# OK, so this could be a lot more pretty, but it works for ensuring users have # a screenshot directory (even if I still don't know does anything else than # grimshot care about that). # root is neither taking screenshots nor using gui if [[ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]]; then # if the configuration file exists, that is good enough indication for me # that the tools are supported. if [[ -f "$(xdg-user-dir)/.config/user-dirs.locale)" ]]; then # If the output differs, the path is set and there is no need to # continue. if [[ $(xdg-user-dir SCREENSHOTS) != $(xdg-user-dir) ]]; then # If we are continuing anyway, ensure existence of locale file and see if it's something I support. touch "$(cat $(xdg-user-dir)/.config/user-dirs.locale)" XDGLOCALE="$(cat $(xdg-user-dir)/.config/user-dirs.locale)" if [[ "$XDGLOCALE" == "fi" || "$XDGLOCALE" == "fi_FI" ]]; then # I would say Kuvankaappaukset, but for some reason KDE Plasma says Kuvakaappaukset, and I don't care enough. xdg-user-dirs-update --set SCREENSHOTS $(xdg-user-dir PICTURES)/Kuvakaappaukset else # Generic English fallack, like I think upstream does. xdg-user-dirs-update --set SCREENSHOTS $(xdg-user-dir PICTURES)/Screenshots fi # Ensure the directory exists. mkdir -p "$(xdg-user-dir SCREENSHOTS)" fi fi fi