alias top="htop" # MKAYSIGREP # MKAYSIGREPALIAS alias gitk="gitg" # Requires gitg . I just think that it looks nicer than gitk. #MKAYSIGREP # MKAYSIGREPALIAS alias netcat="ncat " # MKAYSIGREP # MKAYSIGREPALIAS alias usewithtor="proxychains " # MKAYSIGREP # MKAYSIGREPALIAS alias torsocks="proxychains " # MKAYSIGREP # MKAYSIGREPALIAS alias proxychains="proxychains " # MKAYSIGREP # MKAYSIGREPALIAS alias checkinstall="make install " # MKAYSIGREP # MKAYSIGREPALIAS alias gpg=gpg2 # MKAYSIGREP # MKAYSIGREPALIAS alias wget="echo Running curl -LO instead of wget && curl -LO " # MKAYSIGREP # MKAYSIGREPALIAS #alias aptitude='echo "You might want to try apt-* instead..."' #MKAYSIGREP #MKAYSIGREPALIAS