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synced 2024-12-22 18:52:45 +01:00
i3: sort autostarts & add Keybase
* expected packages now also contains keybase * Keybase's tray popup is now floating * autostarting Flatpaks are separated from normal apps and below them * Gajim has --quiet, even if it probably doesn't affect anything here
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# galculator network-manager-gnome redshift-gtk x11-xserver-utils
# pasystray feh rofi pulsemixer libnotify-bin xcompmgr xfce4-terminal
# fonts-dejavu dbus-x11 arandr numlockx fcitx-bin fcitx-mozc conky-all
# flatpak apparmor-notify caffeine
# flatpak apparmor-notify caffeine keybase
# Flatpaks expected: org.gajim.Gajim org.gajim.Gajim.Plugin.omemo
# de.haeckerfelix.gradio
@ -266,6 +266,9 @@ bindsym $mod+p exec arandr
for_window [title="^Mozilla Firefox$"] floating enable
for_window [title="^Tor Browser$"] floating enable
for_window [title="galculator"] floating enable
# insert new rules above this line
# https://github.com/keybase/client/issues/8232
for_window [title="tracker - .*"] floating enable
# Autostarts
exec --no-startup-id nm-applet
@ -280,12 +283,15 @@ exec --no-startup-id xcompmgr -c -n
exec --no-startup-id numlockx on
# see also pam_environment https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Fcitx#Non_desktop_environment
exec --no-startup-id fcitx
exec --no-startup-id flatpak run org.gajim.Gajim
exec --no-startup-id $TERMINAL
exec --no-startup-id conky
exec --no-startup-id aa-notify -p -s 1 -w 60
exec --no-startup-id flatpak run de.haeckerfelix.gradio
exec --no-startup-id caffeine-indicator
exec --no-startup-id KEYBASE_AUTOSTART=1 run_keybase -a
# Flatpaks
exec --no-startup-id flatpak run org.gajim.Gajim --quiet
exec --no-startup-id flatpak run de.haeckerfelix.gradio
# CHANGEME - weird autostart options that may not be suitable even for my other devices
# Centre of Lauttasaari
Reference in New Issue
Block a user