unbound: restore dot-dns0-quad9.conf with IPv4 for DNS0 & IPv6 for Quad9 ECS

This partially reverts commit 422ab0de4eedfe378d1866bfb58a2b4dac774b83
This commit is contained in:
Aminda Suomalainen 2024-05-09 20:02:23 +03:00
parent 93e2ab81dd
commit c81c1dd7d0
Signed by: Mikaela
SSH Key Fingerprint: SHA256:CXLULpqNBdUKB6E6fLA1b/4SzG0HvKD19PbIePU175Q

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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# This is a merging of dot-dns0.conf & dot-quad9.conf with weight on DNS0
# IPv4 and when using IPv6, Quad9 Secure with ECS. IPv6 private ECS is
# horribly inaccurate and I have minor leaning towards having ECS enabled.
# Private ECS is a compromise between privacy and local destinations.
# Both are filtering DNS servers, so this brings risk of something being
# blocked by only one of them. However both are non-profits and have servers
# in Finland.
# Debian ca-certificates location
#tls-cert-bundle: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
# Fedora
#tls-cert-bundle: /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem/tls-ca-bundle.pem
# Use system certificates no matter where they are
tls-system-cert: yes
# Quad9 says pointless performance impact on forwarders.
# https://docs.quad9.net/Quad9_For_Organizations/DNS_Forwarder_Best_Practices/#disable-qname-minimization
qname-minimisation: no
# Private ECS is more accurate with IPv4 than IPv6.
prefer-ip4: yes
prefer-ip6: no
name: "."
forward-tls-upstream: yes
## DNS0.eu IPv4 Default
## Quad9 IPv6 Secure + ECS
forward-addr: 2620:fe::fe:11@853#dns11.quad9.net
forward-addr: 2620:fe::11@853#dns11.quad9.net
# vim: filetype=unbound.conf