# I think this may be deprecated or done better / different way by # NetworkManager and similar software. # Enable IPv6 privacy extensions and prefer them to the EUI-64 address # This should be 2 for clients to use and prefer private extensions address # and 0 for servers or devices that don't move around. # 2 for enabling and preferring, 1 to only enable, 0 to disable net.ipv6.conf.all.use_tempaddr = 2 net.ipv6.conf.default.use_tempaddr = 2 #net.ipv6.conf.eth0.use_tempaddr = 2 #net.ipv6.conf.wlan0.use_tempaddr = 2 net.ipv6.conf.enp4s0f1.use_tempaddr = 2 net.ipv6.conf.wlp3s0.use_tempaddr = 2 ## In case of systemd-networkd (which won't work with the above) and ## interfaces that are up when the option is changed: #net.ipv6.conf.eth0.use_tempaddr=2 #net.ipv6.conf.enp4s0f1.use_tempaddr=2 #net.ipv6.conf.wlan0.use_tempaddr=2 #net.ipv6.conf.wlp3s0.use_tempaddr=2