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synced 2025-03-28 18:36:52 +01:00
Configuring SNTP Servers in Windows terminal
- Finland without particular ISP and explanations
- Variations
- Information about servers
- Additional reading
Finland without particular ISP and explanations
w32tm /config /syncfromflags:manual /manualpeerlist:"time.cloudflare.com time.mikes.fi time1.mikes.fi time2.mikes.fi time3.mikes.fi 0.pool.ntp.org 1.pool.ntp.org 2.pool.ntp.org 3.pool.ntp.org"
w32tm /resync
w32tm /query /peers
- The list is space separated NTP servers, while I think Windows uses SNTP instead of NTP.
may sync current time, but is also required for the GUI (Windows + I, Date & time) and following command to get aware of peers.- Shows where time is synced from and statistics.
- There is also
net time
to sync, I am unsure of the differences while that may be blocked while the second keeps working. It may also not show all the peers, just the primary one, whilew32tm
is more verbose and has all of them.
- There is also
- As Windows doesn’t support NTS and probably won’t in near future, there is no point in listing distant foreign servers.
Variations of the timeserver setting command to be kept at hand
Including Moi
w32tm /config /syncfromflags:manual /manualpeerlist:"time.cloudflare.com ntp.dnainternet.fi time.mikes.fi time1.mikes.fi time2.mikes.fi time3.mikes.fi pool.ntp.org"
- https://www.dna.fi/liikennerajoitukset
- https://asiakaspalvelu.moi.fi/hc/fi/articles/360029789832-Mitk%C3%A4-ovat-Moin-palvelinosoitteet-
w32tm /config /syncfromflags:manual /manualpeerlist:"time.cloudflare.com ntp1.kolumbus.fi ntp2.kolumbus.fi ntp.saunalahti.fi time.mikes.fi time1.mikes.fi time2.mikes.fi time3.mikes.fi pool.ntp.org"
Information about servers
- https://www.cloudflare.com/time/
- https://www.netnod.se/nts/network-time-security
- https://www.vttresearch.com/fi/palvelut/suomen-aika-ntp-palvelu#julkinen
- https://www.ntppool.org/use.html
- Also mentions the syntax for multiple servers, but considering this Elisa list has so many servers I am only picking one pool address just in case the others somehow fail.
Additional reading
- Above links
- https://jasoncoltrin.com/2018/08/02/how-to-set-clock-time-on-ad-domain-controller-and-sync-windows-clients/
- this file might not exist without this post, while it doesn’t
mention multiple servers, uses
and I am yet to actually touch NTP on Windows Server environment.
- this file might not exist without this post, while it doesn’t
mention multiple servers, uses