# dnf protected packages In normal operation, packages listed here will not be removed by dnf even when told it to do so. <!-- editorconfig-checker-disable --> <!-- prettier-ignore-start --> <!-- START doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update --> <!-- DON'T EDIT THIS SECTION, INSTEAD RE-RUN doctoc TO UPDATE --> - [My list](#my-list) - [Fedora 40 list](#fedora-40-list) <!-- END doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update --> <!-- prettier-ignore-end --> <!-- editorconfig-checker-enable --> ## My list - `aminda-desktop.conf` protects packages I consider essential for my desktop experience, mainly `sway` and `waybar`, the latter which once got removed due to dependency issue with Fedora 40 during its rawhide days and that was a bit painful. - `aminda-essentials.conf` protects essential packages that are CLI, mainly `tmux`, `git` and `zsh` at this time. - `README.md` explains what these files are about and is the file you are currently reading, isn't it? - `{sdubby,systemd-boot-unsigned}.conf` are required and recommended to be protected for `systemd-bootd` when not using `grub`. - `systemd-{networkd,resolved}.conf` protect the two which I use for `resolv.conf` and network management and I will be unhappy if they vanish mysteriously (Debian testing once stripped systemd-resolved from core systemd and broke my DNS, so just in case...) - `unbound.conf` is what I use in addition to `systemd-resolved` recommended or not, so I have at least one working DNS resolver on my system. ## Fedora 40 list ``` grub2-efi-ia32.conf grub2-pc.conf shim.conf grub2-efi-x64.conf grub2-tools-minimal.conf setup.conf sudo.conf systemd.conf ```