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"use strict";
var valueToString = require("@sinonjs/commons").valueToString;
var indexOf = require("@sinonjs/commons").prototypes.string.indexOf;
var forEach = require("@sinonjs/commons").prototypes.array.forEach;
var type = require("type-detect");
var engineCanCompareMaps = typeof Array.from === "function";
var deepEqual = require("./deep-equal").use(match); // eslint-disable-line no-use-before-define
var isArrayType = require("./is-array-type");
var isSubset = require("./is-subset");
var createMatcher = require("./create-matcher");
* Returns true when `array` contains all of `subset` as defined by the `compare`
* argument
* @param {Array} array An array to search for a subset
* @param {Array} subset The subset to find in the array
* @param {Function} compare A comparison function
* @returns {boolean} [description]
* @private
function arrayContains(array, subset, compare) {
if (subset.length === 0) {
return true;
var i, l, j, k;
for (i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; ++i) {
if (compare(array[i], subset[0])) {
for (j = 0, k = subset.length; j < k; ++j) {
if (i + j >= l) {
return false;
if (!compare(array[i + j], subset[j])) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
/* eslint-disable complexity */
* Matches an object with a matcher (or value)
* @alias module:samsam.match
* @param {object} object The object candidate to match
* @param {object} matcherOrValue A matcher or value to match against
* @returns {boolean} true when `object` matches `matcherOrValue`
function match(object, matcherOrValue) {
if (matcherOrValue && typeof matcherOrValue.test === "function") {
return matcherOrValue.test(object);
switch (type(matcherOrValue)) {
case "bigint":
case "boolean":
case "number":
case "symbol":
return matcherOrValue === object;
case "function":
return matcherOrValue(object) === true;
case "string":
var notNull = typeof object === "string" || Boolean(object);
return (
notNull &&
) >= 0
case "null":
return object === null;
case "undefined":
return typeof object === "undefined";
case "Date":
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (type(object) === "Date") {
return object.getTime() === matcherOrValue.getTime();
/* istanbul ignore next: this is basically the rest of the function, which is covered */
case "Array":
case "Int8Array":
case "Uint8Array":
case "Uint8ClampedArray":
case "Int16Array":
case "Uint16Array":
case "Int32Array":
case "Uint32Array":
case "Float32Array":
case "Float64Array":
return (
isArrayType(matcherOrValue) &&
arrayContains(object, matcherOrValue, match)
case "Map":
/* istanbul ignore next: this is covered by a test, that is only run in IE, but we collect coverage information in node*/
if (!engineCanCompareMaps) {
throw new Error(
"The JavaScript engine does not support Array.from and cannot reliably do value comparison of Map instances"
return (
type(object) === "Map" &&
switch (type(object)) {
case "null":
return false;
case "Set":
return isSubset(matcherOrValue, object, match);
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (matcherOrValue && typeof matcherOrValue === "object") {
if (matcherOrValue === object) {
return true;
if (typeof object !== "object") {
return false;
var prop;
// eslint-disable-next-line guard-for-in
for (prop in matcherOrValue) {
var value = object[prop];
if (
typeof value === "undefined" &&
typeof object.getAttribute === "function"
) {
value = object.getAttribute(prop);
if (
matcherOrValue[prop] === null ||
typeof matcherOrValue[prop] === "undefined"
) {
if (value !== matcherOrValue[prop]) {
return false;
} else if (
typeof value === "undefined" ||
!deepEqual(value, matcherOrValue[prop])
) {
return false;
return true;
/* istanbul ignore next */
throw new Error("Matcher was an unknown or unsupported type");
/* eslint-enable complexity */
forEach(Object.keys(createMatcher), function(key) {
match[key] = createMatcher[key];
module.exports = match;