A thing that is a lot like ES6 Map
, but without
iterators, for use in environments where for..of
syntax and
are not available.
If you need iterators, or just in general a more faithful polyfill to ES6 Maps, check out es6-map.
If you are in an environment where Map
is supported,
then that will be returned instead, unless
is set.
You can use any value as keys, and any value as data. Setting again with the identical key will overwrite the previous value.
Internally, data is stored on an Object.create(null)
style object. The key is coerced to a string to generate the key on the
internal data-bag object. The original key used is stored along with the
In the event of a stringified-key collision, a new key is generated by appending an increasing number to the stringified-key until finding either the intended key or an empty spot.
Note that because object traversal order of plain objects is not
guaranteed to be identical to insertion order, the insertion order
guarantee of Map.prototype.forEach
is not guaranteed in
this implementation. However, in all versions of Node.js and V8 where
this module works, forEach
does traverse data in insertion
Most of the Map API, with the following exceptions:
- A
object is not an iterator. values
, andentries
methods are not implemented, because they return iterators.- The argument to the constructor can be an Array of
[key, value]
pairs, or aMap
object. But, since iterators aren’t used, passing any plain-old iterator won’t initialize the map properly.
Use just like a regular ES6 Map.
var PseudoMap = require('pseudomap')
// optionally provide a pseudomap, or an array of [key,value] pairs
// as the argument to initialize the map with
var myMap = new PseudoMap()
.set(1, 'number 1')
myMap.set('1', 'string 1')
myMapvar akey = {}
var bkey = {}
.set(akey, { some: 'data' })
myMap.set(bkey, { some: 'other data' }) myMap