This repository has been archived on 2020-11-02. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

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/// <reference types="node"/>
import {Agent as HttpAgent} from 'http';
import {Agent as HttpsAgent} from 'https';
declare class VersionNotFoundErrorClass extends Error {
readonly name: 'VersionNotFoundError';
constructor(packageName: string, version: string);
declare class PackageNotFoundErrorClass extends Error {
readonly name: 'PackageNotFoundError';
constructor(packageName: string);
declare namespace packageJson {
interface Agents {
http?: HttpAgent;
https?: HttpsAgent;
interface Options {
Package version such as `1.0.0` or a [dist tag]( such as `latest`.
The version can also be in any format supported by the [semver]( module. For example:
- `1` - Get the latest `1.x.x`
- `1.2` - Get the latest `1.2.x`
- `^1.2.3` - Get the latest `1.x.x` but at least `1.2.3`
- `~1.2.3` - Get the latest `1.2.x` but at least `1.2.3`
@default 'latest'
readonly version?: string;
By default, only an abbreviated metadata object is returned for performance reasons. [Read more.](
@default false
readonly fullMetadata?: boolean;
Return the [main entry]( containing all versions.
@default false
readonly allVersions?: boolean;
The registry URL is by default inferred from the npm defaults and `.npmrc`. This is beneficial as `package-json` and any project using it will work just like npm. This option is*only** intended for internal tools. You should*not** use this option in reusable packages. Prefer just using `.npmrc` whenever possible.
readonly registryUrl?: string;
Overwrite the `agent` option that is passed down to [`got`]( This might be useful to add [proxy support](
readonly agent?: HttpAgent | HttpsAgent | Agents | false;
interface FullMetadataOptions extends Options {
By default, only an abbreviated metadata object is returned for performance reasons. [Read more.](
@default false
readonly fullMetadata: true;
interface DistTags {
readonly latest: string;
readonly [tagName: string]: string;
interface AbbreviatedMetadata {
readonly 'dist-tags': DistTags;
readonly modified: string;
readonly name: string;
readonly versions: {readonly [version: string]: AbbreviatedVersion};
readonly [key: string]: unknown;
interface AbbreviatedVersion {
readonly name: string;
readonly version: string;
readonly dist: {
readonly shasum: string;
readonly tarball: string;
readonly integrity?: string;
readonly deprecated?: string;
readonly dependencies?: {readonly [name: string]: string};
readonly optionalDependencies?: {readonly [name: string]: string};
readonly devDependencies?: {readonly [name: string]: string};
readonly bundleDependencies?: {readonly [name: string]: string};
readonly peerDependencies?: {readonly [name: string]: string};
readonly bin?: {readonly [key: string]: string};
readonly directories?: readonly string[];
readonly engines?: {readonly [type: string]: string};
readonly _hasShrinkwrap?: boolean;
readonly [key: string]: unknown;
interface Person {
readonly name?: string;
readonly email?: string;
readonly url?: string;
interface HoistedData {
readonly author?: Person;
readonly bugs?:
| {readonly url: string; readonly email?: string}
| {readonly url?: string; readonly email: string};
readonly contributors?: readonly Person[];
readonly description?: string;
readonly homepage?: string;
readonly keywords?: readonly string[];
readonly license?: string;
readonly maintainers?: readonly Person[];
readonly readme?: string;
readonly readmeFilename?: string;
readonly repository?: {readonly type: string; readonly url: string};
interface FullMetadata extends AbbreviatedMetadata, HoistedData {
readonly _id: string;
readonly _rev: string;
readonly time: {
readonly created: string;
readonly modified: string;
readonly [version: string]: string;
readonly users?: {readonly [user: string]: boolean};
readonly versions: {readonly [version: string]: FullVersion};
readonly [key: string]: unknown;
interface FullVersion extends AbbreviatedVersion, HoistedData {
readonly _id: string;
readonly _nodeVersion: string;
readonly _npmUser: string;
readonly _npmVersion: string;
readonly main?: string;
readonly files?: readonly string[];
readonly man?: readonly string[];
readonly scripts?: {readonly [scriptName: string]: string};
readonly gitHead?: string;
readonly types?: string;
readonly typings?: string;
readonly [key: string]: unknown;
type VersionNotFoundError = VersionNotFoundErrorClass;
type PackageNotFoundError = PackageNotFoundErrorClass;
declare const packageJson: {
Get metadata of a package from the npm registry.
@param packageName - Name of the package.
import packageJson = require('package-json');
(async () => {
console.log(await packageJson('ava'));
//=> {name: 'ava', ...}
// Also works with scoped packages
console.log(await packageJson('@sindresorhus/df'));
(packageName: string, options: packageJson.FullMetadataOptions): Promise<
(packageName: string, options?: packageJson.Options): Promise<
The error thrown when the given package version cannot be found.
VersionNotFoundError: typeof VersionNotFoundErrorClass;
The error thrown when the given package name cannot be found.
PackageNotFoundError: typeof PackageNotFoundErrorClass;
// TODO: remove this in the next major version
default: typeof packageJson;
export = packageJson;