# IRC Web Registration ## Version 1 The v1 of this concept can be referenced in the [old and *not updated* README](https://git.com.de/LibertaCasa/webreg/src/branch/master/README.old.md) The v1.1 enhancements added by [Georg Pfuetzenreuter](https://git.com.de/Georg) implements support for additional SSO integration to our KeyCloak setup. It also works-in SSL support. This webform available [here](https://liberta.casa/register) is purely demonstrative and does not successfully `POST` user data ## Introduction This is a basic still WIP overhaul framework for registering an account on an ircd using a webform that is referenced above. ## Features - It relies on the draft IRCv3 spec [draft/account-registration](https://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/account-registration.html) - It utilizes the flask framework and `WEBIRC` to relay remote host ip address. - Can be tweaked to allow registration attempts from exit-nodes and other unsavory hosts allowing them to securely work with the `require-sasl` constraint if needed. ## Requirements This will work with python3.6 and above. It is recommended to work within a virtual environment. 1. `mkdir ircwebreg && cd ircwebreg` 2. Clone this repository. 3. `python3 -m venv venv` 4. `source venv/bin/activate` 5. `pip install -r requirements.txt` ## Installation and Setup Todo! Refer to the issues and the __Milestones__ and __Projects__ for more ### Note Only works with setups not requiring verification at this moment as stated in #4