This is a high level abstraction over the great [pylibacl]( library.
It removes the need for low level understanding of POSIX.1e by providing an interface similar to what one is used to by common ACL handling tools such as `getfacl(1)` and `setfacl(1)`. Handling of ACLs in `pyacl` happens through a map resembling what one would find as a result of calling `getfacl(1)`.
## Example
### Reading the ACL of a path
The following shows a file at `/tmp/testacl1` on which an ACL granting the user `georg2` read permissions was applied.
#### Result from `getfacl(1)`:
$ getfacl -c /tmp/testacl1
getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
Functionality is tested through `pytest`. As it requires a certain test user to be present, easiest is to use the purpose-built container image. A wrapper is provided at `scripts/`.