socksjs ======= A SOCKS (v5) client library for node.js ## Installation ## `` $ npm install socksjs `` ## API ## `` var SocksConnection = require('socksjs');`` SocksConnection implements node's Duplex Stream. See the Node documentation for [Stream consumers]( to see what methods and events are available in addition to those listed below. ### Creating a new SocksConnection ### `` var sock = new SocksConnection(remote_options, sock_options); `` `` var sock = SocksConnection.connect(remote_options, sock_options, connect_handler);`` **remote_options** * ``port`` - The port to connect to (mandatory) * ``host`` - The hostname or IP to connect to through the SOCKS proxy (optional, default: ``'localhost'``) * ``ssl`` - Connect using SSL (optional, default ``false``) * ``rejectUnauthorised`` - If ``true``, the server certificate is verified against the list of supplied CAs. An ``'error'`` event is emitted if verification fails (optional, default: ``false``) * ``key:`` - A string or Buffer containing the private key of the client in PEM format. * ``cert`` - A string or Buffer containing the certificate key of the client in PEM format. **socks_options** * ``localAddress`` - The local interface to bind to for the outgoing connections (optional, default: ````) * ``allowHalfOpen`` - If ``true``, the socket won't automatically send a FIN packet when the other end of the socket sends a FIN packet. (optional, default: ``false``) * ``host`` - The hostname or IP of the SOCKS proxy (optional, default: ``localhost``) * ``port`` - The SOCKS proxy's port (optional, default: ``1080``) * ``user`` - The username to use to authenticate to the SOCKS proxy (optional, default: ``null``) * ``pass`` - The password to use to authenticate to the SOCKS proxy (optional, default: ``null``) **connection_listener** Function to attach to the 'connect' event of the SocksConnection ### Additional Methods ### ``getPeerCertificate`` - Returns an object representing the peer's certificate. See the [Node tls documentation]( for more information. ### Events ### #### ``connect`` #### SocksConnection will emit a ``connect`` event when it has successfully connected to the target host #### ``error`` #### SocksConnection will emit an ``error`` event if it cannot connect to the SOCKS proxy, target host or if there is an error during the connection's lifetime. ## Contributing ## ### Tests ### socksjs needs tests. Pull requests with testcases are much appreciated. ## License ## socksjs (C) 2013 Jack Allnutt and is licensed under the [MIT license](, a copy of which can be found in the LICENSE file.