# Example bugwarriorrc # General stuff. [general] # Here you define a comma separated list of targets. Each of them must have a # section below determining their properties, how to query them, etc. The name # is just a symbol, and doesn't have any functional importance. targets = mog_github, movia_gitlab # If unspecified, the default taskwarrior config will be used. #taskrc = /path/to/.taskrc # Setting this to true will shorten links with http://da.gd/ #shorten = False # Setting this to True will include a link to the ticket in the description inline_links = False # Setting this to True will include a link to the ticket as an annotation annotation_links = True # Setting this to True will include issue comments and author name in task # annotations annotation_comments = True # Defines whether or not issues should be matched based upon their description. # In legacy mode, we will attempt to match issues to bugs based upon the # presence of the '(bw)' marker in the task description. # If this is false, we will only select issues having the appropriate UDA # fields defined (which is smarter, better, newer, etc..) legacy_matching = False # log.level specifies the verbosity. The default is DEBUG. # log.level can be one of DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, DISABLED #log.level = DEBUG # If log.file is specified, output will be redirected there. If it remains # unspecified, output is sent to sys.stderr #log.file = /var/log/bugwarrior.log # Configure the default description or annotation length. #annotation_length = 45 # Use hooks to run commands prior to importing from bugwarrior-pull. # bugwarrior-pull will run the commands in the order that they are specified # below. # # pre_import: The pre_import hook is invoked after all issues have been pulled # from remote sources, but before they are synced to the TW db. If your # pre_import script has a non-zero exit code, the `bugwarrior-pull` command will # exit early. #[hooks] #pre_import = /home/someuser/backup.sh, /home/someuser/sometask.sh # This section is for configuring notifications when bugwarrior-pull runs, # and when issues are created, updated, or deleted by bugwarrior-pull. # Three backends are currently supported: # # - growlnotify (v2) Mac OS X "gntp" must be installed # - gobject Linux python gobject must be installed # # To configure, adjust the settings below. Note that neither of the # # "sticky" options have any effect on Linux. They only work for # growlnotify. #[notifications] # notifications = True # backend = growlnotify # finished_querying_sticky = False # task_crud_sticky = True # only_on_new_tasks = True # This is a github example. It says, "scrape every issue from every repository # on http://github.com/ralphbean. It doesn't matter if ralphbean owns the issue # or not." [mog_github] service = github github.default_priority = H github.add_tags = open_source # This specifies that we should pull issues from repositories belonging # to the 'ralphbean' github account. See the note below about # 'github.username' and 'github.login'. They are different, and you need # both. github.username = mogad0n # I want taskwarrior to include issues from all my repos, except these # two because they're spammy or something. #github.exclude_repos = project_bar,project_baz # Working with a large number of projects, instead of excluding most of them I # can also simply include just a limited set. #github.include_repos = project_foo,project_foz # Note that login and username can be different: I can login as me, but # scrape issues from an organization's repos. # # - 'github.login' is the username you ask bugwarrior to # login as. Set it to your account. # - 'github.username' is the github entity you want to pull # issues for. It could be you, or some other user entirely. github.login = mogad0n #github.username = mogad0n github.password = [movia_gitlab] service = gitlab gitlab.login = pratyushd gitlab.token = gitlab.host = git.movia.media # Jira #[jira_personal] #service = jira #jira.base_uri = #jira.username = ralph #jira.password = OMG_LULZ