "1on1, 2on2, 4on4, 10on10, XonX, ffa, ctf,"
set k_motd5 "hoonymode, 2on2on2, 3on3on3, 4on4on4, race, wipeout" // etc..
set k_motd_time "5" // time motd is displayed in seconds
// edit the lines below if you want different gamemodes on this port
// matchless mode
set k_matchless 0 // run ktx as a regular match server or as a matchless (ffa) server (0 = regular, 1 = matchless)
set k_use_matchless_dir 1 // use configs/usermodes/matchless instead of [...]/ffa (0 = no, 1 = yes)
// free modes
set k_defmode 2on2 // default mode on server
set k_allowed_free_modes 4095 // allowed free modes (bit mask):
// 1=1on1, 2=2on2, 4=3on3, 8=4on4, 16=10on10, 32=ffa, 64=ctf, 128=hoonymode, 256=2on2on2, 512=3on3on3, 1024=4on4on4, 2048=XonX
set k_defmap maphub_v1 // server homemap. server will change to this when last player leaves the server
set k_mode 2 // server mode (1 = duel, 2 = team, 3 = ffa, 4 = ctf)
// generated server info
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
rcon_password ""
qtv_password ""
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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
exec mvdsv.cfg // server settings
exec ktx.cfg // mod settings
exec pwd.cfg // password settings
exec vip_ip.cfg // vip ip settings
exec ban_ip.cfg // ban list
setmaster master.quakeservers.net:27000 qwmaster.ocrana.de:27000 master.quakeworld.nu:27000 qwmaster.fodquake.net:27000
// create localinfo 1000-2000 for existing maps
// turn off serverip cvar
sv_getrealip 0
// default to bot mode off when map is reset (saves some CPU)
set k_fb_enabled 0
// .txt files generated next to .mvd files will be in json format
set k_demotxt_format json
// to setup user auth and race results reporting, uncomment the following 2 lines and ask meag for a sv_www_authkey
// also make sure the server is compiled with libcurl support
//sv_www_address https://badplace.eu/ // URL to send match/race results to
//sv_www_authkey "" // this is unique to each server
sv_logdir logs
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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
// 1 - normal VIP (default)
// 2 - not kickable VIP by elected admins
// 4 - VIP with admin rights
// 8 - VIP with demo admin rights
// 16 - VIP with judge rights
// 32 - VIP with rcon admin rights
// examples:
// vip_addip 2 = not kickable VIP
// vip_addip 6 = not kickable VIP with admin rights
// vip_addip 63 = VIP with all permissions
// CHANGE & UNCOMMENT THESE! (1=normal vip, 6=not kickable real admin)
//vip_password "changethis changethistoo"
//vip_values "1 6 "
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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
maxclients 100
maxservers 100
floodprot 4 2 2
allow_http 1
allow_download_other 1
allow_download_demos 1
allow_download_maps 1
allow_download_sounds 1
allow_download_models 1
allow_download_skins 1
allow_download 1
// generated
hostname ""
admin_password ""
mvdport 28000
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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
maxclients 100
maxservers 100
floodprot 4 2 2
allow_http 1
allow_download_other 1
allow_download_demos 1
allow_download_maps 1
allow_download_sounds 1
allow_download_models 1
allow_download_skins 1
allow_download 1
// generated
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
// set net_ip // specify IP-address listen to (default: all IPs)^M
set sys_readstdin 0 // allows qwfwd to run in background^M
// set developer // enabled developer (0=off, 1=enabled)^M
set masters master.quakeservers.net:27000 qwmaster.ocrana.de:27000 master.quakeworld.nu:27000 qwmaster.fodquake.net:27000^M
set masters_heartbeat 1 // allow sending heartbeats to masters (0=off, 1=enabled)^M
set masters_query 1 // query the master server list (0=off, 1=enabled)^M
// generated^M
set hostname "GibCasa FFA EU-DE QWfwd"
set net_port 30000
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
// set net_ip // specify IP-address listen to (default: all IPs)
set sys_readstdin 0 // allows qwfwd to run in background
// set developer // enabled developer (0=off, 1=enabled)
set masters master.quakeservers.net:27000 qwmaster.ocrana.de:27000 master.quakeworld.nu:27000 qwmaster.fodquake.net:27000
set masters_heartbeat 1 // allow sending heartbeats to masters (0=off, 1=enabled)
set masters_query 1 // query the master server list (0=off, 1=enabled)
// generated
Reference in New Issue
Block a user