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# Newsboat's example config
#### always-display-description
# If set to `yes`, then the description will always be displayed even if e.g. a
# `<content:encoded>` tag has been found.
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: no
# always-display-description yes
#### always-download
# Specifies one or more feed URLs that should always be downloaded, regardless
# of their Last-Modified timestamp and ETag header. This option can be
# specified multiple times.
# Syntax: <url> [<url>...]
# Default value: n/a
# always-download "https://www.n-tv.de/23.rss"
#### article-sort-order
# The <sortfield> specifies which article property shall be used for sorting.
# Currently available are: `date`, `title`, `flags`, `author`, `link`, `guid`,
# and `random`. The optional <direction> can be either `asc` for ascending
# order, or `desc` for descending order. Note that direction does not affect
# the `random` sorting. For `date`, `desc` order is the default, i.e. `date` is
# the same as `date-desc`; for all others, `asc` is the default. Also, the
# directions for `date` are reversed: `desc` means the newest items are first,
# whereas `asc` means the oldest items are first. These inconsistencies will be
# fixed in a future major version of Newsboat.
# Syntax: <sortfield>[-<direction>]
# Default value: date-asc
# article-sort-order author-desc
#### articlelist-format
# This variable defines the format of entries in the article list. See the
# respective section in the documentation for more information on format
# strings.
# Syntax: <format>
# Default value: "%4i %f %D %6L %?T?|%-17T| ?%t"
# articlelist-format "%4i %f %D %?T?|%-17T| ?%t"
#### articlelist-title-format
# Format of the title in article list. See "Format Strings" section of Newsboat
# manual for details on available formats.
# Syntax: <format>
# Default value: "%N %V - Articles in feed '%T' (%u unread, %t total)%?F? matching filter '%F'&? - %U" (localized)
# articlelist-title-format "Articles in feed '%T' (%u unread)"
#### auto-reload
# If set to `yes`, all feeds will be automatically reloaded at start up and
# then continuously after a certain time has passed (see
# <<reload-time,`reload-time`>>). See also
# <<refresh-on-startup,`refresh-on-startup`>> to only reload the feeds at start
# up, but not continuously. Enabling
# <<suppress-first-reload,`suppress-first-reload`>> omits the reload on start
# up.
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: no
# auto-reload yes
#### bind-key
# Bind key <key> to <operation>. This means that whenever <key> is pressed,
# then <operation> is executed (if applicable in the current dialog). See
# <<_newsboat_operations>> and <<_podboat_operations>> for lists of available
# <operation> values. Optionally, you can specify a dialog. If you specify one,
# the key binding will only be added to the specified dialog. Available dialogs
# are `all` (default if none is specified), `feedlist`, `filebrowser`, `help`,
# `articlelist`, `article`, `tagselection`, `filterselection`, `urlview`,
# `podboat`, and `dirbrowser`. See also <<unbind-key,`unbind-key`>> to remove a
# key binding.
# Syntax: <key> <operation> [<dialog>]
# Default value: n/a
# bind-key ^R reload-all
#### bookmark-autopilot
# If set to `yes`, the configured bookmark command is executed without any
# further input asked from user, unless the url or the title cannot be
# found/guessed.
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: no
# bookmark-autopilot yes
#### bookmark-cmd
# If set, then <command> will be used as bookmarking plugin. See the
# documentation on bookmarking for further information.
# Syntax: <command>
# Default value: ""
# bookmark-cmd "~/bin/delicious-bookmark.sh"
#### bookmark-interactive
# If set to `yes`, then the configured bookmark command is an interactive
# program.
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: no
# bookmark-interactive yes
#### browser
# Set the browser command to use when opening an article in the browser. If the
# <<BROWSER,`BROWSER`>> environment variable is set, it will be used as the
# default browser, otherwise lynx will be used. Any occurrences of `%u` in
# <command> will be replaced by the URL being opened, enclosed in single
# quotes. Any occurrences of `%F` in <command> will be replaced by the feed's
# URL in single quotes.
# Syntax: <command>
# Default value: %BROWSER, otherwise lynx
browser "w3m %u"
#### cache-file
# This configuration option sets the cache file. This is especially useful if
# the filesystem of your home directory doesn't support proper locking (e.g.
# NFS).
# Syntax: <path>
# Default value: "~/.newsboat/cache.db" or "~/.local/share/cache.db" (see "Files" section)
# cache-file "/tmp/testcache.db"
#### cleanup-on-quit
# If set to `yes`, then the cache gets locked and superfluous feeds and items
# are removed, such as feeds that can't be found in the urls configuration file
# anymore.
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: yes
# cleanup-on-quit no
#### color
# Set the foreground color, background color and optional attributes for a
# certain element.
# Syntax: <element> <fgcolor> <bgcolor> [<attribute> ...]
# Default value: n/a
# color background white black
#### confirm-delete-all-articles
# If set to `yes`, then Newsboat will ask for confirmation whether the user
# wants to delete all articles.
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: yes
# confirm-delete-all-articles no
#### confirm-exit
# If set to `yes`, then Newsboat will ask for confirmation whether the user
# really wants to quit Newsboat.
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: no
# confirm-exit yes
#### confirm-mark-all-feeds-read
# If set to `yes`, then Newsboat will ask for confirmation whether the user
# wants to mark all feeds as read.
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: yes
# confirm-mark-all-feeds-read no
#### confirm-mark-feed-read
# If set to `yes`, then Newsboat will ask for confirmation on whether the user
# wants to mark a feed as read.
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: yes
# confirm-mark-feed-read no
#### cookie-cache
# Set a cookie cache. If set, cookies will be cached in (i.e. read from and
# written to) this file, using http://www.cookiecentral.com/faq/#3.5[Netscape
# format].
# Syntax: <path>
# Default value: ""
# cookie-cache "~/.newsboat/cookies.txt"
#### datetime-format
# This format specifies the date/time format in the article list. For a
# detailed documentation on most of the allowed formats, consult the manpage of
# strftime(3). %L is a custom format not available in strftime which lists the
# days since the article was published (e.g. "2 days ago").
# Syntax: <date/time format>
# Default value: %b %d
# datetime-format "%D, %R"
#### define-filter
# With this command, you can predefine filters, which you can later select from
# a list, and which are then applied after selection. This is especially useful
# for filters that you need often and you don't want to enter them every time
# you need them.
# Syntax: <name> <filterexpr>
# Default value: n/a
# define-filter "all feeds with 'fun' tag" "tags # \"fun\""
#### delete-read-articles-on-quit
# If set to `yes`, all read articles will be deleted when quiting Newsboat.
# This option only applies if <<cleanup-on-quit,`cleanup-on-quit`>> is set to
# `yes` or if the `--cleanup` argument is passed.
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: no
# delete-read-articles-on-quit yes
#### dialogs-title-format
# Format of the title in dialog list. See "Format Strings" section of Newsboat
# manual for details on available formats.
# Syntax: <format>
# Default value: "%N %V - Dialogs" (localized)
# dialogs-title-format "%N %V - Dialogs"
#### dirbrowser-title-format
# Format of the title in directory browser. See "Format Strings" section of
# Newsboat manual for details on available formats.
# Syntax: <format>
# Default value: "%N %V - %?O?Open Directory&Save File? - %f" (localized)
# dirbrowser-file-format "%?O?Open Directory&Save File? - %f"
#### display-article-progress
# If set to `yes`, then a read progress (in percent) is displayed in the
# article view. Otherwise, no read progress is displayed.
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: yes
# display-article-progress no
#### download-full-page
# If set to `yes`, then for all feed items with no content but with a link, the
# link is downloaded and the result used as content instead. This may
# significantly increase the download times of "empty" feeds.
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: no
# download-full-page yes
#### download-retries
# How many times Newsboat shall try to successfully download a feed before
# giving up. This is an option to improve the success of downloads on slow and
# shaky connections such as via a TOR proxy.
# Syntax: <number>
# Default value: 1
# download-retries 4
#### download-timeout
# The number of seconds Newsboat shall wait when downloading a feed before
# giving up. This is an option to improve the success of downloads on slow and
# shaky connections such as via a TOR proxy.
# Syntax: <number>
# Default value: 30
# download-timeout 60
#### error-log
# If set, then user errors (e.g. errors regarding defunct RSS feeds) will be
# logged to this file.
# Syntax: <path>
# Default value: ""
# error-log "~/.newsboat/error.log"
#### external-url-viewer
# If set, then <<show-urls,`show-urls`>> will pipe the current article to a
# specific external tool instead of using the internal URL viewer. This can be
# used to integrate tools such as urlview.
# Syntax: <command>
# Default value: ""
external-url-viewer "urlview"
#### feed-sort-order
# The <sortfield> specifies which feed property shall be used for sorting;
# currently available are: `firsttag`, `title`, `articlecount`,
# `unreadarticlecount`, `lastupdated` and `none`. The optional <direction>
# specifies the sort direction. `asc` specifies ascending sorting, `desc`
# specifies descending sorting. `desc` is the default.
# Syntax: <sortfield>[-<direction>]
# Default value: none
# feed-sort-order firsttag
#### feedhq-flag-share
# If set and FeedHQ support is used, then all articles that are flagged with
# the specified flag are being "shared" in FeedHQ so that people that follow
# you can see it.
# Syntax: <flag>
# Default value: ""
# feedhq-flag-share "a"
#### feedhq-flag-star
# If set and FeedHQ support is used, then all articles that are flagged with
# the specified flag are being "starred" in FeedHQ and appear in the list of
# "Starred items".
# Syntax: <flag>
# Default value: ""
# feedhq-flag-star "b"
#### feedhq-login
# This variable sets your FeedHQ login for FeedHQ support.
# Syntax: <login>
# Default value: ""
# feedhq-login "your-login"
#### feedhq-min-items
# This variable sets the number of articles that are loaded from FeedHQ per
# feed.
# Syntax: <number>
# Default value: 20
# feedhq-min-items 100
#### feedhq-password
# This variable sets your FeedHQ password for FeedHQ support. Double quotes and
# backslashes within it <<#_using_double_quotes,should be escaped>>.
# Syntax: <password>
# Default value: ""
# feedhq-password "here_goesAquote:\""
#### feedhq-passwordeval
# A more secure alternative to the above, is providing your password from an
# external command that is evaluated during login. This can be used to read
# your password from a gpg encrypted file or your system keyring.
# Syntax: <command>
# Default value: ""
# feedhq-passwordeval "gpg --decrypt ~/.newsboat/feedhq-password.gpg"
#### feedhq-passwordfile
# Another alternative, by storing your plaintext password elsewhere in your
# system.
# Syntax: <path>
# Default value: ""
# feedhq-passwordfile "~/.newsboat/feedhq-pw.txt"
#### feedhq-show-special-feeds
# If set and FeedHQ support is used, then "special feeds" like "People you
# follow" (articles shared by people you follow), "Starred items" (your starred
# articles) and "Shared items" (your shared articles) appear in your
# subscription list.
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: yes
# feedhq-show-special-feeds "no"
#### feedhq-url
# Configures the URL where your FeedHQ instance resides.
# Syntax: <url>
# Default value: "https://feedhq.org/"
# feedhq-url "https://feedhq.example.com/"
#### feedlist-format
# This variable defines the format of entries in the feed list. See the
# respective section in the documentation for more information on format
# strings.
# Syntax: <format>
# Default value: "%4i %n %11u %t"
# feedlist-format " %n %4i - %11u -%> %t"
#### feedlist-title-format
# Format of the title in feed list. See "Format Strings" section of Newsboat
# manual for details on available formats.
# Syntax: <format>
# Default value: "%N %V - %?F?Feeds&Your feeds? (%u unread, %t total)%?F? matching filter '%F'&?%?T? - tag '%T'&?" (localized)
# feedlist-title-format "Feeds (%u unread, %t total)"
#### filebrowser-title-format
# Format of the title in file browser. See "Format Strings" section of Newsboat
# manual for details on available formats.
# Syntax: <format>
# Default value: "%N %V - %?O?Open File&Save File? - %f" (localized)
# filebrowser-title-format "%?O?Open File&Save File? - %f"
#### freshrss-flag-star
# If set and FreshRSS support is used, then all articles that are flagged with
# the specified flag are being "starred" in FreshRSS and appear in the list of
# "Starred items".
# Syntax: <flag>
# Default value: ""
# freshrss-flag-star "b"
#### freshrss-login
# This variable sets your FreshRSS login for FreshRSS support.
# Syntax: <login>
# Default value: ""
# freshrss-login "your-login"
#### freshrss-min-items
# This variable sets the number of articles that are loaded from FreshRSS per
# feed.
# Syntax: <number>
# Default value: 20
# freshrss-min-items 100
#### freshrss-password
# This variable sets your FreshRSS password for FreshRSS support. Double quotes
# and backslashes within it <<#_using_double_quotes,should be escaped>>.
# Syntax: <password>
# Default value: ""
# freshrss-password "here_goesAquote:\""
#### freshrss-passwordeval
# A more secure alternative to the above, is providing your password from an
# external command that is evaluated during login. This can be used to read
# your password from a gpg encrypted file or your system keyring.
# Syntax: <command>
# Default value: ""
# freshrss-passwordeval "gpg --decrypt ~/.newsboat/freshrss-password.gpg"
#### freshrss-passwordfile
# Another alternative, by storing your plaintext password elsewhere in your
# system.
# Syntax: <path>
# Default value: ""
# freshrss-passwordfile "~/.newsboat/freshrss-pw.txt"
#### freshrss-show-special-feeds
# If set and FreshRSS support is used, then a "Starred items" feed (containing
# your starred/favourited articles) appears in your subscription list.
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: yes
# freshrss-show-special-feeds "no"
#### freshrss-url
# Configures the URL for the Google Reader API endpoint of your FreshRSS
# instance.
# Syntax: <url>
# Default value: ""
# freshrss-url "https://freshrss.example.com/api/greader.php"
#### goto-first-unread
# If set to `yes`, then the first unread article will be selected whenever a
# feed is entered.
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: yes
# goto-first-unread no
#### goto-next-feed
# If set to `yes`, then the <<next-unread,next-unread>>,
# <<prev-unread,prev-unread>> and <<random-unread,random-unread>> keys will
# search in other feeds for unread articles if all articles in the current feed
# are read. If set to `no`, then these keys will stop in the current feed.
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: yes
# goto-next-feed no
#### help-title-format
# Format of the title in help window. See "Format Strings" section of Newsboat
# manual for details on available formats.
# Syntax: <format>
# Default value: "%N %V - Help" (localized)
# help-title-format "%N %V - Help"
#### highlight
# With this command, you can highlight text parts in the feed list, the article
# list and the article view.
# Syntax: <target> <regex> <fgcolor> [<bgcolor> [<attribute> ...]]
# Default value: n/a
# highlight all "newsboat" red
#### highlight-article
# With this command, you can highlight articles in the article list if they
# match a filter expression.
# Syntax: <filterexpr> <fgcolor> <bgcolor> [<attribute> ...]
# Default value: n/a
# highlight-article "author =~ \"Andreas Krennmair\"" white red bold
#### highlight-feed
# With this command, you can highlight feeds in the feed list if they match a
# filter expression.
# Syntax: <filterexpr> <fgcolor> <bgcolor> [<attribute> ...]
# Default value: n/a
# highlight-feed "unread > 100" white red bold
#### history-limit
# Defines the maximum number of entries of commandline resp. search history to
# be saved. To disable history saving, set it to 0.
# Syntax: <number>
# Default value: 100
# history-limit 0
#### html-renderer
# If set to `internal`, then the internal HTML renderer will be used.
# Otherwise, the specified command will be executed, the HTML to be rendered
# will be written to the command's stdin, and the program's output will be
# displayed. This makes it possible to use other, external programs, such as
# w3m, links or lynx, to render HTML.
# Syntax: <command>
# Default value: internal
# html-renderer "w3m -dump -T text/html"
#### http-auth-method
# Set HTTP authentication method. Allowed values: `any`, `basic`, `digest`,
# `digest_ie` (only available with libcurl 7.19.3 and newer), `gssnegotiate`,
# `ntlm` and `anysafe`.
# Syntax: <method>
# Default value: any
# http-auth-method digest
#### ignore-article
# If a downloaded article from <feed> matches <filterexpr>, then it is ignored
# and not presented to the user. This command is further explained in the "kill
# file" section below.
# Syntax: <feed> <filterexpr>
# Default value: n/a
# ignore-article "*" "title =~ \"Windows\""
#### ignore-mode
# This configuration option defines in what way an article is ignored (see
# <<ignore-article,`ignore-article`>>). If set to `download`, then it is
# ignored in the download/parsing phase and thus never written to the cache, if
# it set to `display`, it is ignored when displaying articles but is kept in
# the cache.
# Syntax: [download/display]
# Default value: download
# ignore-mode "display"
#### include
# With this command, you can include other files to be interpreted as
# configuration files. This is especially useful to separate your configuration
# into several files, e.g. key configuration, color configuration, ...
# Syntax: <path>
# Default value: n/a
# include "~/.newsboat/colors"
#### inoreader-app-id
# Unique application ID issued by Inoreader. See <<_inoreader,"Inoreader"
# section>>.
# Syntax: <string>
# Default value: ""
# inoreader-app-id "123456789"
#### inoreader-app-key
# Application key issued by Inoreader. See <<_inoreader,"Inoreader" section>>.
# Syntax: <string>
# Default value: ""
# inoreader-app-key "TmV3c2JvYXQgcm9ja3MgOikK"
#### inoreader-flag-share
# If set and Inoreader support is used, then all articles that are flagged with
# the specified flag are being "shared" in Inoreader so that people that follow
# you can see it.
# Syntax: <flag>
# Default value: ""
# inoreader-flag-share "a"
#### inoreader-flag-star
# If set and Inoreader support is used, then all articles that are flagged with
# the specified flag are being "starred" in Inoreader and appear in the list of
# "Starred items".
# Syntax: <flag>
# Default value: ""
# inoreader-flag-star "b"
#### inoreader-login
# This variable sets your Inoreader login for Inoreader support.
# Syntax: <login>
# Default value: ""
# inoreader-login "your-login"
#### inoreader-min-items
# This variable sets the number of articles that are loaded from Inoreader per
# feed.
# Syntax: <number>
# Default value: 20
# inoreader-min-items 100
#### inoreader-password
# This variable sets your Inoreader password for Inoreader support. Double
# quotes and backslashes within it <<#_using_double_quotes,should be escaped>>.
# Syntax: <password>
# Default value: ""
# inoreader-password "here_goesAquote:\""
#### inoreader-passwordeval
# A more secure alternative to the above, is providing your password from an
# external command that is evaluated during login. This can be used to read
# your password from a gpg encrypted file or your system keyring.
# Syntax: <command>
# Default value: ""
# inoreader-passwordeval "gpg --decrypt ~/.newsboat/inoreader-password.gpg"
#### inoreader-passwordfile
# Another alternative, by storing your plaintext password elsewhere in your
# system.
# Syntax: <path>
# Default value: ""
# inoreader-passwordfile "~/.newsboat/inoreader-pw.txt"
#### inoreader-show-special-feeds
# If set and Inoreader support is used, then "special feeds" like "Starred
# items" (your starred articles) and "Shared items" (your shared articles)
# appear in your subscription list.
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: yes
# inoreader-show-special-feeds "no"
#### itemview-title-format
# Format of the title in article view. See "Format Strings" section of Newsboat
# manual for details on available formats.
# Syntax: <format>
# Default value: "%N %V - Article '%T' (%u unread, %t total)" (localized)
# itemview-title-format "Article '%T'"
#### keep-articles-days
# If set to a number greater than 0, only articles that were published within
# the last <number> days are kept, and older articles are deleted. If set to 0,
# this option is not active. Note that changing this setting won't bring back
# the articles that were deleted earlier; currently, there's no non-hacky way
# to bring back deleted articles.
# Syntax: <number>
# Default value: 0
# keep-articles-days 30
#### macro
# With this command, you can define a macro key and specify a list of commands
# that shall be executed when the macro prefix and the macro key are pressed.
# Optionally, a description can be added. If present, the description is shown
# in the help form.
# Syntax: <macro key> <command list> [-- "<macro description>"]
# Default value: n/a
# macro k open; reload; quit +--+ "enter feed to reload it"
#### mark-as-read-on-hover
# If set to `yes`, then all articles that get selected in the article list are
# marked as read.
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: no
# mark-as-read-on-hover yes
#### max-browser-tabs
# Set the maximum number of articles to open in a browser when using the
# <<open-all-unread-in-browser,`open-all-unread-in-browser`>> or
# <<open-all-unread-in-browser-and-mark-read,`open-all-unread-in-browser-and-mark-read`>>
# commands.
# Syntax: <number>
# Default value: 10
# max-browser-tabs 4
#### max-download-speed
# If set to a number greater than 0, the download speed per download is set to
# that limit (in KB/s).
# Syntax: <number>
# Default value: 0
# max-download-speed 50
#### max-items
# Set the number of articles to maximally keep per feed. If the number is set
# to 0, then all articles are kept.
# Syntax: <number>
# Default value: 0
# max-items 100
#### miniflux-login
# Sets the username for use with Miniflux.
# Syntax: <username>
# Default value: ""
# miniflux-login "admin"
#### miniflux-min-items
# This variable sets the number of articles that are loaded from Miniflux per
# feed.
# Syntax: <number>
# Default value: 100
# miniflux-min-items 20
#### miniflux-password
# Configures the password for use with Miniflux. Double quotes and backslashes
# within it <<#_using_double_quotes,should be escaped>>.
# Syntax: <password>
# Default value: ""
# miniflux-password "here_goesAquote:\""
#### miniflux-passwordeval
# A more secure alternative to the above, is providing your password from an
# external command that is evaluated during login. This can be used to read
# your password from a gpg encrypted file or your system keyring.
# Syntax: <command>
# Default value: ""
# miniflux-passwordeval "gpg --decrypt ~/.newsboat/miniflux-password.gpg"
#### miniflux-passwordfile
# Another alternative, by storing your plaintext password elsewhere in your
# system.
# Syntax: <path>
# Default value: ""
# miniflux-passwordfile "~/.newsboat/miniflux-pw.txt"
#### miniflux-url
# Configures the URL where the Miniflux installation you want to use resides.
# Syntax: <url>
# Default value: ""
# miniflux-url "https://example.com/miniflux/"
#### newsblur-login
# This variable sets your NewsBlur login for NewsBlur support.
# Syntax: <login>
# Default value: ""
# newsblur-login "your-login"
#### newsblur-min-items
# This variable sets the number of articles that are loaded from NewsBlur per
# feed.
# Syntax: <number>
# Default value: 20
# newsblur-min-items 100
#### newsblur-password
# This variable sets your NewsBlur password for NewsBlur support. Double quotes
# and backslashes within it <<#_using_double_quotes,should be escaped>>.
# Syntax: <password>
# Default value: ""
# newsblur-password "here_goesAquote:\""
#### newsblur-passwordeval
# A more secure alternative to the above, is providing your password from an
# external command that is evaluated during login. This can be used to read
# your password from a gpg encrypted file or your system keyring.
# Syntax: <command>
# Default value: ""
# newsblur-passwordeval "gpg --decrypt ~/.newsboat/newsblur-password.gpg"
#### newsblur-passwordfile
# Another alternative, by storing your plaintext password elsewhere in your
# system.
# Syntax: <path>
# Default value: ""
# newsblur-passwordfile "~/.newsboat/newsblur-pw.txt"
#### newsblur-url
# Configures the URL where the NewsBlur instance resides.
# Syntax: <url>
# Default value: "https://newsblur.com"
# newsblur-url "https://localhost"
#### notify-always
# If set to `no`, notifications will only be made when there are new feeds or
# articles. If set to `yes`, notifications will be made regardless.
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: no
# notify-always yes
#### notify-beep
# If set to `yes`, then the speaker will beep on new articles.
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: no
# notify-beep yes
#### notify-format
# Format string that is used for formatting notifications.
# Syntax: <string>
# Default value: "Newsboat: finished reload, %f unread feeds (%n unread articles total)" (localized)
# notify-format "%d new articles (%n unread articles, %f unread feeds)"
#### notify-program
# If set, then the configured program will be executed if new articles arrived
# (through a reload) or if <<notify-always,`notify-always`>> is `yes`. The
# first parameter of the called program contains the notification message. In
# order to pass other hard-coded arguments to the program, write an appropriate
# wrapper shell script and use it as <command> instead.
# Syntax: <command>
# Default value: ""
# notify-program "~/bin/my-notifier"
#### notify-screen
# If set to `yes`, then a "privacy message" will be sent to the terminal,
# containing a notification message about new articles. This is especially
# useful if you use terminal emulations such as GNU screen which implement
# privacy messages.
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: no
# notify-screen yes
#### notify-xterm
# If set to `yes`, then the xterm window title will be set to a notification
# message about new articles.
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: no
# notify-xterm yes
#### ocnews-flag-star
# If set and ownCloud News support is used, then all articles that are flagged
# with the specified flag are being "starred" in ownCloud News.
# Syntax: <character>
# Default value: ""
# ocnews-flag-star "s"
#### ocnews-login
# Sets the username to use with the ownCloud instance.
# Syntax: <username>
# Default value: ""
# ocnews-login "user"
#### ocnews-password
# Configures the password to use with the ownCloud instance. Double quotes and
# backslashes within it <<#_using_double_quotes,should be escaped>>.
# Syntax: <password>
# Default value: ""
# ocnews-password "here_goesAquote:\""
#### ocnews-passwordeval
# A more secure alternative to the above, is providing your password from an
# external command that is evaluated during login. This can be used to read
# your password from a gpg encrypted file or your system keyring.
# Syntax: <command>
# Default value: ""
# ocnews-passwordeval "gpg --decrypt ~/.newsboat/ocnews-password.gpg"
#### ocnews-passwordfile
# Another alternative, by storing your plaintext password elsewhere in your
# system.
# Syntax: <path>
# Default value: ""
# ocnews-passwordfile "~/.newsboat/ocnews-pw.txt"
#### ocnews-url
# Configures the URL where the ownCloud instance resides.
# Syntax: <url>
# Default value: ""
# ocnews-url "https://localhost/owncloud"
#### oldreader-flag-share
# If set and The Old Reader support is used, then all articles that are flagged
# with the specified flag are being "shared" in The Old Reader so that people
# that follow you can see it.
# Syntax: <flag>
# Default value: ""
# oldreader-flag-share "a"
#### oldreader-flag-star
# If set and The Old Reader support is used, then all articles that are flagged
# with the specified flag are being "starred" in The Old Reader and appear in
# the list of "Starred items".
# Syntax: <flag>
# Default value: ""
# oldreader-flag-star "b"
#### oldreader-login
# This variable sets your The Old Reader login for The Older Reader support.
# Syntax: <login>
# Default value: ""
# oldreader-login "your-login"
#### oldreader-min-items
# This variable sets the number of articles that are loaded from The Old Reader
# per feed.
# Syntax: <number>
# Default value: 20
# oldreader-min-items 100
#### oldreader-password
# This variable sets your The Old Reader password for The Old Reader support.
# Double quotes and backslashes within it <<#_using_double_quotes,should be
# escaped>>.
# Syntax: <password>
# Default value: ""
# oldreader-password "here_goesAquote:\""
#### oldreader-passwordeval
# A more secure alternative to the above, is providing your password from an
# external command that is evaluated during login. This can be used to read
# your password from a gpg encrypted file or your system keyring.
# Syntax: <command>
# Default value: ""
# oldreader-passwordeval "gpg --decrypt ~/.newsboat/oldreader-password.gpg"
#### oldreader-passwordfile
# Another alternative, by storing your plaintext password elsewhere in your
# system.
# Syntax: <path>
# Default value: ""
# oldreader-passwordfile "~/.newsboat/oldreader-pw.txt"
#### oldreader-show-special-feeds
# If set and The Old reader support is used, then "special feeds" like "People
# you follow" (articles shared by people you follow), "Starred items" (your
# starred articles) and "Shared items" (your shared articles) appear in your
# subscription list.
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: yes
# oldreader-show-special-feeds "no"
#### openbrowser-and-mark-jumps-to-next-unread
# If set to `yes`, jump to the next unread item when an item is opened in the
# browser and marked as read.
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: no
# openbrowser-and-mark-jumps-to-next-unread yes
#### opml-url
# If the OPML online subscription mode is enabled, then the list of feeds will
# be taken from the OPML file found on this location. Optionally, you can
# specify more than one URL. All the listed OPML URLs will then be taken into
# account when loading the feed list.
# Syntax: <url> ...
# Default value: ""
# opml-url "https://host.domain.tld/blogroll.opml" "https://example.com/anotheropmlfile.opml"
#### pager
# If set to `internal`, then the internal pager will be used. Otherwise, the
# article to be displayed will be rendered to be a temporary file and then
# displayed with the configured pager. If the command is set to an empty
# string, the content of the <<PAGER,`PAGER`>> environment variable will be
# used. If the command contains a placeholder `%f`, it will be replaced with
# the temporary filename.
# Syntax: [<command>/internal]
# Default value: internal
# pager "less %f"
#### podcast-auto-enqueue
# If set to `yes`, then all podcast URLs that are found in articles are added
# to the podcast download queue. See the respective section in the
# documentation for more information on podcast support in Newsboat.
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: no
# podcast-auto-enqueue yes
#### prepopulate-query-feeds
# If set to `yes`, then all query feeds are prepopulated with articles on
# startup.
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: no
# prepopulate-query-feeds yes
#### proxy
# Set the proxy to use for downloading RSS feeds. (Don't forget to actually
# enable the proxy with `use-proxy yes`.) Note that the <<NO_PROXY,`NO_PROXY`>>
# environment variable can disable the proxy for certain sites.
# Syntax: <server:port>
# Default value: n/a
# proxy localhost:3128
#### proxy-auth
# Set the proxy authentication string.
# Syntax: <auth>
# Default value: n/a
# proxy-auth user:password
#### proxy-auth-method
# Set proxy authentication method. Allowed values: `any`, `basic`, `digest`,
# `digest_ie` (only available with libcurl 7.19.3 and newer), `gssnegotiate`,
# `ntlm` and `anysafe`.
# Syntax: <method>
# Default value: any
# proxy-auth-method ntlm
#### proxy-type
# Set proxy type. Allowed values: `http`, `socks4`, `socks4a`, `socks5` and
# `socks5h`.
# Syntax: <type>
# Default value: http
# proxy-type socks5
#### refresh-on-startup
# If set to `yes`, then all feeds will be reloaded when Newsboat starts up.
# This is equivalent to the `-r` commandline option. See also
# <<auto-reload,`auto-reload`>> to additionally reload the feeds continuously.
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: no
# refresh-on-startup yes
#### reload-only-visible-feeds
# If set to `yes`, then manually reloading all feeds will only reload the
# currently visible feeds, e.g. if a filter or a tag is set.
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: no
# reload-only-visible-feeds yes
#### reload-threads
# The number of parallel reload threads that shall be started when all feeds
# are reloaded.
# Syntax: <number>
# Default value: 1
# reload-threads 3
#### reload-time
# The number of minutes between automatic reloads.
# Syntax: <number>
# Default value: 60
# reload-time 120
#### reset-unread-on-update
# Specifies one or more feed URLs for whose articles the unread flag will be
# reset if an article has been updated, i.e. its content has been changed. This
# is especially useful for RSS feeds where single articles are updated after
# publication, and you want to be notified of the updates. This option can be
# specified multiple times.
# Syntax: <url> [<url>...]
# Default value: n/a
# reset-unread-on-update "https://blog.fefe.de/rss.xml?html"
#### restrict-filename
# If set to `no`, Newsboat will not limit saved article filenames to ASCII
# characters.
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: yes
# restrict-filename no
#### run-on-startup
# Specifies one or more <<_newsboat_operations,Newsboat operations>>, separated
# by semicolons, which are executed on Newsboat startup.
# Syntax: <list of operations>
# Default value: n/a
# run-on-startup next-unread; open; random-unread; open
#### save-path
# The default path where articles shall be saved to. If an invalid path is
# specified, the current directory is used.
# Syntax: <path-to-directory>
# Default value: ~/
# save-path "~/Saved Articles"
#### scrolloff
# Keep the configured number of lines above and below the selected item in
# lists. Configure a high number to keep the selected item in the center of the
# screen.
# Syntax: <number>
# Default value: 0
# scrolloff 5
#### search-highlight-colors
# This configuration command specifies the highlighting colors when searching
# for text from the article view.
# Syntax: <fgcolor> <bgcolor> [<attribute> ...]
# Default value: black yellow bold
# search-highlight-colors white black bold
#### searchresult-title-format
# Format of the title in search result. See "Format Strings" section of
# Newsboat manual for details on available formats.
# Syntax: <format>
# Default value: "%N %V - Search results (%u unread, %t total)%?F? matching filter '%F'&?" (localized)
# searchresult-title-format "Search result"
#### selectfilter-title-format
# Format of the title in filter selection dialog. See "Format Strings" section
# of Newsboat manual for details on available formats.
# Syntax: <format>
# Default value: "%N %V - Select Filter" (localized)
# selectfilter-title-format "Select Filter"
#### selecttag-format
# Format of the lines in "Select tag" dialog. See the respective section in the
# documentation for more information on format strings.
# Syntax: <format>
# Default value: "%4i %T (%u)"
# selecttag-format "[%2i] %T (%n unread articles in %f feeds, %u feeds total)"
#### selecttag-title-format
# Format of the title in tag selection dialog. See "Format Strings" section of
# Newsboat manual for details on available formats.
# Syntax: <format>
# Default value: "%N %V - Select Tag" (localized)
# selecttag-title-format "Select Tag"
#### show-keymap-hint
# If set to `no`, then the keymap hints will not be displayed. (The keymap
# hints are usually at the bottom of the screen, but see
# <<swap-title-and-hints,`swap-title-and-hints`>> setting.)
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: yes
# show-keymap-hint no
#### show-read-articles
# If set to `yes`, then all articles of a feed are listed in the article list.
# If set to `no`, then only unread articles are listed.
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: yes
# show-read-articles no
#### show-read-feeds
# If set to `yes`, then all feeds, including those without unread articles, are
# listed. If set to `no`, then only feeds with one or more unread articles are
# list.
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: yes
# show-read-feeds no
#### show-title-bar
# If set to `no`, then the title bar will not be displayed. (The title bar is
# usually at the top of the screen, but see
# <<swap-title-and-hints,`swap-title-and-hints`>> setting.)
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: yes
# show-title-bar no
#### ssl-verifyhost
# If set to `no`, skip verification of the certificate's name against host.
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: yes
# ssl-verifyhost no
#### ssl-verifypeer
# If set to `no`, skip verification of the peer's SSL certificate.
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: yes
# ssl-verifypeer no
#### suppress-first-reload
# If set to `yes`, then the first automatic reload will be suppressed if
# <<auto-reload,`auto-reload`>> is set to `yes`.
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: no
# suppress-first-reload yes
#### swap-title-and-hints
# If set to `yes`, then the title (which is usually at the top of the screen)
# and the keymap hints (usually at the bottom) will exchange places. These bars
# can be hidden entirely, via the <<show-keymap-hints,`show-keymap-hints`>> and
# <<show-title-bar,`show-title-bar`>> settings.
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: no
# swap-title-and-hints yes
#### text-width
# If set to a number greater than 0, all HTML will be rendered to this maximum
# line length or the terminal width (whichever is smaller). If set to 0, the
# terminal width will always be used in the article view, while
# <<pipe-to,`pipe-to`>>, <<save,`save`>>, and <<save-all,`save-all`>> will wrap
# at 80 columns instead. Does not apply when using external renderer or viewing
# the source. Also note that "Link" header and "Links" section won't be
# affected by it—they contain URLs which are better not wrapped.
# Syntax: <number>
# Default value: 0
# text-width 72
#### toggleitemread-jumps-to-next-unread
# If set to `yes`, jump to the next unread item when an item's read status is
# toggled in the article list.
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: no
# toggleitemread-jumps-to-next-unread yes
#### ttrss-flag-publish
# If set and Tiny Tiny RSS support is used, then all articles that are flagged
# with the specified flag are being marked as "published" in Tiny Tiny RSS.
# Syntax: <character>
# Default value: ""
# ttrss-flag-publish "b"
#### ttrss-flag-star
# If set and Tiny Tiny RSS support is used, then all articles that are flagged
# with the specified flag are being "starred" in Tiny Tiny RSS.
# Syntax: <character>
# Default value: ""
# ttrss-flag-star "a"
#### ttrss-login
# Sets the username for use with Tiny Tiny RSS.
# Syntax: <username>
# Default value: ""
# ttrss-login "admin"
#### ttrss-mode
# Configures the mode in which Tiny Tiny RSS is used. In single-user mode,
# login and password are used for HTTP authentication, while in multi-user
# mode, they are used for authenticating with Tiny Tiny RSS.
# Syntax: [multi/single]
# Default value: multi
# ttrss-mode "single"
#### ttrss-password
# Configures the password for use with Tiny Tiny RSS. Double quotes and
# backslashes within it <<#_using_double_quotes,should be escaped>>.
# Syntax: <password>
# Default value: ""
# ttrss-password "here_goesAquote:\""
#### ttrss-passwordeval
# A more secure alternative to the above, is providing your password from an
# external command that is evaluated during login. This can be used to read
# your password from a gpg encrypted file or your system keyring.
# Syntax: <command>
# Default value: ""
# ttrss-passwordeval "gpg --decrypt ~/.newsboat/ttrss-password.gpg"
#### ttrss-passwordfile
# Another alternative, by storing your plaintext password elsewhere in your
# system.
# Syntax: <path>
# Default value: ""
# ttrss-passwordfile "~/.newsboat/ttrss-pw.txt"
#### ttrss-url
# Configures the URL where the Tiny Tiny RSS installation you want to use
# resides.
# Syntax: <url>
# Default value: ""
# ttrss-url "https://example.com/ttrss/"
#### unbind-key
# Unbind key <key>. This means that no operation is called when <key> is
# pressed. If you provide "-a" as <key>, all currently bound keys will become
# unbound. Optionally, you can specify a dialog (for a list of available
# dialogs, see <<bind-key,`bind-key`>> above). If you specify one, the key
# binding will only be unbound for the specified dialog.
# Syntax: <key> [<dialog>]
# Default value: n/a
# unbind-key R
#### urls-source
# This configuration command sets the source where URLs shall be retrieved
# from. By default, this is the _urls_ file. Alternatively, you can set it to
# `opml`, which enables Newsboat's OPML online subscription mode, to `ttrss`
# which enables Newsboat's Tiny Tiny RSS support, to `oldreader`, which enables
# Newsboat's The Old Reader support, to `newsblur`, which enables NewsBlur
# support, to `feedhq` for FeedHQ support, to `freshrss` for FreshRSS support,
# to `ocnews` for ownCloud News support, to `inoreader` for Inoreader support,
# or to `miniflux` for Miniflux support. Query feed specifications will be read
# from the local urls file regardless of this setting.
# Syntax: <source>
# Default value: "local"
# urls-source "oldreader"
#### urlview-title-format
# Format of the title in URL view. See "Format Strings" section of Newsboat
# manual for details on available formats.
# Syntax: <format>
# Default value: "%N %V - URLs" (localized)
# urlview-title-format "URLs"
#### use-proxy
# If set to `yes`, then the configured proxy will be used for downloading the
# RSS feeds.
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: no
# use-proxy yes
#### user-agent
# If set to a non-zero-length string, this value will be used as HTTP
# User-Agent header for all HTTP requests.
# Syntax: <string>
# Default value: ""
# user-agent "Lynx/2.8.5rel.1 libwww-FM/2.14"
#### wrap-scroll
# If set to `yes`, moving down while on the last item in a list will wrap
# around to the top and vice versa.
# Syntax: [yes/no]
# Default value: no
# wrap-scroll yes