Chromium policies


As I cannot separate the keys to multiple files I am forced to keep them in one and separate by what the file does, aminda-extensions.json is unlikely to overlap with someone else.

Changing normal_installed to force_installed would also prevent uninstallation.

Dark Reader

  • eimadpbcbfnmbkopoojfekhnkhdbieeh

As playing around with these policies and constantly removing the profile directory doesnt help my migraine.

Privacy Manager

  • giccehglhacakcfemddmfhdkahamfcmd

Quick browser options and data removal on startup. Maybe beneficial if incognito is disabled (which again is not great idea for quick guest access?)

Fedora User Agent

  • hojggiaghnldpcknpbciehjcaoafceil

Communicates websites that Ubuntu isnt the only Linux distribution and makes some offer rpm packages directly.


  • nngceckbapebfimnlniiiahkandclblb

The password manager of my choice.

Privacy Badger

  • pkehgijcmpdhfbdbbnkijodmdjhbjlgp

Configured to learn locally and also in incognito as opposed to only relying on vendor list. Also not display the “Welcome to Privacy Badger screen”.

See also:


Disables floc or ad topics that are against privacy.


Disables incognito mode. I dont recommend this.


Simply enables DNS-over-HTTPS with


Enables encrypted client hello and OCSP (or CRL?) checks.


Enables home button and access to labs by default.


Forces incognito mode. I dont recommend this.


Enforces https and attempts to upgrade http to https.


If no DNS over HTTPS policy is used, this unlocks the setting. Enabling managed policies disable it by default.

Incompatible with any actual DoH policy.