Mikaela Suomalainen b7017d7c50
dnscrypt-proxy: update comments, lb_strategy = p2
Removed my weird comment and added refresh_delay to OpenNIC. I am using
p2 instead of ph as per the wiki as apparently they don't consider
balancing queries over multiple services as important as speed, so maybe
I don't have to worry about that either.
2018-11-29 11:23:05 +02:00

My configs for [dnscrypt-proxy]

At the time of writing, hosts-mikaela.txt is intended for hypothetical scenario where I have no access to DNS, but for some reason having access to [Yggdrasil] and/or [Hyperboria] or just to answer the question, why to rely on centralized technology on decentralized web.

The domains in hosts-mikaela.txt should also work without the file, relying on DNS (with the exception of which point is to not exist and confirm dnscrypt-proxy working properly), but that way you must trust DNSSEC, CloudFlare and wherever the CNAME points to who may not have DNSSEC.