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2020-11-01 22:46:04 +00:00

177 lines
5.9 KiB

'use strict';
const constants = require('constants');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const Q = require('q');
const shell = require('./shell');
const escape = shell.escape;
const unescape = shell.unescape;
* Most of the code adopted from the npm package shell completion code.
* See
* @returns {COA.CoaObject}
module.exports = function completion() {
return this
.title('Shell completion')
.title('Completion words')
.act((opts, args) => {
if(process.platform === 'win32') {
const e = new Error('shell completion not supported on windows');
e.code = 'ENOTSUP';
e.errno = constants.ENOTSUP;
return this.reject(e);
// if the COMP_* isn't in the env, then just dump the script
if((process.env.COMP_CWORD == null)
|| (process.env.COMP_LINE == null)
|| (process.env.COMP_POINT == null)) {
return dumpScript(this._cmd._name);
console.error('COMP_LINE: %s', process.env.COMP_LINE);
console.error('COMP_CWORD: %s', process.env.COMP_CWORD);
console.error('COMP_POINT: %s', process.env.COMP_POINT);
console.error('args: %j', args.raw);
// completion opts
opts = getOpts(args.raw);
// cmd
const parsed = this._cmd._parseCmd(opts.partialWords);
return Q.when(complete(parsed.cmd, parsed.opts), compls => {
console.error('filtered: %j', compls);
return console.log('\n'));
function dumpScript(name) {
const defer = Q.defer();
fs.readFile(path.resolve(__dirname, ''), 'utf8', function(err, d) {
if(err) return defer.reject(err);
d = d.replace(/{{cmd}}/g, path.basename(name)).replace(/^#!.*?\n/, '');
process.stdout.on('error', onError);
process.stdout.write(d, () => defer.resolve());
return defer.promise;
function onError(err) {
// Darwin is a real dick sometimes.
// This is necessary because the "source" or "." program in
// bash on OS X closes its file argument before reading
// from it, meaning that you get exactly 1 write, which will
// work most of the time, and will always raise an EPIPE.
// Really, one should not be tossing away EPIPE errors, or any
// errors, so casually. But, without this, `. <(cmd completion)`
// can never ever work on OS X.
if(err.errno !== constants.EPIPE) return defer.reject(err);
process.stdout.removeListener('error', onError);
return defer.resolve();
function getOpts(argv) {
// get the partial line and partial word, if the point isn't at the end
// ie, tabbing at: cmd foo b|ar
const line = process.env.COMP_LINE;
const w = +process.env.COMP_CWORD;
const point = +process.env.COMP_POINT;
const words =;
const word = words[w];
const partialLine = line.substr(0, point);
const partialWords = words.slice(0, w);
// figure out where in that last word the point is
let partialWord = argv[w] || '';
let i = partialWord.length;
while(partialWord.substr(0, i) !== partialLine.substr(-1 * i) && i > 0) i--;
partialWord = unescape(partialWord.substr(0, i));
partialWord && partialWords.push(partialWord);
return {
function complete(cmd, opts) {
let optWord, optPrefix,
compls = [];
// Complete on cmds
compls = Object.keys(cmd._cmdsByName);
// Complete on required opts without '-' in last partial word
// (if required not already specified)
// Commented out because of uselessness:
// -b, --block suggest results in '-' on cmd line;
// next completion suggest all options, because of '-'
//.concat Object.keys(cmd._optsByKey).filter (v) -> cmd._optsByKey[v]._req
else {
// complete on opt values: --opt=| case
const m = opts.partialWord.match(/^(--\w[\w-_]*)=(.*)$/);
if(m) {
optWord = m[1];
optPrefix = optWord + '=';
} else
// complete on opts
// don't complete on opts in case of --opt=val completion
// TODO: don't complete on opts in case of unknown arg after commands
// TODO: complete only on opts with arr() or not already used
// TODO: complete only on full opts?
compls = Object.keys(cmd._optsByKey);
// complete on opt values: next arg case
opts.partialWords[opts.w - 1].indexOf('-') || (optWord = opts.partialWords[opts.w - 1]);
// complete on opt values: completion
let opt;
&& (opt = cmd._optsByKey[optWord])
&& !opt._flag
&& opt._comp
&& (compls = Q.join(compls,
(c, o) => c.concat( => (optPrefix || '') + v)))));
// TODO: complete on args values (context aware, custom completion?)
// custom completion on cmds
cmd._comp && (compls = Q.join(compls, Q.when(cmd._comp(opts)), (c, o) => c.concat(o)));
// TODO: context aware custom completion on cmds, opts and args
// (can depend on already entered values, especially options)
return Q.when(compls, complitions => {
console.error('partialWord: %s', opts.partialWord);
console.error('compls: %j', complitions);
return compls.filter(c => c.indexOf(opts.partialWord) === 0);