[Match] #Name=* # Can be {colon,hyphen,dot}-delimited hexadecimal or IPv{4,6} address #MACAddress= Type=ether [Link] # My devices generally also have WiFi so lack of ethernet is not a reason # to wait for systemd-networkd-wait-online.service RequiredForOnline=false # Takes "ipv4", "ipv6", "both", or "any" (default). RequiredFamilyForOnline=both # Always set administrative state to up. Implies RequiredForOnline=true #ActivationPolicy=always-up # Required for mDNS Multicast=true [Network] #DHCP=true # /24, /16, /8 are the the class C, B, A networks Address= Gateway= IPv6PrivacyExtensions=true IPv6LinkLocalAddressGenerationMode=stable-privacy # DNS has no effect unless systemd-resolved is used. Why would it be used? # systemctl enable systemd-resolved && systemctl start systemd-resolved # ln -sf /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf #DNS= #DNS=::1 #DNS= #DNSSEC=true #DNSSEC=allow-downgrade #DNSOverTLS=true #DNSOverTLS=opportunistic # Search domains Domains=. # Enable systemd-timesyncd with `timedatectl set-ntp true`, may be specified # multiple times, but you are using Chrony instead, right? #NTP=fi.pool.ntp.org #NTP=time.cloudflare.com # Enable mDNS/.local for systemd-resolved MulticastDNS=true # Windows LLMNR=true