This is repository for important files, which I prefer to have everywhere.
Downloading without git (NEW!)
I wrote a script to download files in this repository without git.
NOTE: If the fourth command gives you “BAD SIGNATURE”, proceed with caution!
wget -O shell-things.sh http://mkaysi.github.com/shell-things.sh
wget -O shell-things.sh.asc http://mkaysi.github.com/shell-things.sh.asc
gpg --fetch-keys http://mkaysi.github.com/PGP/0x82A46728.txt
gpg --verify shell-things.sh.asc
chmod +x shell-things.sh && ./shell-things.sh
What is what
.cat.sh — script which puts (almost) everything on it’s correct place. WARNING: It will overwrite the current versions of those files if they exist. That is why it’s hidden (dot)file.
.gitignore — list of files, which git shouldn’t add to this repository.
bashrc — Bourne Again SHell config file
gitconfig — git config file
notMkaysi — file which can be pasted to ~/.custom to evade some things, which can be annoyances for others than me.
pastebinit.xml — pastebinit config file
vimrc — Vi IMproved config file
xsessionrc — what is executed on X logon
oidentd.conf — configuration file for Oidentd.
tmux.conf — configuration file for Tmux terminal multiplexer.
warnings — script, which suggests Debian packages, which files in this repository think you should have
zshrc — The Z SHell config file
gnupg/ — GnuPG related config files
gpg.conf — GnuPG config file
pgprules.xml.asc — ENCRYPTED Enigmail Per-Recepient rules.