41 lines
831 B

# My SSH config. This does leak existense of some hosts where I have
# access, but they should require SSH key authentication anyway.
Host *
Compression yes
CompressionLevel 6
ControlMaster yes
ControlPath /tmp/SSH_%u-%r.%h.%p
ControlPersist yes
ForwardAgent no
ForwardX11 no
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/Mikaela_Suomalainen
Protocol 2
PubkeyAuthentication yes
RequestTTY yes
SendEnv *
ServerAliveInterval 60
Host hilla
HostName hilla.kapsi.fi
User mikaela
Host lakka
HostName lakka.kapsi.fi
User mikaela
Host synvaler
HostName synvaler.mikaela.info
AddressFamily inet6
User nemo
Host verdarik
HostName verdarik.mikaela.info
User mikaela
Host tezagm
HostName tezagm.mikaela.info
User mikaela