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synced 2024-12-26 04:42:37 +01:00
In the current state, the alertmanager-irc-relay already sends minutely IRC PINGs. This allows to check the IRC connection's health in protocol without having to deal with specific TCP settings. However, even when we are sending those PINGs, we don't process the server's PONGs or their absence. On one of my alertmanager-irc-relay instances, the time between the last received PONG and the TCP read to fail was round about fifteen minutes. All this time, the connection was already dead, but there was no attempt to reestablish it. The introduces changes keep book on the last received PONG and fails if there was no new PONG within twice the pingFrequencySecs time. When establishing a new connection during the SetupPhase, the current time will be set as the last PONG's time to reset the time comparison.
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382 lines
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// Copyright 2018 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package main
import (
irc "github.com/fluffle/goirc/client"
const (
connectionTimeoutSecs = 30
nickservWaitSecs = 10
ircConnectMaxBackoffSecs = 300
ircConnectBackoffResetSecs = 1800
var (
ircConnectedGauge = promauto.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "irc_connected",
Help: "Whether the IRC connection is established",
ircSentMsgs = promauto.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "irc_sent_msgs",
Help: "Number of IRC messages sent"},
ircSendMsgErrors = promauto.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "irc_send_msg_errors",
Help: "Errors while sending IRC messages"},
[]string{"ircchannel", "error"},
func loggerHandler(_ *irc.Conn, line *irc.Line) {
logging.Info("Received: '%s'", line.Raw)
func makeGOIRCConfig(config *Config) *irc.Config {
ircConfig := irc.NewConfig(config.IRCNick)
ircConfig.Me.Ident = config.IRCNick
ircConfig.Me.Name = config.IRCRealName
ircConfig.Server = strings.Join(
[]string{config.IRCHost, strconv.Itoa(config.IRCPort)}, ":")
ircConfig.Pass = config.IRCHostPass
ircConfig.SSL = config.IRCUseSSL
ircConfig.SSLConfig = &tls.Config{
ServerName: config.IRCHost,
InsecureSkipVerify: !config.IRCVerifySSL,
ircConfig.PingFreq = time.Duration(config.IRCPingSecs) * time.Second
ircConfig.Timeout = connectionTimeoutSecs * time.Second
ircConfig.NewNick = func(n string) string { return n + "^" }
return ircConfig
type IRCNotifier struct {
// Nick stores the nickname specified in the config, because irc.Client
// might change its copy.
Nick string
NickPassword string
NickservName string
NickservIdentifyPatterns []string
// As the goirc library might alter the irc.Config created by makeGOIRCConfig,
// we might also want to keep a reference to the original Config to restore
// the desired state.
Config *Config
IrcConfig *irc.Config
Client *irc.Conn
AlertMsgs chan AlertMsg
// irc.Conn has a Connected() method that can tell us wether the TCP
// connection is up, and thus if we should trigger connect/disconnect.
// We need to track the session establishment also at a higher level to
// understand when the server has accepted us and thus when we can join
// channels, send notices, etc.
sessionUp bool
sessionUpSignal chan bool
sessionDownSignal chan bool
sessionPongSignal chan bool
sessionPingOnce sync.Once
sessionLastPong time.Time
sessionWg sync.WaitGroup
channelReconciler *ChannelReconciler
UsePrivmsg bool
NickservDelayWait time.Duration
BackoffCounter Delayer
timeTeller TimeTeller
func NewIRCNotifier(config *Config, alertMsgs chan AlertMsg, delayerMaker DelayerMaker, timeTeller TimeTeller) (*IRCNotifier, error) {
ircConfig := makeGOIRCConfig(config)
client := irc.Client(ircConfig)
backoffCounter := delayerMaker.NewDelayer(
ircConnectMaxBackoffSecs, ircConnectBackoffResetSecs,
channelReconciler := NewChannelReconciler(config, client, delayerMaker, timeTeller)
notifier := &IRCNotifier{
Nick: config.IRCNick,
NickPassword: config.IRCNickPass,
NickservName: config.NickservName,
NickservIdentifyPatterns: config.NickservIdentifyPatterns,
Config: config,
IrcConfig: ircConfig,
Client: client,
AlertMsgs: alertMsgs,
sessionUpSignal: make(chan bool),
sessionDownSignal: make(chan bool),
sessionPongSignal: make(chan bool),
channelReconciler: channelReconciler,
UsePrivmsg: config.UsePrivmsg,
NickservDelayWait: nickservWaitSecs * time.Second,
BackoffCounter: backoffCounter,
timeTeller: timeTeller,
return notifier, nil
func (n *IRCNotifier) registerHandlers() {
func(*irc.Conn, *irc.Line) {
logging.Info("Session established")
n.sessionUpSignal <- true
func(*irc.Conn, *irc.Line) {
logging.Info("Disconnected from IRC")
n.sessionDownSignal <- false
func(_ *irc.Conn, line *irc.Line) {
n.HandleNotice(line.Nick, line.Text())
func(_ *irc.Conn, line *irc.Line) {
n.sessionPongSignal <- true
for _, event := range []string{"433"} {
n.Client.HandleFunc(event, loggerHandler)
func (n *IRCNotifier) HandleNotice(nick string, msg string) {
logging.Info("Received NOTICE from %s: %s", nick, msg)
if strings.ToLower(nick) == "nickserv" {
func (n *IRCNotifier) HandleNickservMsg(msg string) {
if n.NickPassword == "" {
logging.Debug("Skip processing NickServ request, no password configured")
// Remove most common formatting options from NickServ messages
cleaner := strings.NewReplacer(
"\001", "", // bold
"\002", "", // faint
"\004", "", // underline
"\037", "", // underline
cleanedMsg := cleaner.Replace(msg)
for _, identifyPattern := range n.NickservIdentifyPatterns {
logging.Debug("Checking if NickServ message matches identify request '%s'", identifyPattern)
if strings.Contains(cleanedMsg, identifyPattern) {
logging.Info("Handling NickServ request to IDENTIFY")
n.Client.Privmsgf(n.NickservName, "IDENTIFY %s", n.NickPassword)
func (n *IRCNotifier) MaybeGhostNick() {
if n.NickPassword == "" {
logging.Debug("Skip GHOST check, no password configured")
currentNick := n.Client.Me().Nick
if currentNick != n.Nick {
logging.Info("My nick is '%s', sending GHOST to NickServ to get '%s'",
currentNick, n.Nick)
n.Client.Privmsgf(n.NickservName, "GHOST %s %s", n.Nick,
logging.Info("Changing nick to '%s'", n.Nick)
func (n *IRCNotifier) MaybeWaitForNickserv() {
if n.NickPassword == "" {
logging.Debug("Skip NickServ wait, no password configured")
// Very lazy/optimistic, but this is good enough for my irssi config,
// so it should work here as well.
logging.Info("Waiting for NickServ to notice us and issue an identify request")
func (n *IRCNotifier) ChannelJoined(ctx context.Context, channel string) bool {
isJoined, waitJoined := n.channelReconciler.JoinChannel(channel)
if isJoined {
return true
select {
case <-waitJoined:
return true
case <-n.timeTeller.After(ircJoinWaitSecs * time.Second):
logging.Warn("Channel %s not joined after %d seconds, giving bad news to caller", channel, ircJoinWaitSecs)
return false
case <-ctx.Done():
logging.Info("Context canceled while waiting for join on channel %s", channel)
return false
func (n *IRCNotifier) SendAlertMsg(ctx context.Context, alertMsg *AlertMsg) {
if !n.sessionUp {
logging.Error("Cannot send alert to %s : IRC not connected", alertMsg.Channel)
ircSendMsgErrors.WithLabelValues(alertMsg.Channel, "not_connected").Inc()
if !n.ChannelJoined(ctx, alertMsg.Channel) {
logging.Error("Cannot send alert to %s : cannot join channel", alertMsg.Channel)
ircSendMsgErrors.WithLabelValues(alertMsg.Channel, "not_joined").Inc()
if n.UsePrivmsg {
n.Client.Privmsg(alertMsg.Channel, alertMsg.Alert)
} else {
n.Client.Notice(alertMsg.Channel, alertMsg.Alert)
func (n *IRCNotifier) ShutdownPhase() {
if n.sessionUp {
logging.Info("IRC client connected, quitting")
n.Client.Quit("see ya")
logging.Info("Wait for IRC disconnect to complete")
select {
case <-n.sessionDownSignal:
case <-n.sessionPongSignal:
case <-n.timeTeller.After(n.Client.Config().Timeout):
logging.Warn("Timeout while waiting for IRC disconnect to complete, stopping anyway")
logging.Info("IRC shutdown complete")
func (n *IRCNotifier) ConnectedPhase(ctx context.Context) {
select {
case alertMsg := <-n.AlertMsgs:
n.SendAlertMsg(ctx, &alertMsg)
case <-n.sessionPongSignal:
logging.Debug("Received a PONG message; prev PONG was at %v", n.sessionLastPong)
n.sessionLastPong = time.Now()
case <-time.After(2*n.IrcConfig.PingFreq - time.Since(n.sessionLastPong)):
// Calling n.Client.Close() will trigger n.sessionDownSignal. However, as
// this also dispatches a hook, which we will catch as sessionDownSignal,
// this needs to be done in a concurrent fashion if we don't want to
// deadlock ourself.
// Furthermore, as this time.After(...) interval is now zero, it will also
// trigger when visiting this select the next time. To mitigate multiple
// Close() calls, it is wrapped within an sync.Once which will be reset
// during SetupPhase's sessionUpSignal.
n.sessionPingOnce.Do(func() {
logging.Error("Haven't received a PONG after twice the PING period")
go n.Client.Close()
case <-n.sessionDownSignal:
n.sessionUp = false
n.Client.Quit("see ya")
case <-ctx.Done():
logging.Info("IRC routine asked to terminate")
func (n *IRCNotifier) SetupPhase(ctx context.Context) {
if !n.Client.Connected() {
if n.IrcConfig.Me.Ident != n.Config.IRCNick {
logging.Debug("Restoring IRC nick from %s to %s", n.IrcConfig.Me.Ident, n.Config.IRCNick)
n.IrcConfig.Me.Ident = n.Config.IRCNick
logging.Info("Connecting to IRC %s", n.Client.Config().Server)
if ok := n.BackoffCounter.DelayContext(ctx); !ok {
if err := n.Client.ConnectContext(WithWaitGroup(ctx, &n.sessionWg)); err != nil {
logging.Error("Could not connect to IRC: %s", err)
logging.Info("Connected to IRC server, waiting to establish session")
select {
case <-n.sessionUpSignal:
n.sessionUp = true
n.sessionPingOnce = sync.Once{}
n.sessionLastPong = time.Now()
case <-n.sessionDownSignal:
logging.Warn("Receiving a session down before the session is up, this is odd")
case <-n.sessionPongSignal:
logging.Warn("Receiving a PONG before the session is up, this is odd")
case <-ctx.Done():
logging.Info("IRC routine asked to terminate")
func (n *IRCNotifier) Run(ctx context.Context, stopWg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer stopWg.Done()
for ctx.Err() != context.Canceled {
if !n.sessionUp {
} else {