mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 08:40:37 +01:00
Add comments to the scripts that shouldn't be ran (but are ran anyway)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,34 +1,51 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Do not use this script unless you know what you are doing! And even when you
# are me and know what you are doing, this is a poor practice I really should
# stop.
# Do not use this script unless you know what you are doing! And even when
# thou art I, and know what thou art doing, this is a poor practice I really
# should stop.
set -x
# If the latest commit cannot be verified, exit to error.
git verify-commit HEAD || exit 1
# Place my personal more questionable aliases in place, except that I don't
# actually use them as I keep forgetting about them.
cat .mikaela/bash_aliases >~/.bash_aliases
cat .mikaela/zsh_aliases >~/.zsh_aliases
# I still question whether xinitrc gets read under wayland, but I am not
# about to start removing this legacy config, just in case of something
# unexpected.
cat rc/xinitrc >~/.xinitrc
# My gnupg configuration with questionable options such as always
# encrypting to me, so paws off.
mkdir -p ~/.gnupg
cat .mikaela/gpg.conf >~/.gnupg/gpg.conf
# my name and all in pastes made through pastebinit, if it still even exists
cat .mikaela/pastebinit.xml >~/.pastebinit.xml
# may change your language to Finnish or do other fun someone else than I
# wouldn't expect
cat .mikaela/environment >~/.environment
# my git configuration including the names, addresses, public keys, etc.
mkdir ~/.config/git
#cat .mikaela/gitconfig >~/.config/git/config
git config --global --add include.path '~/.shell-things/.mikaela/gitconfig'
cat .gitattributes >~/.config/git/attributes
# unless thou art I, thou don't want my authorized_keys on your system.
mkdir -p ~/.ssh
cat .mikaela/keys/authorized_keys >~/.ssh/authorized_keys
cat etc/ssh/ssh_config >~/.ssh/config
# Text editor configuration (with a lot of bloat) that shouldn't be reached
# anyway since every project should have its own not so bloated editorconfig.
cat .editorconfig >~/.editorconfig
# Is Firefox installed to the location I generally use? Then apply my
# autoconfigs. These are very surprising and unexpected unless thou art I,
# thou have been warned.
if [ -d ~/.local/firefox/defaults/pref/ ]; then
cat conf/autoconfig.js >~/.local/firefox/defaults/pref/autoconfig.js
#cat conf/librewolf.overrides.cfg >~/.local/firefox/librewolf.overrides.cfg
@ -42,6 +59,8 @@ cat conf/firefox-forbidden-policies.js >~/.librewolf/librewolf.overrides.cfg
#cat conf/librewolf.overrides.cfg >~/.var/app/io.gitlab.librewolf-community/.librewolf/librewolf.overrides.cfg
cat conf/firefox-forbidden-policies.js >~/.var/app/io.gitlab.librewolf-community/.librewolf/librewolf.overrides.cfg
# Mainly KDE Plasma Integration extension support, but there may be GNOME
# and similar there too
mkdir -p ~/.mozilla/native-messaging-hosts
if [ -d /usr/lib64/mozilla/native-messaging-hosts/ ]; then
cp -v /usr/lib64/mozilla/native-messaging-hosts/* ~/.mozilla/native-messaging-hosts
@ -49,17 +68,20 @@ elif [ -d /usr/lib/mozilla/native-messaging-hosts/ ]; then
cp -v /usr/lib/mozilla/native-messaging-hosts/ ~/.mozilla/native-messaging-hosts
# Desktop menu integration
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/applications
ln -nsfv ~/.shell-things/local/share/applications ~/.local/share/applications/shell-things
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/
ln -nsfv ~/.local/firefox/browser/chrome/icons/default/default128.png ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/a-firefox.png
# Update desktop menu entries
if hash update-desktop-database 2>/dev/null; then
update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications
# Set a marker that this script has been used for the main script to read
set +x
# vim : set ft=sh :
# vim : set ft=bash :
@ -1,61 +1,100 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Do not use this script unless you know what you are doing!
# Do not use this script unless you know what you are doing! Even then this
# script isn't that much above `curl | bash`ing
set -x
# If my allowed_signers are present, use them, if not, clone them, and try
# again. The gitconfig expects them here.
if [ -d ~/src/gitea.blesmrt.net/Mikaela/ssh-allowed_signers ]; then
git verify-commit HEAD || exit 1
sleep 3
echo "Keys not found, cloning..."
# -vp - verbose, parent. This comment won't be repeated.
mkdir -vp ~/src/gitea.blesmrt.net/Mikaela/
git clone https://gitea.blesmrt.net/Mikaela/ssh-allowed_signers.git ~/src/gitea.blesmrt.net/Mikaela/ssh-allowed_signers
git verify-commit HEAD || exit 1
sleep 3
# marker that I have ran the other script that runs things like installing
# my public keys as authorized. See bottom of this script.
# catting the files around, cat used in hopes of not touching permissions
cat rc/bashrc > ~/.bashrc
cat conf/tmux.conf > ~/.tmux.conf
cat rc/zshrc > ~/.zshrc
cat rc/profile > ~/.profile
# Git config, legacy support for old location as well.
# The other script appends sourced file, so if thou aren't I, thou should
# consider it as well; `git config --global --add include.path '~/yourgitconfig'`
mkdir -vp ~/.config/git
cat conf/gitconfig > ~/.config/git/config
touch ~/.gitconfig
rm ~/.gitconfig
ln -nsfv ~/.config/git/config ~/.gitconfig
# Used for `git init` and `git clone`, will contain pre-commit hooks
mkdir -vp ~/.git-template
# {n,neo}vim
cat rc/vimrc > ~/.vimrc
mkdir -vp ~/.config/nvim/
cat conf/init.vim > ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
cat conf/makepkg.conf > ~/.makepkg.conf
# the media player
mkdir -vp ~/.config/mpv/
cat conf/mpv.conf > ~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf
# if I am performing ident spoofing already, I don't want to touch it
if [ ! -f ~/.oidentd.conf ]; then
cat conf/oidentd.conf > ~/.oidentd.conf
# In addition to git, my gnupg configuration should be questioned
mkdir -vp ~/.gnupg
cat gpg/gpg.conf > ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf
cat gpg/gpg-agent.conf > ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf
cat gpg/dirmngr.conf > ~/.gnupg/dirmngr.conf
# Issues with GPG? SIGHUP dirmngr
killall -HUP dirmngr
# I don't remember using these in ages and I don't think they apply to
# wayland
#cat rc/xinitrc > ~/.xinitrc
cat conf/pastebinit.xml > ~/.pastebinit.xml
cat conf/Xresources > ~/.Xresources
# Nice sysinfo script
mkdir -vp ~/.inxi
cat conf/inxi.conf > ~/.inxi/inxi.conf
# laziness
gpg --quiet --import .mikaela/keys/*.asc &
# Utilized by my ssh_config (not to be confused with sshd_config)
mkdir -vp ~/.ssh/sockets/
# It will get used later
mkdir -vp ~/.local/bin/
# Setting permissions
chmod a+xr chmod
bash -x ./chmod &
# The submodules contain nice things such as fonts
git submodule update --init &
# Aforementioned git template directory and pre-commit
if hash pre-commit 2> /dev/null; then
pre-commit init-templatedir ~/.git-template
pre-commit gc
# If symlinks are installed, remove dead/dangling ones from ~/.local/bin
# so corepack won't get confused if those are present
if hash symlinks 2> /dev/null; then
symlinks -d ~/.local/bin/
@ -63,32 +102,50 @@ else
sleep 3
# node package manager manager
if hash corepack 2> /dev/null; then
# Will install symlinks for pnpm, yarn, etc., but not npm unless
# explicitly requested as below
corepack enable --install-directory ~/.local/bin/
corepack enable npm --install-directory ~/.local/bin/
# pnpm can utilize the same packagemanager field as corepack, even when
# used alone
corepack pnpm config set manage-package-manager-versions=true
elif hash pnpm 2> /dev/null; then
# see above which is more relevant in this case
pnpm config set manage-package-manager-versions=true
echo "WARNING! corepack is not installed."
sleep 3
# If running as root, which I am doing regardless of not being supposed to,
if [ "$(id -u)" == "0" ]; then
# Enables laziness on checking whether or not apt is installed
mkdir -vp /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/
# Enables progress bar and colours for apt/dpkg, which are helpful at
# times when guesstimating when will things happen
echo 'Dpkg::Progress-Fancy "1";' > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99progressbar
echo 'APT::Color "1";' > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99color
# If some locate variant is installed, now is a great time to ensure its
# database is up-to-date. This may also enable automated database
# updates.
if hash updatedb 2> /dev/null; then
(updatedb &)
# If the previously mentioned marker is present, include the even more
# questionable script (yay!) into our current execution
if [ -f "$MIKAELA_GREP" ]; then
bash -x .mikaela_install
. .mikaela_install
# If git-lfs is installed, configure git with it, otherwise this will just
# error in forked background process which will no longer hurt the current
# execution.
(git lfs install | true &)
set +x
# vim : set ft=sh :
#chmod 700 $HOME -R
# vim : set ft=bash :
Reference in New Issue
Block a user