PostCSS plugin to transform
rules by inlining content.
This plugin can consume local files, node modules or web_modules. To
resolve path of an @import
rule, it can look into root
directory (by default process.cwd()
, node_modules
or local modules.
When importing a module, it will look for index.css
file referenced in package.json
in the style
or main
fields. You can also provide manually
multiples paths where to look at.
- This plugin should probably be used as the first plugin of your list. This way, other plugins will work on the AST as if there were only a single file to process, and will probably work as you can expect.
- This plugin works great with postcss-url plugin,
which will allow you to adjust assets
(or even inline them) after inlining imported files. - In order to optimize output, this plugin will only import a
file once on a given scope (root, media query…). Tests are made
from the path & the content of imported files (using a hash table).
If this behavior is not what you want, look at
option - If you are looking for glob, or sass like imports (prefixed partials), please look at postcss-easy-import (which use this plugin under the hood).
- Imports which are not modified (by
or because they are remote imports) are moved to the top of the output. - This plugin attempts to follow the CSS
statements must precede all other statements (besides@charset
$ npm install postcss-import
Unless your stylesheet is in the same place where you run postcss
), you will need to use from
option to make relative imports work.
// dependencies
var fs = require("fs")
var postcss = require("postcss")
var atImport = require("postcss-import")
// css to be processed
var css = fs.readFileSync("css/input.css", "utf8")
// process css
.process(css, {
// `from` option is needed here
from: "css/input.css"
}).then(function (result) {
var output = result.css
/* can consume `node_modules`, `web_modules` or local modules */
@import "cssrecipes-defaults"; /* == @import "../node_modules/cssrecipes-defaults/index.css"; */
@import "normalize.css"; /* == @import "../node_modules/normalize.css/normalize.css"; */
@import "foo.css"; /* relative to css/ according to `from` option above */
@import "bar.css" (min-width: 25em);
body {background: black;
will give you:
/* ... content of ../node_modules/cssrecipes-defaults/index.css */
/* ... content of ../node_modules/normalize.css/normalize.css */
/* ... content of css/foo.css */
@media (min-width: 25em) {
/* ... content of css/bar.css */
body {background: black;
Checkout the tests for more examples.
Type: Function
Default: () => true
Only transform imports for which the test function returns
. Imports for which the test function returns
will be left as is. The function gets the path to
import as an argument and should return a boolean.
Type: String
Default: process.cwd()
or dirname of the postcss
Define the root where to resolve path (eg: place where
are). Should not be used that much.
Note: nested @import
will additionally benefit of the
relative dirname of imported files.
Type: String|Array
Default: []
A string or an array of paths in where to look for files.
Type: Array
Default: undefined
An array of plugins to be applied on each imported files.
Type: Function
Default: null
You can provide a custom path resolver with this option. This
function gets (id, basedir, importOptions)
arguments and
should return a path, an array of paths or a promise resolving to the
path(s). If you do not return an absolute path, your path will be
resolved to an absolute path using the default resolver. You can use resolve for
Type: Function
Default: null
You can overwrite the default loading way by setting this option.
This function gets (filename, importOptions)
arguments and
returns content or promised content.
Type: Boolean
Default: true
By default, similar files (based on the same content) are being
skipped. It’s to optimize output and skip similar files like
for example. If this behavior is not what you
want, just set this option to false
to disable it.
Type: Array
Default: []
An array of folder names to add to Node’s resolver.
Values will be appended to the default resolve directories:
["node_modules", "web_modules"]
This option is only for adding additional directories to default
resolver. If you provide your own resolver via the resolve
configuration option above, then this value will be ignored.
Example with some options
var postcss = require("postcss")
var atImport = require("postcss-import")
path: ["src/css"],
.then(function (result) {
var css = result.css
adds a message to
for each @import
. Messages are
in the following format:
type: 'dependency',
file: absoluteFilePath,
parent: fileContainingTheImport
This is mainly for use by postcss runners that implement file watching.
- ⇄ Pull requests and ★ Stars are always welcome.
- For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue.
- Pull requests must be accompanied by passing automated tests
$ npm test