add targets
Signed-off-by: Pratyush Desai <>
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
# This is the default config file.
# It also shows all the default values, if you don't create the file.
# All URL values may omit the scheme and/or port, as well as the beginning double slash
# Valid URL examples:
# gemini://
# //
# Press Ctrl-H to access it
home = "gemini://"
# Follow up to 5 Gemini redirects without prompting.
# A prompt is always shown after the 5th redirect and for redirects to protocols other than Gemini.
# If set to false, a prompt will be shown before following redirects.
auto_redirect = false
# What command to run to open a HTTP(S) URL.
# Set to "default" to try to guess the browser, or set to "off" to not open HTTP(S) URLs.
# If a command is set, than the URL will be added (in quotes) to the end of the command.
# A space will be prepended to the URL.
# The best to define a command is using a string array.
# Examples:
# http = ['firefox']
# http = ['custom-browser', '--flag', '--option=2']
# http = ['/path/with spaces/in it/firefox']
# Note the use of single quotes, so that backslashes will not be escaped.
# Using just a string will also work, but it is deprecated, and will degrade if
# you use paths with spaces.
http = 'default'
# Any URL that will accept a query string can be put here
search = "gemini://"
# Whether colors will be used in the terminal
color = true
# Whether ANSI color codes from the page content should be rendered
ansi = true
# Whether to replace list asterisks with unicode bullets
bullets = true
# Whether to show link after link text
show_link = false
# A number from 0 to 1, indicating what percentage of the terminal width the left margin should take up.
left_margin = 0.15
# The max number of columns to wrap a page's text to. Preformatted blocks are not wrapped.
max_width = 100
# 'downloads' is the path to a downloads folder.
# An empty value means the code will find the default downloads folder for your system.
# If the path does not exist it will be created.
# Note the use of single quotes, so that backslashes will not be escaped.
downloads = ''
# Max size for displayable content in bytes - after that size a download window pops up
page_max_size = 2097152 # 2 MiB
# Max time it takes to load a page in seconds - after that a download window pops up
page_max_time = 10
# When a scrollbar appears. "never", "auto", and "always" are the only valid values.
# "auto" means the scrollbar only appears when the page is longer than the window.
scrollbar = "auto"
# Authentication settings
# Note the use of single quotes for values, so that backslashes will not be escaped.
# Client certificates
# Set domain name equal to path to client cert
# "" = 'mycert.crt'
# Client certificate keys
# Set domain name equal to path to key for the client cert above
# "" = 'mycert.key'
# If you have a non-US keyboard, use bind_tab1 through bind_tab0 to
# setup the shift-number bindings: Eg, for US keyboards (the default):
# bind_tab1 = "!"
# bind_tab2 = "@"
# bind_tab3 = "#"
# bind_tab4 = "$"
# bind_tab5 = "%"
# bind_tab6 = "^"
# bind_tab7 = "&"
# bind_tab8 = "*"
# bind_tab9 = "("
# bind_tab0 = ")"
# Whitespace is not allowed in any of the keybindings! Use 'Space' and 'Tab' to bind to those keys.
# Multiple keys can be bound to one command, just use a TOML array.
# To add the Alt modifier, the binding must start with Alt-, should be reasonably universal
# Ctrl- won't work on all keys, see this for a list:
# An example of a TOML array for multiple keys being bound to one command is the default
# binding for reload:
# bind_reload = ["R","Ctrl-R"]
# One thing to note here is that "R" is capitalization sensitive, so it means shift-r.
# "Ctrl-R" means both ctrl-r and ctrl-shift-R (this is a quirk of what ctrl-r means on
# an ANSI terminal)
# The default binding for opening the bottom bar for entering a URL or link number is:
# bind_bottom = "Space"
# This is how to get the Spacebar as a keybinding, if you try to use " ", it won't work.
# And, finally, an example of a simple, unmodified character is:
# bind_edit = "e"
# This binds the "e" key to the command to edit the current URL.
# The bind_link[1-90] options are for the commands to go to the first 10 links on a page,
# typically these are bound to the number keys:
# bind_link1 = "1"
# bind_link2 = "2"
# bind_link3 = "3"
# bind_link4 = "4"
# bind_link5 = "5"
# bind_link6 = "6"
# bind_link7 = "7"
# bind_link8 = "8"
# bind_link9 = "9"
# bind_link0 = "0"
# All keybindings:
# bind_bottom
# bind_edit
# bind_home
# bind_bookmarks
# bind_add_bookmark
# bind_save
# bind_reload
# bind_back
# bind_forward
# bind_moveup
# bind_movedown
# bind_moveleft
# bind_moveright
# bind_pgup
# bind_pgdn
# bind_new_tab
# bind_close_tab
# bind_next_tab
# bind_prev_tab
# bind_quit
# bind_help
# bind_sub: for viewing the subscriptions page
# bind_add_sub
# bind_copy_page_url
# bind_copy_target_url
# bind_beginning: moving to beginning of page (top left)
# bind_end: same but the for the end (bottom left)
# Allows setting the commands to run for various URL schemes.
# E.g. to open FTP URLs with FileZilla set the following key:
# ftp = 'filezilla'
# You can set any scheme to "off" or "" to disable handling it, or
# just leave the key unset.
# DO NOT use this for setting the HTTP command.
# Use the http setting in the "a-general" section above.
# NOTE: These settings are overrided by the ones in the proxies section.
# Note the use of single quotes, so that backslashes will not be escaped.
# This is a special key that defines the handler for all URL schemes for which
# no handler is defined.
other = 'off'
# [[mediatype-handlers]] section
# ---------------------------------
# Specify what applications will open certain media types.
# By default your default application will be used to open the file when you select "Open".
# You only need to configure this section if you want to override your default application,
# or do special things like streaming.
# Note the use of single quotes for commands, so that backslashes will not be escaped.
# To open jpeg files with the feh command:
# [[mediatype-handlers]]
# cmd = ['feh']
# types = ["image/jpeg"]
# Each command that you specify must come under its own [[mediatype-handlers]]. You may
# specify as many [[mediatype-handlers]] as you want to setup multiple commands.
# If the subtype is omitted then the specified command will be used for the
# entire type:
# [[mediatype-handlers]]
# command = ['vlc', '--flag']
# types = ["audio", "video"]
# A catch-all handler can by specified with "*".
# Note that there are already catch-all handlers in place for all OSes,
# that open the file using your default application. This is only if you
# want to override that.
# [[mediatype-handlers]]
# cmd = ['some-command']
# types = [
# "application/pdf",
# "*",
# ]
# You can also choose to stream the data instead of downloading it all before
# opening it. This is especially useful for large video or audio files, as
# well as radio streams, which will never complete. You can do this like so:
# [[mediatype-handlers]]
# cmd = ['vlc', '-']
# types = ["audio", "video"]
# stream = true
# This uses vlc to stream all video and audio content.
# By default stream is set to off for all handlers
# If you want to always open a type in its viewer without the download or open
# prompt appearing, you can add no_prompt = true
# [[mediatype-handlers]]
# cmd = ['feh']
# types = ["image"]
# no_prompt = true
# Note: Multiple handlers cannot be defined for the same full media type, but
# still there needs to be an order for which handlers are used. The following
# order applies regardless of the order written in the config:
# 1. Full media type: "image/jpeg"
# 2. Just type: "image"
# 3. Catch-all: "*"
# Options for page cache - which is only for text pages
# Increase the cache size to speed up browsing at the expense of memory
# Zero values mean there is no limit
max_size = 0 # Size in bytes
max_pages = 30 # The maximum number of pages the cache will store
# How long a page will stay in cache, in seconds.
timeout = 1800 # 30 mins
# Allows setting a Gemini proxy for different schemes.
# The settings are similar to the url-handlers section above.
# E.g. to open a gopher page by connecting to a Gemini proxy server:
# gopher = ""
# Port 1965 is assumed if no port is specified.
# NOTE: These settings override any external handlers specified in
# the url-handlers section.
# Note that HTTP and HTTPS are treated as separate protocols here.
# For tracking feeds and pages
# Whether a pop-up appears when viewing a potential feed
popup = true
# How often to check for updates to subscriptions in the background, in seconds.
# Set it to 0 to disable this feature. You can still update individual feeds
# manually, or restart the browser.
# Note Amfora will check for updates on browser start no matter what this setting is.
update_interval = 1800 # 30 mins
# How many subscriptions can be checked at the same time when updating.
# If you have many subscriptions you may want to increase this for faster
# update times. Any value below 1 will be corrected to 1.
workers = 3
# The number of subscription updates displayed per page.
entries_per_page = 20
# This section is for changing the COLORS used in Amfora.
# These colors only apply if 'color' is enabled above.
# Colors can be set using a W3C color name, or a hex value such as "#ffffff".
# Note that not all colors will work on terminals that do not have truecolor support.
# If you want to stick to the standard 16 or 256 colors, you can get
# a list of those here:
# DO NOT use the names from that site, just the hex codes.
# Definitions:
# bg = background
# fg = foreground
# dl = download
# btn = button
# hdg = heading
# bkmk = bookmark
# modal = a popup window/box in the middle of the screen
# hdg_1 = "green"
# hdg_2 = "#5f0000"
# Available keys to set:
# bg: background for pages, tab row, app in general
# tab_num: The number/highlight of the tabs at the top
# tab_divider: The color of the divider character between tab numbers: |
# bottombar_label: The color of the prompt that appears when you press space
# bottombar_text: The color of the text you type
# bottombar_bg
# scrollbar: The scrollbar that appears on the right for long pages
# hdg_1
# hdg_2
# hdg_3
# amfora_link: A link that Amfora supports viewing. For now this is only gemini://
# foreign_link: HTTP(S), Gopher, etc
# link_number: The silver number that appears to the left of a link
# regular_text: Normal gemini text, and plaintext documents
# quote_text
# preformatted_text
# list_text
# btn_bg: The bg color for all modal buttons
# btn_text: The text color for all modal buttons
# dl_choice_modal_bg
# dl_choice_modal_text
# dl_modal_bg
# dl_modal_text
# info_modal_bg
# info_modal_text
# error_modal_bg
# error_modal_text
# yesno_modal_bg
# yesno_modal_text
# tofu_modal_bg
# tofu_modal_text
# subscription_modal_bg
# subscription_modal_text
# input_modal_bg
# input_modal_text
# input_modal_field_bg: The bg of the input field, where you type the text
# input_modal_field_text: The color of the text you type
# bkmk_modal_bg
# bkmk_modal_text
# bkmk_modal_label
# bkmk_modal_field_bg
# bkmk_modal_field_text
# Base16 oomox-onedark - amfora color config
# oomox-onedark
bg = "#282c34"
fg = "#abb2bf"
bottombar_label = "#c678dd"
bottombar_text = "#abb2bf"
bottombar_bg = "#353b45"
tab_num = "#3e4451"
tab_divider = "#141820"
amfora_link = "#98c379"
foreign_link = "#696f79"
link_number = "#696f79"
btn_bg = "#353b45"
btn_text = "#abb2bf"
input_modal_bg = "#353b45"
input_modal_text = "#abb2bf"
input_modal_field_bg = "#282c34"
input_modal_field_text = "#abb2bf"
info_modal_bg = "#353b45"
info_modal_text = "#abb2bf"
error_modal_bg = "#353b45"
error_modal_text = "#c46f59"
yesno_modal_bg = "#353b45"
yesno_modal_text = "#abb2bf"
tofu_modal_bg = "#353b45"
tofu_modal_text = "#abb2bf"
subscription_modal_bg = "#353b45"
subscription_modal_text = "#abb2bf"
hdg_1 = "#d19a66"
hdg_2 = "#e5c07b"
hdg_3 = "#61afef"
regular_text = "#abb2bf"
preformatted_text = "#56b6c2"
list_text = "#abb2bf"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
# Example bugwarriorrc
# General stuff.
# Here you define a comma separated list of targets. Each of them must have a
# section below determining their properties, how to query them, etc. The name
# is just a symbol, and doesn't have any functional importance.
targets = mog_github, movia_gitlab
# If unspecified, the default taskwarrior config will be used.
#taskrc = /path/to/.taskrc
# Setting this to true will shorten links with
#shorten = False
# Setting this to True will include a link to the ticket in the description
inline_links = False
# Setting this to True will include a link to the ticket as an annotation
annotation_links = True
# Setting this to True will include issue comments and author name in task
# annotations
annotation_comments = True
# Defines whether or not issues should be matched based upon their description.
# In legacy mode, we will attempt to match issues to bugs based upon the
# presence of the '(bw)' marker in the task description.
# If this is false, we will only select issues having the appropriate UDA
# fields defined (which is smarter, better, newer, etc..)
legacy_matching = False
# log.level specifies the verbosity. The default is DEBUG.
#log.level = DEBUG
# If log.file is specified, output will be redirected there. If it remains
# unspecified, output is sent to sys.stderr
#log.file = /var/log/bugwarrior.log
# Configure the default description or annotation length.
#annotation_length = 45
# Use hooks to run commands prior to importing from bugwarrior-pull.
# bugwarrior-pull will run the commands in the order that they are specified
# below.
# pre_import: The pre_import hook is invoked after all issues have been pulled
# from remote sources, but before they are synced to the TW db. If your
# pre_import script has a non-zero exit code, the `bugwarrior-pull` command will
# exit early.
#pre_import = /home/someuser/, /home/someuser/
# This section is for configuring notifications when bugwarrior-pull runs,
# and when issues are created, updated, or deleted by bugwarrior-pull.
# Three backends are currently supported:
# - growlnotify (v2) Mac OS X "gntp" must be installed
# - gobject Linux python gobject must be installed
# To configure, adjust the settings below. Note that neither of the #
# "sticky" options have any effect on Linux. They only work for
# growlnotify.
# notifications = True
# backend = growlnotify
# finished_querying_sticky = False
# task_crud_sticky = True
# only_on_new_tasks = True
# This is a github example. It says, "scrape every issue from every repository
# on It doesn't matter if ralphbean owns the issue
# or not."
service = github
github.default_priority = H
github.add_tags = open_source
# This specifies that we should pull issues from repositories belonging
# to the 'ralphbean' github account. See the note below about
# 'github.username' and 'github.login'. They are different, and you need
# both.
github.username = mogad0n
# I want taskwarrior to include issues from all my repos, except these
# two because they're spammy or something.
#github.exclude_repos = project_bar,project_baz
# Working with a large number of projects, instead of excluding most of them I
# can also simply include just a limited set.
#github.include_repos = project_foo,project_foz
# Note that login and username can be different: I can login as me, but
# scrape issues from an organization's repos.
# - 'github.login' is the username you ask bugwarrior to
# login as. Set it to your account.
# - 'github.username' is the github entity you want to pull
# issues for. It could be you, or some other user entirely.
github.login = mogad0n
#github.username = mogad0n
github.password =
service = gitlab
gitlab.login = pratyushd
gitlab.token =
| =
# Jira
#service = jira
#jira.base_uri =
#jira.username = ralph
#jira.password = OMG_LULZ
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
### Display ###
# Which monitor should the notifications be displayed on.
monitor = 0
# Display notification on focused monitor. Possible modes are:
# mouse: follow mouse pointer
# keyboard: follow window with keyboard focus
# none: don't follow anything
# "keyboard" needs a window manager that exports the
# _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW property.
# This should be the case for almost all modern window managers.
# If this option is set to mouse or keyboard, the monitor option
# will be ignored.
follow = mouse
# The geometry of the window:
# [{width}]x{height}[+/-{x}+/-{y}]
# The geometry of the message window.
# The height is measured in number of notifications everything else
# in pixels. If the width is omitted but the height is given
# ("-geometry x2"), the message window expands over the whole screen
# (dmenu-like). If width is 0, the window expands to the longest
# message displayed. A positive x is measured from the left, a
# negative from the right side of the screen. Y is measured from
# the top and down respectively.
# The width can be negative. In this case the actual width is the
# screen width minus the width defined in within the geometry option.
geometry = "300x5-30+20"
# Turn on the progess bar
progress_bar = true
# Set the progress bar height. This includes the frame, so make sure
# it's at least twice as big as the frame width.
progress_bar_height = 10
# Set the frame width of the progress bar
progress_bar_frame_width = 1
# Set the minimum width for the progress bar
progress_bar_min_width = 150
# Set the maximum width for the progress bar
progress_bar_max_width = 300
# Show how many messages are currently hidden (because of geometry).
indicate_hidden = yes
# Shrink window if it's smaller than the width. Will be ignored if
# width is 0.
shrink = no
# The transparency of the window. Range: [0; 100].
# This option will only work if a compositing window manager is
# present (e.g. xcompmgr, compiz, etc.).
transparency = 0
# The height of the entire notification. If the height is smaller
# than the font height and padding combined, it will be raised
# to the font height and padding.
notification_height = 0
# Draw a line of "separator_height" pixel height between two
# notifications.
# Set to 0 to disable.
separator_height = 2
# Padding between text and separator.
padding = 8
# Horizontal padding.
horizontal_padding = 8
# Padding between text and icon.
text_icon_padding = 0
# Defines width in pixels of frame around the notification window.
# Set to 0 to disable.
frame_width = 3
# Defines color of the frame around the notification window.
frame_color = "#aaaaaa"
# Define a color for the separator.
# possible values are:
# * auto: dunst tries to find a color fitting to the background;
# * foreground: use the same color as the foreground;
# * frame: use the same color as the frame;
# * anything else will be interpreted as a X color.
separator_color = frame
# Sort messages by urgency.
sort = yes
# Don't remove messages, if the user is idle (no mouse or keyboard input)
# for longer than idle_threshold seconds.
# Set to 0 to disable.
# A client can set the 'transient' hint to bypass this. See the rules
# section for how to disable this if necessary
idle_threshold = 120
### Text ###
font = Monospace 8
# The spacing between lines. If the height is smaller than the
# font height, it will get raised to the font height.
line_height = 0
# Possible values are:
# full: Allow a small subset of html markup in notifications:
# <b>bold</b>
# <i>italic</i>
# <s>strikethrough</s>
# <u>underline</u>
# For a complete reference see
# <>.
# strip: This setting is provided for compatibility with some broken
# clients that send markup even though it's not enabled on the
# server. Dunst will try to strip the markup but the parsing is
# simplistic so using this option outside of matching rules for
# specific applications *IS GREATLY DISCOURAGED*.
# no: Disable markup parsing, incoming notifications will be treated as
# plain text. Dunst will not advertise that it has the body-markup
# capability if this is set as a global setting.
# It's important to note that markup inside the format option will be parsed
# regardless of what this is set to.
markup = full
# The format of the message. Possible variables are:
# %a appname
# %s summary
# %b body
# %i iconname (including its path)
# %I iconname (without its path)
# %p progress value if set ([ 0%] to [100%]) or nothing
# %n progress value if set without any extra characters
# %% Literal %
# Markup is allowed
format = "<b>%s</b>\n%b"
# Alignment of message text.
# Possible values are "left", "center" and "right".
alignment = left
# Vertical alignment of message text and icon.
# Possible values are "top", "center" and "bottom".
vertical_alignment = center
# Show age of message if message is older than show_age_threshold
# seconds.
# Set to -1 to disable.
show_age_threshold = 60
# Split notifications into multiple lines if they don't fit into
# geometry.
word_wrap = yes
# When word_wrap is set to no, specify where to make an ellipsis in long lines.
# Possible values are "start", "middle" and "end".
ellipsize = middle
# Ignore newlines '\n' in notifications.
ignore_newline = no
# Stack together notifications with the same content
stack_duplicates = true
# Hide the count of stacked notifications with the same content
hide_duplicate_count = false
# Display indicators for URLs (U) and actions (A).
show_indicators = yes
### Icons ###
# Align icons left/right/off
icon_position = left
# Scale small icons up to this size, set to 0 to disable. Helpful
# for e.g. small files or high-dpi screens. In case of conflict,
# max_icon_size takes precedence over this.
min_icon_size = 0
# Scale larger icons down to this size, set to 0 to disable
max_icon_size = 32
# Paths to default icons.
icon_path = /usr/share/icons/gnome/16x16/status/:/usr/share/icons/gnome/16x16/devices/
### History ###
# Should a notification popped up from history be sticky or timeout
# as if it would normally do.
sticky_history = yes
# Maximum amount of notifications kept in history
history_length = 20
### Misc/Advanced ###
# dmenu path.
dmenu = /usr/bin/dmenu -p dunst:
# Browser for opening urls in context menu.
browser = /usr/bin/firefox -new-tab
# Always run rule-defined scripts, even if the notification is suppressed
always_run_script = true
# Define the title of the windows spawned by dunst
title = Dunst
# Define the class of the windows spawned by dunst
class = Dunst
# Print a notification on startup.
# This is mainly for error detection, since dbus (re-)starts dunst
# automatically after a crash.
startup_notification = false
# Manage dunst's desire for talking
# Can be one of the following values:
# crit: Critical features. Dunst aborts
# warn: Only non-fatal warnings
# mesg: Important Messages
# info: all unimportant stuff
# debug: all less than unimportant stuff
verbosity = mesg
# Define the corner radius of the notification window
# in pixel size. If the radius is 0, you have no rounded
# corners.
# The radius will be automatically lowered if it exceeds half of the
# notification height to avoid clipping text and/or icons.
corner_radius = 0
# Ignore the dbus closeNotification message.
# Useful to enforce the timeout set by dunst configuration. Without this
# parameter, an application may close the notification sent before the
# user defined timeout.
ignore_dbusclose = false
### Wayland ###
# These settings are Wayland-specific. They have no effect when using X11
# Uncomment this if you want to let notications appear under fullscreen
# applications (default: overlay)
# layer = top
# Set this to true to use X11 output on Wayland.
force_xwayland = false
### Legacy
# Use the Xinerama extension instead of RandR for multi-monitor support.
# This setting is provided for compatibility with older nVidia drivers that
# do not support RandR and using it on systems that support RandR is highly
# discouraged.
# By enabling this setting dunst will not be able to detect when a monitor
# is connected or disconnected which might break follow mode if the screen
# layout changes.
force_xinerama = false
### mouse
# Defines list of actions for each mouse event
# Possible values are:
# * none: Don't do anything.
# * do_action: If the notification has exactly one action, or one is marked as default,
# invoke it. If there are multiple and no default, open the context menu.
# * close_current: Close current notification.
# * close_all: Close all notifications.
# These values can be strung together for each mouse event, and
# will be executed in sequence.
mouse_left_click = close_current
mouse_middle_click = do_action, close_current
mouse_right_click = close_all
# Experimental features that may or may not work correctly. Do not expect them
# to have a consistent behaviour across releases.
# Calculate the dpi to use on a per-monitor basis.
# If this setting is enabled the Xft.dpi value will be ignored and instead
# dunst will attempt to calculate an appropriate dpi value for each monitor
# using the resolution and physical size. This might be useful in setups
# where there are multiple screens with very different dpi values.
per_monitor_dpi = false
# The internal keyboard shortcut support in dunst is now considered deprecated
# and should be replaced by dunstctl calls. You can use the configuration of your
# WM or DE to bind these to shortcuts of your choice.
# Check the dunstctl manual page for more info.
# Shortcuts are specified as [modifier+][modifier+]...key
# Available modifiers are "ctrl", "mod1" (the alt-key), "mod2",
# "mod3" and "mod4" (windows-key).
# Xev might be helpful to find names for keys.
# Close notification. Equivalent dunstctl command:
# dunstctl close
# close = ctrl+space
# Close all notifications. Equivalent dunstctl command:
# dunstctl close-all
# close_all = ctrl+shift+space
# Redisplay last message(s). Equivalent dunstctl command:
# dunstctl history-pop
# history = ctrl+grave
# Context menu. Equivalent dunstctl command:
# dunstctl context
# context = ctrl+shift+period
# IMPORTANT: colors have to be defined in quotation marks.
# Otherwise the "#" and following would be interpreted as a comment.
background = "#222222"
foreground = "#888888"
timeout = 10
# Icon for notifications with low urgency, uncomment to enable
#icon = /path/to/icon
background = "#285577"
foreground = "#ffffff"
timeout = 10
# Icon for notifications with normal urgency, uncomment to enable
#icon = /path/to/icon
background = "#900000"
foreground = "#ffffff"
frame_color = "#ff0000"
timeout = 0
# Icon for notifications with critical urgency, uncomment to enable
#icon = /path/to/icon
# Every section that isn't one of the above is interpreted as a rules to
# override settings for certain messages.
# Messages can be matched by
# appname (discouraged, see desktop_entry)
# body
# category
# desktop_entry
# icon
# match_transient
# msg_urgency
# stack_tag
# summary
# and you can override the
# background
# foreground
# format
# frame_color
# fullscreen
# new_icon
# set_stack_tag
# set_transient
# timeout
# urgency
# Shell-like globbing will get expanded.
# Instead of the appname filter, it's recommended to use the desktop_entry filter.
# GLib based applications export their desktop-entry name. In comparison to the appname,
# the desktop-entry won't get localized.
# You can specify a script that gets run when the rule matches by
# setting the "script" option.
# The script will be called as follows:
# script appname summary body icon urgency
# where urgency can be "LOW", "NORMAL" or "CRITICAL".
# NOTE: if you don't want a notification to be displayed, set the format
# to "".
# NOTE: It might be helpful to run dunst -print in a terminal in order
# to find fitting options for rules.
# Disable the transient hint so that idle_threshold cannot be bypassed from the
# client
# match_transient = yes
# set_transient = no
# Make the handling of transient notifications more strict by making them not
# be placed in history.
# match_transient = yes
# history_ignore = yes
# fullscreen values
# show: show the notifications, regardless if there is a fullscreen window opened
# delay: displays the new notification, if there is no fullscreen window active
# If the notification is already drawn, it won't get undrawn.
# pushback: same as delay, but when switching into fullscreen, the notification will get
# withdrawn from screen again and will get delayed like a new notification
# fullscreen = delay
# msg_urgency = critical
# fullscreen = show
# summary = "*"
# script =
# summary = "*script*"
# script =
# # This notification will not be displayed
# summary = "foobar"
# format = ""
# # This notification will not be saved in history
# summary = "foobar"
# history_ignore = yes
# # This notification will not be displayed, but will be included in the history
# summary = "foobar"
# skip_display = yes
# appname = Pidgin
# summary = "*signed on*"
# urgency = low
# appname = Pidgin
# summary = *signed off*
# urgency = low
# appname = Pidgin
# summary = *says*
# urgency = critical
# appname = Pidgin
# summary = **
# urgency = normal
# appname = "some_volume_notifiers"
# set_stack_tag = "volume"
# vim: ft=cfg
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
## InfoSec
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
# vi: ft=dosini
# Enables context sensitive auto-completion. If this is disabled the all
# possible completions will be listed.
smart_completion = True
# Display the completions in several columns. (More completions will be
# visible.)
wider_completion_menu = False
# Multi-line mode allows breaking up the sql statements into multiple lines. If
# this is set to True, then the end of the statements must have a semi-colon.
# If this is set to False then sql statements can't be split into multiple
# lines. End of line (return) is considered as the end of the statement.
multi_line = False
# If multi_line_mode is set to "psql", in multi-line mode, [Enter] will execute
# the current input if the input ends in a semicolon.
# If multi_line_mode is set to "safe", in multi-line mode, [Enter] will always
# insert a newline, and [Esc] [Enter] or [Alt]-[Enter] must be used to execute
# a command.
multi_line_mode = psql
# Destructive warning mode will alert you before executing a sql statement
# that may cause harm to the database such as "drop table", "drop database"
# or "shutdown".
destructive_warning = True
# Enables expand mode, which is similar to `\x` in psql.
expand = False
# Enables auto expand mode, which is similar to `\x auto` in psql.
auto_expand = False
# If set to True, table suggestions will include a table alias
generate_aliases = False
# log_file location.
# In Unix/Linux: ~/.config/pgcli/log
# In Windows: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\dbcli\pgcli\log
# %USERPROFILE% is typically C:\Users\{username}
log_file = default
# keyword casing preference. Possible values "lower", "upper", "auto"
keyword_casing = auto
# casing_file location.
# In Unix/Linux: ~/.config/pgcli/casing
# In Windows: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\dbcli\pgcli\casing
# %USERPROFILE% is typically C:\Users\{username}
casing_file = default
# If generate_casing_file is set to True and there is no file in the above
# location, one will be generated based on usage in SQL/PLPGSQL functions.
generate_casing_file = False
# Casing of column headers based on the casing_file described above
case_column_headers = True
# history_file location.
# In Unix/Linux: ~/.config/pgcli/history
# In Windows: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\dbcli\pgcli\history
# %USERPROFILE% is typically C:\Users\{username}
history_file = default
# Default log level. Possible values: "CRITICAL", "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO"
# and "DEBUG". "NONE" disables logging.
log_level = INFO
# Order of columns when expanding * to column list
# Possible values: "table_order" and "alphabetic"
asterisk_column_order = table_order
# Whether to qualify with table alias/name when suggesting columns
# Possible values: "always", never" and "if_more_than_one_table"
qualify_columns = if_more_than_one_table
# When no schema is entered, only suggest objects in search_path
search_path_filter = False
# Default pager.
# By default 'PAGER' environment variable is used
# pager = less -SRXF
pager = /usr/bin/pspg --csv --rr=2 --quit-if-one-screen --ignore-case --csv-header on --pgcli-fix
# Timing of sql statments and table rendering.
timing = True
# Table format. Possible values: psql, plain, simple, grid, fancy_grid, pipe,
# ascii, double, github, orgtbl, rst, mediawiki, html, latex, latex_booktabs,
# textile, moinmoin, jira, vertical, tsv, csv.
# Recommended: psql, fancy_grid and grid.
table_format = csv
# Syntax Style. Possible values: manni, igor, xcode, vim, autumn, vs, rrt,
# native, perldoc, borland, tango, emacs, friendly, monokai, paraiso-dark,
# colorful, murphy, bw, pastie, paraiso-light, trac, default, fruity
syntax_style = default
# Keybindings:
# When Vi mode is enabled you can use modal editing features offered by Vi in the REPL.
# When Vi mode is disabled emacs keybindings such as Ctrl-A for home and Ctrl-E
# for end are available in the REPL.
vi = False
# Error handling
# When one of multiple SQL statements causes an error, choose to either
# continue executing the remaining statements, or stopping
# Possible values "STOP" or "RESUME"
on_error = STOP
# Set threshold for row limit. Use 0 to disable limiting.
row_limit = 1000
# Skip intro on startup and goodbye on exit
less_chatty = False
# Postgres prompt
# \t - Current date and time
# \u - Username
# \h - Short hostname of the server (up to first '.')
# \H - Hostname of the server
# \d - Database name
# \p - Database port
# \i - Postgres PID
# \# - "@" sign if logged in as superuser, '>' in other case
# \n - Newline
# \dsn_alias - name of dsn alias if -D option is used (empty otherwise)
# \x1b[...m - insert ANSI escape sequence
# eg: prompt = '\x1b[35m\u@\x1b[32m\h:\x1b[36m\d>'
prompt = '\u@\h:\d> '
# Number of lines to reserve for the suggestion menu
min_num_menu_lines = 4
# Character used to left pad multi-line queries to match the prompt size.
multiline_continuation_char = ''
# The string used in place of a null value.
null_string = '<null>'
# manage pager on startup
enable_pager = True
# Use keyring to automatically save and load password in a secure manner
keyring = False
# Custom colors for the completion menu, toolbar, etc.
completion-menu.completion.current = 'bg:#ffffff #000000'
completion-menu.completion = 'bg:#008888 #ffffff'
completion-menu.meta.completion.current = 'bg:#44aaaa #000000'
completion-menu.meta.completion = 'bg:#448888 #ffffff'
completion-menu.multi-column-meta = 'bg:#aaffff #000000'
scrollbar.arrow = 'bg:#003333'
scrollbar = 'bg:#00aaaa'
selected = '#ffffff bg:#6666aa'
search = '#ffffff bg:#4444aa'
search.current = '#ffffff bg:#44aa44'
bottom-toolbar = 'bg:#222222 #aaaaaa'
| = 'bg:#222222 #888888'
bottom-toolbar.on = 'bg:#222222 #ffffff'
search-toolbar = 'noinherit bold'
search-toolbar.text = 'nobold'
system-toolbar = 'noinherit bold'
arg-toolbar = 'noinherit bold'
arg-toolbar.text = 'nobold'
bottom-toolbar.transaction.valid = 'bg:#222222 #00ff5f bold'
bottom-toolbar.transaction.failed = 'bg:#222222 #ff005f bold'
# style classes for colored table output
output.header = "#00ff5f bold"
output.odd-row = ""
output.even-row = ""
# Named queries are queries you can execute by name.
[named queries]
# DSN to call by -D option
# example_dsn = postgresql://[user[:password]@][netloc][:port][/dbname]
# Format for number representation
# for decimal "d" - 12345678, ",d" - 12,345,678
# for float "g" - 123456.78, ",g" - 123,456.78
decimal = ""
float = ""
Reference in New Issue
Block a user