diff --git a/pysychonaut/___init__.py b/pysychonaut/___init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb4249d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pysychonaut/___init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+import requests
+from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
+import random
+import json
+__author__ = "jarbasAI"
+class Erowid(object):
+ drug_slang = {
+ 'marijuana': "thc", 'hashish': "thc", 'hash': "thc", 'weed': "thc",
+ 'marijjuana': "thc", 'cannabis': "thc", 'benzo fury': '6-apb', 'l': 'lsd',
+ 'x': 'mdma', 'speed': 'amphetamine', 'pepper oil': 'capsaicin', 'cpp': 'piperazines',
+ 'blow': 'cocaine', 'foxy': '5-meo-dipt', 'symmetry': 'salvinorin b ethoxymethyl ether',
+ 'nexus': '2c-b', 'tea': 'caffeine', 'robo': 'dxm', ' tussin': 'dxm',
+ 'methylethyltryptamine': 'met', 'it-290': 'amt', 'jwh-018': 'cannabinoids',
+ 'coffee': 'caffeine', 'mpa': 'methiopropamine', 'ergine': 'lsa',
+ 'harmine': 'harmala', 'mxe': 'methoxetamine',
+ '4-ho-met; metocin; methylcybin': '4-hydroxy-met', 'mdea': 'mde',
+ 'elavil': 'amitriptyline', 'bk-mdma': 'methylone', 'eve': 'mde',
+ 'a2': 'piperazines', 'dimitri': 'dmt', 'plant food': 'mdpv', 'dr. bob': 'dob', 'doctor bob': 'dob',
+ 'mini thins': 'ephedrine', 'meth': 'methamphetamines', 'acid': 'lsd',
+ 'etc.': 'nbome', ' wine': 'alcohol', 'toad venom': 'bufotenin', ' methyl-j': 'mbdb',
+ 'krokodil': 'desomorphine', ' 5-hydroxy-dmt': 'bufotenin', ' 3-cpp': 'mcpp',
+ 'special k': 'ketamine', 'ice': 'methamphetamines',
+ 'nrg-1': 'mdpv', ' gravel': 'alpha-pvp', 'whippits': 'nitrous', 'g': 'ghb',
+ 'k': 'ketamine', ' harmaline': 'harmala', 'bob': 'dob', '4-ace': '4-acetoxy-dipt',
+ 'quaaludes': 'methaqualone', ' opium': 'opiates', 'u4ea': '4-methylaminorex',
+ 'meopp': 'piperazines', 'methcathinone': 'cathinone', 'horse': 'heroin',
+ 'haoma': 'harmala', 'unknown': '"spice" product', '4-b': '1,4-butanediol',
+ 'naptha': 'petroleum ether', 'beer': 'alcohol', 'bees': '2c-b',
+ '2c-bromo-fly': '2c-b-fly', 'flatliner': '4-mta', 'orexins': 'hypocretin',
+ "meduna's mixture": 'carbogen', 'bdo': '1,4-butanediol',
+ 'fatal meperedine-analog contaminant': 'mptp', 'piperazine': 'bzp', '4-ma': 'pma',
+ 'paramethoxyamphetamine': 'pma', 'eden': 'mbdb', 'theobromine': 'chocolate',
+ 'la-111': 'lsa', 'lysergamide': 'lsa', 'yaba': 'methamphetamines',
+ 'ethyl cat': 'ethylcathinone', 'stp': 'dom', '2c-c-nbome': 'nbome',
+ 'morphine': 'opiates', 'flakka': 'alpha-pvp', 'yage': 'ayahuasca',
+ 'ecstasy': 'mdma', 'ludes': 'methaqualone', 'golden eagle': '4-mta',
+ '4-mma': 'pmma', 'o-dms': '5-meo-amt', 'liquor': 'alcohol',
+ 'mephedrone': '4-methylmethcathinone', '1': '1,4-butanediol', 'phencyclidine': 'pcp',
+ 'crystal': 'methamphetamines', 'pink adrenaline': 'adrenochrome',
+ '4-mec': '4-methylethcathinone', 'green fairy': 'absinthe', 'laa': 'lsa',
+ 'cp 47': 'cannabinoids', 'paramethoxymethylamphetamine': 'pmma',
+ '5-meo': '5-meo-dmt', 'alpha': '5-meo-amt', 'mescaline-nbome': 'nbome',
+ '25c-nbome': '2c-c-nbome', 'flephedrone': '4-fluoromethcathinone',
+ 'bzp': 'piperazines', 'codeine': 'opiates', 'foxy methoxy': '5-meo-dipt',
+ '25i-nbome': '2c-i-nbome', '3c-bromo-dragonfly': 'bromo-dragonfly', 'mdai': 'mdai',
+ 'tfmpp': 'piperazines'
+ }
+ @staticmethod
+ def extract_experience_text(text):
+ try:
+ begin_delimiter = ''
+ begin = text.index(begin_delimiter) + len(begin_delimiter)
+ end = text.index('')
+ return text[begin:end].strip().replace("
", "\n").replace("
", "\n").replace("\n\n", " ").replace("
", "\n")
+ except ValueError:
+ return ''
+ @staticmethod
+ def _extract_list(base_url):
+ response = requests.get(base_url).text
+ soup = BeautifulSoup(response, "lxml")
+ table = soup.find('table', {'class': 'topic-chart-surround'})
+ categories = table.find_all("tr", {'class': 'topic-surround'})[1:]
+ fields = []
+ for cat in categories:
+ chem_data = {}
+ name = cat.find("td", {'class': 'topic-name'})
+ chem_data["url"] = base_url + name.find("a")["href"]
+ chem_data["name"] = name.getText().strip().lower()
+ chem_data["other_names"] = cat.find("td", {'class': 'topic-common'}).getText().strip().lower()
+ chem_data["effects"] = cat.find("td", {'class': 'topic-desc'}).getText().strip().lower()
+ fields.append(chem_data)
+ return fields
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_experience(exp_id):
+ base_url = 'https://erowid.org/experiences/exp.php'
+ url = base_url+"?ID="+str(exp_id)
+ data = {"exp_id": exp_id, "url": url}
+ try:
+ response = requests.get(url).text
+ experience = Erowid.extract_experience_text(response)
+ soup = BeautifulSoup(response, "lxml")
+ name = soup.find('div', {'class': 'title'}).getText().strip()
+ author = soup.find('div', {'class': 'author'}).getText().strip()
+ drug = soup.find('div', {'class': 'substance'}).getText().strip().lower().replace("/", ", ")
+ experience_data = soup.find('table', {'class': 'footdata'}).getText().strip().lower().split("\n")
+ data["name"] = name
+ data["author"] = author
+ data["substance"] = drug
+ data["experience"] = experience
+ data["year"] = experience_data[0].split("expid:")[0].replace("exp year: ", "").strip()
+ data["gender"] = experience_data[1].replace("gender: ", "").strip()
+ data["age"] = experience_data[2].replace("age at time of experience: ", "").strip()
+ data["date"] = experience_data[3].replace("published: ", "").split("views:")[0].strip()
+ data["dosage"] = []
+ dosage_table = soup.find('table', {'class': 'dosechart'})
+ ts = dosage_table.find_all("td", {'align': 'right'})
+ ammount = dosage_table.find_all("td", {'class': 'dosechart-amount'})
+ method = dosage_table.find_all("td", {'class': 'dosechart-method'})
+ substance= dosage_table.find_all("td", {'class': 'dosechart-substance'})
+ form = dosage_table.find_all("td", {'class': 'dosechart-form'})
+ for i in range(len(ts)):
+ dosage_data = {}
+ dosage_data["time"] = ts[i].getText().lower().replace("dose:", "").strip()
+ dosage_data["ammount"] = ammount[i].getText().strip().lower()
+ dosage_data["method"] = method[i].getText().strip().lower()
+ dosage_data["substance"] = substance[i].getText().strip().lower()
+ dosage_data["form"] = form[i].getText().strip().lower()
+ data["dosage"].append(dosage_data)
+ except Exception as e:
+ return None
+ return data
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_categories():
+ base_url = 'https://erowid.org/experiences/exp_list.shtml'
+ response = requests.get(base_url).text
+ categories = []
+ for sub in response.split("")]
+ categories.append(sub)
+ return categories
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_pharms():
+ base_url = 'https://erowid.org/pharms/'
+ return Erowid._extract_list(base_url)
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_chemicals():
+ base_url = 'https://erowid.org/chemicals/'
+ return Erowid._extract_list(base_url)
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_plants():
+ base_url = 'https://erowid.org/plants/'
+ return Erowid._extract_list(base_url)
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_herbs():
+ base_url = 'https://erowid.org/herbs/'
+ return Erowid._extract_list(base_url)
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_smarts():
+ base_url = 'https://erowid.org/smarts/'
+ return Erowid._extract_list(base_url)
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_animals():
+ base_url = 'https://erowid.org/animals/'
+ return Erowid._extract_list(base_url)
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse_page(url):
+ base_url = url
+ if ".shtml" in base_url:
+ base_url = "/".join(base_url.split("/")[:-1]) + "/"
+ data = {"url": base_url}
+ response = requests.get(url).text
+ soup = BeautifulSoup(response, "lxml")
+ data["name"] = soup.find('div', {'class': 'title-section'}).getText().strip().lower()
+ picture = soup.find('div', {'class': "summary-card-topic-image"}).find("img")
+ if picture:
+ picture = base_url + picture["src"]
+ else:
+ picture = ""
+ data["picture"] = picture
+ data["other_names"] = [n.strip().lower() for n in soup.find('div', {'class': 'sum-common-name'}).getText().split(";")]
+ data["description"] = soup.find('div', {'class': "sum-description"}).getText()
+ info = soup.find('div', {'class': "summary-card-icon-surround"}).find_all("a")
+ urls = {}
+ for i in info:
+ url = base_url + i["href"]
+ name = i.find("img")["alt"].strip().lower()
+ urls[name] = url
+ data["info"] = urls
+ if "/chem" in url or "/pharms" in url or "/smarts" in url:
+ data["chem_name"] = soup.find('div', {'class': "sum-chem-name"}).getText()
+ data["effects"] = soup.find('div', {'class': "sum-effects"}).getText()
+ elif "/animals" in url or "/plants" in url:
+ animal_data = soup.find_all('div', {'class': "fgs-row"})
+ data["family"] = animal_data[0].find('div', {'class': "family"}).getText()
+ data["genus"] = animal_data[1].find('div', {'class': "genus"}).getText()
+ data["species"] = animal_data[2].find('div', {'class': "species"}).getText()
+ data["effects"] = soup.find('div', {'class': "sum-effects"}).getText()
+ elif "/herbs" in url:
+ animal_data = soup.find_all('div', {'class': "fgs-row"})
+ data["family"] = animal_data[0].find('div', {'class': "family"}).getText()
+ data["genus"] = animal_data[1].find('div', {'class': "genus"}).getText()
+ data["species"] = animal_data[2].find('div', {'class': "species"}).getText()
+ data["uses"] = soup.find('div', {'class': "sum-uses"}).getText()
+ return data
+ @staticmethod
+ def random_experience():
+ exp = None
+ while exp is None:
+ exp = Erowid.get_experience(random.randint(1, 111451))
+ return exp
+ @staticmethod
+ def search_reports(search_term, order="substance"):
+ base_url = "https://erowid.org/experiences/"
+ search_term = search_term.replace(" ", "+")
+ url = base_url + "exp.cgi?Str=" + search_term
+ if order == "substance":
+ url += "&OldSort=SA"
+ elif order in ["date", "recent"]:
+ url += "&OldSort=PDD"
+ elif order in ["old", "older", "oldest"]:
+ url += "&OldSort=PDA"
+ elif order in ["rating"]:
+ url += "&OldSort=RA"
+ elif order is not None:
+ url += "&OldSort=" + order
+ response = requests.get(url).text
+ soup = BeautifulSoup(response, "lxml")
+ table = soup.find('table', {'class': "exp-list-table"})
+ table = table.find_all("tr", {'class': ""})[2:]
+ reports = []
+ for r in table:
+ report = {}
+ fields = r.find_all("td")[1:]
+ report["name"] = fields[0].getText()
+ report["author"] = fields[1].getText()
+ report["substance"] = fields[2].getText()
+ report["date"] = fields[3].getText()
+ report["url"] = base_url + r.find("a")["href"]
+ report["exp_id"] = report["url"].split("=")[1]
+ reports.append(report)
+ return reports
+class PsychonautWiki(object):
+ drug_slang = {
+ 'marijuana': "thc", 'hashish': "thc", 'hash': "thc", 'weed': "thc",
+ 'marijjuana': "thc", 'cannabis': "thc", 'benzo fury': '6-apb', 'l': 'lsd',
+ 'x': 'mdma', 'speed': 'amphetamine', 'pepper oil': 'capsaicin', 'cpp': 'piperazines',
+ 'blow': 'cocaine', 'foxy': '5-meo-dipt', 'symmetry': 'salvinorin b ethoxymethyl ether',
+ 'nexus': '2c-b', 'tea': 'caffeine', 'robo': 'dxm', ' tussin': 'dxm',
+ 'methylethyltryptamine': 'met', 'it-290': 'amt', 'jwh-018': 'cannabinoids',
+ 'coffee': 'caffeine', 'mpa': 'methiopropamine', 'ergine': 'lsa',
+ 'harmine': 'harmala', 'mxe': 'methoxetamine',
+ '4-ho-met; metocin; methylcybin': '4-hydroxy-met', 'mdea': 'mde',
+ 'elavil': 'amitriptyline', 'bk-mdma': 'methylone', 'eve': 'mde',
+ 'a2': 'piperazines', 'dimitri': 'dmt', 'plant food': 'mdpv', 'dr. bob': 'dob', 'doctor bob': 'dob',
+ 'mini thins': 'ephedrine', 'meth': 'methamphetamines', 'acid': 'lsd',
+ 'etc.': 'nbome', ' wine': 'alcohol', 'toad venom': 'bufotenin', ' methyl-j': 'mbdb',
+ 'krokodil': 'desomorphine', ' 5-hydroxy-dmt': 'bufotenin', ' 3-cpp': 'mcpp',
+ 'special k': 'ketamine', 'ice': 'methamphetamines',
+ 'nrg-1': 'mdpv', ' gravel': 'alpha-pvp', 'whippits': 'nitrous', 'g': 'ghb',
+ 'k': 'ketamine', ' harmaline': 'harmala', 'bob': 'dob', '4-ace': '4-acetoxy-dipt',
+ 'quaaludes': 'methaqualone', ' opium': 'opiates', 'u4ea': '4-methylaminorex',
+ 'meopp': 'piperazines', 'methcathinone': 'cathinone', 'horse': 'heroin',
+ 'haoma': 'harmala', 'unknown': '"spice" product', '4-b': '1,4-butanediol',
+ 'naptha': 'petroleum ether', 'beer': 'alcohol', 'bees': '2c-b',
+ '2c-bromo-fly': '2c-b-fly', 'flatliner': '4-mta', 'orexins': 'hypocretin',
+ "meduna's mixture": 'carbogen', 'bdo': '1,4-butanediol',
+ 'fatal meperedine-analog contaminant': 'mptp', 'piperazine': 'bzp', '4-ma': 'pma',
+ 'paramethoxyamphetamine': 'pma', 'eden': 'mbdb', 'theobromine': 'chocolate',
+ 'la-111': 'lsa', 'lysergamide': 'lsa', 'yaba': 'methamphetamines',
+ 'ethyl cat': 'ethylcathinone', 'stp': 'dom', '2c-c-nbome': 'nbome',
+ 'morphine': 'opiates', 'flakka': 'alpha-pvp', 'yage': 'ayahuasca',
+ 'ecstasy': 'mdma', 'ludes': 'methaqualone', 'golden eagle': '4-mta',
+ '4-mma': 'pmma', 'o-dms': '5-meo-amt', 'liquor': 'alcohol',
+ 'mephedrone': '4-methylmethcathinone', '1': '1,4-butanediol', 'phencyclidine': 'pcp',
+ 'crystal': 'methamphetamines', 'pink adrenaline': 'adrenochrome',
+ '4-mec': '4-methylethcathinone', 'green fairy': 'absinthe', 'laa': 'lsa',
+ 'cp 47': 'cannabinoids', 'paramethoxymethylamphetamine': 'pmma',
+ '5-meo': '5-meo-dmt', 'alpha': '5-meo-amt', 'mescaline-nbome': 'nbome',
+ '25c-nbome': '2c-c-nbome', 'flephedrone': '4-fluoromethcathinone',
+ 'bzp': 'piperazines', 'codeine': 'opiates', 'foxy methoxy': '5-meo-dipt',
+ '25i-nbome': '2c-i-nbome', '3c-bromo-dragonfly': 'bromo-dragonfly', 'mdai': 'mdai',
+ 'tfmpp': 'piperazines'}
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.substance_list = self.get_substance_list()
+ self.substances = self.get_substance_data()
+ def extract_substance_name(self, sentence):
+ words = sentence.lower().split(" ")
+ found = False
+ # check for drug slang names
+ for substance in self.drug_slang:
+ substance = substance.lower()
+ name = self.drug_slang[substance].strip()
+ for idx, word in enumerate(words):
+ if substance == word:
+ found = name
+ break
+ # check substance list
+ for substance in self.substance_list:
+ substance = substance.lower()
+ for idx, word in enumerate(words):
+ if substance == word:
+ found = substance
+ break
+ if found:
+ # match case, psychonaut wiki doesn't like lower-case
+ subs = self.substance_list
+ substances = [s.lower() for s in subs]
+ substance = found.lower()
+ if substance in substances:
+ found = subs[substances.index(substance)]
+ return found
+ def search_psychonaut_wiki(self, substance):
+ s = self.extract_substance_name(substance)
+ if not s:
+ print("Warning, this query does not seem to contain a valid substance name")
+ else:
+ substance = s
+ url = "https://api.psychonautwiki.org/?query=%7B%0A%20%20%20%20substances(query%3A%20%22" + substance + "%22)%20%7B%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20name%0A%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%23%20routes%20of%20administration%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20roas%20%7B%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20name%0A%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20dose%20%7B%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20units%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20threshold%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20heavy%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20common%20%7B%20min%20max%20%7D%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20light%20%7B%20min%20max%20%7D%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20strong%20%7B%20min%20max%20%7D%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%7D%0A%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20duration%20%7B%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20afterglow%20%7B%20min%20max%20units%20%7D%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20comeup%20%7B%20min%20max%20units%20%7D%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20duration%20%7B%20min%20max%20units%20%7D%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20offset%20%7B%20min%20max%20units%20%7D%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20onset%20%7B%20min%20max%20units%20%7D%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20peak%20%7B%20min%20max%20units%20%7D%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20total%20%7B%20min%20max%20units%20%7D%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%7D%0A%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20bioavailability%20%7B%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20min%20max%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%7D%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%7D%0A%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%23%20subjective%20effects%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20effects%20%7B%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20name%20url%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%7D%0A%20%20%20%20%7D%0A%7D"
+ return json.loads(requests.get(url).text)["data"]
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_substance_list():
+ base_url = "https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Summary_index"
+ response = requests.get(base_url).text
+ soup = BeautifulSoup(response, "lxml")
+ table = soup.findAll('div', {'class': 'panel radius'})
+ substances = []
+ for panel in table:
+ subs = panel.find_all("li", {"class": "featured list-item"})
+ for s in subs:
+ subcat = s.find("span", {"class": "mw-headline"})
+ i = 0
+ if subcat is not None:
+ subcat = subcat.getText()
+ s = s.find_all("a")
+ if subcat is not None and s[0].getText() == subcat:
+ i = 1
+ for substance in s[i:]:
+ sub_name = substance.getText().replace("/Summary", "").replace("(page does not exist)", "").strip()
+ substances.append(sub_name)
+ return substances
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_substance_data():
+ base_url = "https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Summary_index"
+ response = requests.get(base_url).text
+ soup = BeautifulSoup(response, "lxml")
+ table = soup.findAll('div', {'class': 'panel radius'})
+ substances = {}
+ for panel in table:
+ categorie = panel.find('span', {'class': 'mw-headline'})
+ name = categorie["id"]
+ try:
+ url = "https://psychonautwiki.org/" + categorie.find("a")["href"]
+ except:
+ url = None
+ if name not in substances:
+ substances[name] = {"url": url}
+ subs = panel.find_all("li", {"class": "featured list-item"})
+ for s in subs:
+ subcat = s.find("span", {"class": "mw-headline"})
+ i = 0
+ if subcat is not None:
+ subcat = subcat.getText()
+ substances[name][subcat] = {}
+ s = s.find_all("a")
+ if subcat is not None and s[0].getText() == subcat:
+ try:
+ url = "https://psychonautwiki.org/" + s[0]["href"]
+ except:
+ url = None
+ i = 1
+ substances[name][subcat]["url"] = url
+ for substance in s[i:]:
+ sub_name = substance.getText().replace("/Summary", "").replace("(page does not exist)", "").strip()
+ if subcat:
+ substances[name][subcat][sub_name] = "https://psychonautwiki.org/" + substance["href"]
+ else:
+ substances[name][sub_name] = "https://psychonautwiki.org/" + substance["href"]
+ return substances
+class AskTheCaterpillar(object):
+ drug_slang = {
+ 'marijuana': "thc", 'hashish': "thc", 'hash': "thc", 'weed': "thc",
+ 'marijjuana': "thc", 'cannabis': "thc", 'benzo fury': '6-apb', 'l': 'lsd',
+ 'x': 'mdma', 'speed': 'amphetamine', 'pepper oil': 'capsaicin', 'cpp': 'piperazines',
+ 'blow': 'cocaine', 'foxy': '5-meo-dipt', 'symmetry': 'salvinorin b ethoxymethyl ether',
+ 'nexus': '2c-b', 'tea': 'caffeine', 'robo': 'dxm', ' tussin': 'dxm',
+ 'methylethyltryptamine': 'met', 'it-290': 'amt', 'jwh-018': 'cannabinoids',
+ 'coffee': 'caffeine', 'mpa': 'methiopropamine', 'ergine': 'lsa',
+ 'harmine': 'harmala', 'mxe': 'methoxetamine',
+ '4-ho-met; metocin; methylcybin': '4-hydroxy-met', 'mdea': 'mde',
+ 'elavil': 'amitriptyline', 'bk-mdma': 'methylone', 'eve': 'mde',
+ 'a2': 'piperazines', 'dimitri': 'dmt', 'plant food': 'mdpv', 'dr. bob': 'dob',
+ 'doctor bob': 'dob',
+ 'mini thins': 'ephedrine', 'meth': 'methamphetamines', 'acid': 'lsd',
+ 'etc.': 'nbome', ' wine': 'alcohol', 'toad venom': 'bufotenin', ' methyl-j': 'mbdb',
+ 'krokodil': 'desomorphine', ' 5-hydroxy-dmt': 'bufotenin', ' 3-cpp': 'mcpp',
+ 'special k': 'ketamine', 'ice': 'methamphetamines',
+ 'nrg-1': 'mdpv', ' gravel': 'alpha-pvp', 'whippits': 'nitrous', 'g': 'ghb',
+ 'k': 'ketamine', ' harmaline': 'harmala', 'bob': 'dob', '4-ace': '4-acetoxy-dipt',
+ 'quaaludes': 'methaqualone', ' opium': 'opiates', 'u4ea': '4-methylaminorex',
+ 'meopp': 'piperazines', 'methcathinone': 'cathinone', 'horse': 'heroin',
+ 'haoma': 'harmala', 'unknown': '"spice" product', '4-b': '1,4-butanediol',
+ 'naptha': 'petroleum ether', 'beer': 'alcohol', 'bees': '2c-b',
+ '2c-bromo-fly': '2c-b-fly', 'flatliner': '4-mta', 'orexins': 'hypocretin',
+ "meduna's mixture": 'carbogen', 'bdo': '1,4-butanediol',
+ 'fatal meperedine-analog contaminant': 'mptp', 'piperazine': 'bzp', '4-ma': 'pma',
+ 'paramethoxyamphetamine': 'pma', 'eden': 'mbdb', 'theobromine': 'chocolate',
+ 'la-111': 'lsa', 'lysergamide': 'lsa', 'yaba': 'methamphetamines',
+ 'ethyl cat': 'ethylcathinone', 'stp': 'dom', '2c-c-nbome': 'nbome',
+ 'morphine': 'opiates', 'flakka': 'alpha-pvp', 'yage': 'ayahuasca',
+ 'ecstasy': 'mdma', 'ludes': 'methaqualone', 'golden eagle': '4-mta',
+ '4-mma': 'pmma', 'o-dms': '5-meo-amt', 'liquor': 'alcohol',
+ 'mephedrone': '4-methylmethcathinone', '1': '1,4-butanediol', 'phencyclidine': 'pcp',
+ 'crystal': 'methamphetamines', 'pink adrenaline': 'adrenochrome',
+ '4-mec': '4-methylethcathinone', 'green fairy': 'absinthe', 'laa': 'lsa',
+ 'cp 47': 'cannabinoids', 'paramethoxymethylamphetamine': 'pmma',
+ '5-meo': '5-meo-dmt', 'alpha': '5-meo-amt', 'mescaline-nbome': 'nbome',
+ '25c-nbome': '2c-c-nbome', 'flephedrone': '4-fluoromethcathinone',
+ 'bzp': 'piperazines', 'codeine': 'opiates', 'foxy methoxy': '5-meo-dipt',
+ '25i-nbome': '2c-i-nbome', '3c-bromo-dragonfly': 'bromo-dragonfly', 'mdai': 'mdai',
+ 'tfmpp': 'piperazines'}
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.substance_list = PsychonautWiki.get_substance_list()
+ def fix_substance_names(self, sentence):
+ words = sentence.lower().split(" ")
+ found = False
+ # check for drug slang names
+ for substance in self.drug_slang:
+ substance = substance.lower()
+ name = self.drug_slang[substance].strip()
+ for idx, word in enumerate(words):
+ if substance == word:
+ words[idx] = name
+ found = True
+ # check substance list
+ for substance in self.substance_list:
+ substance = substance.lower()
+ for idx, word in enumerate(words):
+ if substance == word:
+ words[idx] = substance
+ found = True
+ if found:
+ return " ".join(words)
+ # probably not talking about drugs
+ return found
+ @staticmethod
+ def ask_the_caterpillar(query):
+ data = requests.post('https://www.askthecaterpillar.com/query', {"query": query})
+ data = json.loads(data.text)
+ return data["data"]["messages"][0]["content"]
diff --git a/readme.md b/readme.md
index dfb31d6..ecb1355 100644
--- a/readme.md
+++ b/readme.md
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ Unofficial python api for [Erowid](http://erowid.org/), [PsychonautWiki](http://
If you plan on scrapping erowid please read [How to Spider Erowid](https://erowid.org/general/about/about_archives1.shtml#howtospider)
-only python3 is supported starting from version 0.4.5
+only python3 is supported starting from version 0.5
-only python2 is supported previous to version 0.4.5
+only python2 is supported previous to version 0.5
## install