if ! hash lsb_release 2> /dev/null; then ERRORMESSAGE="lsb_release was not found, the wallpaper scripts cannot figure out the distribution" echo $ERRORMESSAGE notify-send --app-name=darkman --icon=error $ERRORMESSAGE exit 0 fi if ! hash kvantummanager 2> /dev/null; then ERRORMESSAGE="kvantummanager wasn't found, Qt theme switching won't work!" echo $ERRORMESSAGE notify-send --app-name="darkman" --icon=error $ERRORMESSAGE exit 0 fi export DISTROID=$(lsb_release -si) export DISTROREL=$(lsb_release -sr) export DARKMANGET=$(darkman get) printf "Distribution: $DISTROID\nRelease: $DISTROREL\nMode: $DARKMANGET\n" if [[ "$DARKMANGET" == "dark" ]]; then (notify-send --app-name="darkman" --urgency=low --icon=weather-clear-night "Teema: $DARKMANGET" &) elif [[ "$DARKMANGET" == "light" ]]; then (notify-send --app-name="darkman" --urgency=low --icon=weather-clear "Teema: $DARKMANGET" &) else ERRORMESSAGE="Something went wrong?" echo $ERRORMESSAGE notify-send --app-name="darkman" --icon=error $ERRORMESSAGE fi if [[ "$QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE" != "kvantum" ]]; then ERRORMESSAGE="\$QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE is not 'kvantum', Qt theme switching has no effect!" echo $ERRORMESSAGE notify-send --app-name="darkman" --icon=error $ERRORMESSAGE exit 0 fi