# Improved from `man grimshot` # It will store things to XDG_SCREENSHOTS_DIR. # Run `xdg-user-dirs-update`, edit `~/.config/user-dirs.dirs` and rerun # Create the directory if it doesn't exist, and screenshots will start # going there. # To not repeat the --notify so much set $grimshot grimshot --notify # Shift+PrintScreen: Current window bindsym Shift+Print exec $grimshot save active # Super+Shift+Print: Select area bindsym $mod+Shift+Print exec $grimshot save area # Super+Alt+p (or PrintScreen) Current output bindsym $mod+Mod1+p exec $grimshot save output bindsym Print exec $grimshot save output # Super+Ctrl+p (or Super+Ctrl+PrintScreen) Select a window bindsym $mod+Ctrl+p exec $grimshot save window bindsym $mod+Ctrl+Print exec $grimshot save window