# Chromium recommended policies - https://chromeenterprise.google/policies/ <!-- editorconfig-checker-disable --> <!-- prettier-ignore-start --> <!-- START doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update --> <!-- DON'T EDIT THIS SECTION, INSTEAD RE-RUN doctoc TO UPDATE --> - [`brave-search.json`](#brave-searchjson) - [`disable-default-browser-check.json`](#disable-default-browser-checkjson) - [`duckduckgo.json`](#duckduckgojson) - [`ecosia.json`](#ecosiajson) - [`enable-google-safebrowsing.json`](#enable-google-safebrowsingjson) - [`enable-google-safebrowsing-less-private.json.sample`](#enable-google-safebrowsing-less-privatejsonsample) - [`enable-home.json`](#enable-homejson) - [`no-bookmarks-bar.json`](#no-bookmarks-barjson) - [`README.md`](#readmemd) <!-- END doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update --> <!-- prettier-ignore-end --> <!-- editorconfig-checker-enable --> ## `brave-search.json` Sets and displays recommendation on the use of search.brave.com as a search engine by default. ## `disable-default-browser-check.json` Disables checking whether the browser is set as default, but due to being a suggested policy, allows the user to set as default in browser settings. ## `duckduckgo.json` Sets and displays recommendation on the use of start.duckduckgo.com as a search engine by default. ## `ecosia.json` Sets and displays recommendation on the use of Ecosia as a search engine by default. ## `enable-google-safebrowsing.json` Enforces Google Safe Browsing in standard mode. For advanced mode and sending data to Google, increase to 2 or see the sample below. ## `enable-google-safebrowsing-less-private.json.sample` This would enable Google Safebrowsing and send additional data to Google including downloads etc. ## `enable-home.json` Enables home button by default. ## `no-bookmarks-bar.json` Hides bookmarks bar by default. I just dislike it greatly. ## `README.md` You are reading this file, are you not?