	cleandi = clean -di
	cleandix = clean -dix
	# From http://progit.org/book/ch2-7.html
	last = cat-file commit HEAD
	mergen = merge --no-ff
	pulln = pull --no-ff
	pullen = pull --no-ff
	verify = verify-commit HEAD

	editor = nvim
	autocrlf = input
	safecrlf = warn
	# From git manpage and http://book.git-scm.com/5_customizing_git.html
	branch = true
	diff = true
	grep = true
	interactive = true
	pager = true
	showbranch = true
	status = true
	ui = true
	default = current
	gpgSign = if-asked
	autoSetupRemote = true
	recurseSubmodules = on-demand
	helper = cache --timeout=86400
	ff = only
	renormalize = true
	signOff = true
	gpgsign = true
	compactionHeuristic = true
	algorithm = histogram
#	 log = diff-highlight | less
#	 show = diff-highlight | less
#	 diff = diff-highlight | less
#	 diffFilter = diff-highlight
	format = ssh
	#format = x509
[gpg "ssh"]
	allowedSignersFile = ~/src/codeberg.org/Aminda/ssh-allowed_signers/allowed_signers
#[gpg "x509"]
#	program = gpgsm
	forceSignAnnotated = true
	ff = only
	defaultBranch = cxefa
	# https://pre-commit.com/#pre-commit-init-templatedir
	# pre-commit init-templatedir ~/.git-template
	templateDir = ~/.git-template
	# I am not developing in detached head state, I generally want to compile
	# a specific version of a program and I know how to get out of it
	detachedHead = false
	submodulesummary = 1
	recurse = true
	setlockablereadonly = true
	locksverify = true
	mailmap = true
	showSignature = true
	path = ~/.gitconfig2
# https://sandrotosi.blogspot.com/2020/10/multiple-git-configurations-depending.html?m=1
# see also .mikaela/2src-gitconfig within the same shell-things repo
[includeIf "gitdir:~/2src/"]
	path = ~/2src/gitconfig

# Don't complain about this path
	directory = /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew