# Microsoft Edge recommended policies - [Fedora?](#fedora) Because apparently Microsoft is so allergic to Chrome, despite being based on Chromium that they have to rewrite `chrome://` into `edge://` without handling automatic redirect from the former, so my policy for apps as new page breaks and suggests opening _Firefox Developer Edition_ for whatever reason. Thus separate recommended profiles for Microsoft Edge, just so this one is fixed. **_Don't expect this directory to be updated, I will probably forget it myself._** ## Fedora? ```bash # Removes all three versions of Microsoft Edge from the system. sudo dnf remove -y microsoft-edge-{stable,beta,dev} # Remove all three Microsoft Edge repositories rm -rv /etc/yum.repos.d/microsoft-edge{,-beta,-dev}.repo # Removes the crontab entries to restore the above, if they didn't get removed # already. rm -v /etc/cron.daily/microsoft-edge{,-beta,-dev} ```