diff --git a/etc/opt/chromium/policies/managed/README.md b/etc/opt/chromium/policies/managed/README.md index 02abbfa9..db43b13a 100644 --- a/etc/opt/chromium/policies/managed/README.md +++ b/etc/opt/chromium/policies/managed/README.md @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ to overlap with someone else. Changing `normal_installed` to `force_installed` would also prevent uninstallation. -### Silk - Privacy Pass Client for the browser +### [Silk - Privacy Pass Client for the browser](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ajhmfdgkijocedmfjonnpjfojldioehi) - `ajhmfdgkijocedmfjonnpjfojldioehi` @@ -55,13 +55,13 @@ To intentionally trigger it and what should be allowed in NoScript: - https://captcha.website - https://issuance.privacypass.cloudflare.com -### DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials +### [DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/bkdgflcldnnnapblkhphbgpggdiikppg) - `bkdgflcldnnnapblkhphbgpggdiikppg` Installed by default so Google won't be the default search engine. -### NoScript +### [NoScript](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/doojmbjmlfjjnbmnoijecmcbfeoakpjm) - `doojmbjmlfjjnbmnoijecmcbfeoakpjm` @@ -69,13 +69,13 @@ Appears to make the internet much more pleasant and less distracting in 2024 eliminating the cookie banners and all, while not trusting lists generated by other people. -### Dark Reader +### [Dark Reader](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/eimadpbcbfnmbkopoojfekhnkhdbieeh) - `eimadpbcbfnmbkopoojfekhnkhdbieeh` As playing around with these policies and constantly removing the profile directory doesn't help my migraine. -### Indiewiki Buddy +### [Indiewiki Buddy](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/fkagelmloambgokoeokbpihmgpkbgbfm) - `fkagelmloambgokoeokbpihmgpkbgbfm` @@ -85,33 +85,33 @@ in not so hardened Chromium for a bit due to hardened Firefox being too much for my task and there is no reason occassionally needed Chromium shouldn't be tolerable for a few minutes. -### Privacy Manager +### [Privacy Manager](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/giccehglhacakcfemddmfhdkahamfcmd) - `giccehglhacakcfemddmfhdkahamfcmd` Quick browser options and data removal on _startup_. Maybe beneficial if incognito is disabled (which again is not great idea for quick guest access?) -### Fedora User Agent +### [Fedora User Agent](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hojggiaghnldpcknpbciehjcaoafceil) - `hojggiaghnldpcknpbciehjcaoafceil` Communicates websites that Ubuntu isn't the only Linux distribution and makes some offer rpm packages directly. -### Snowflake +### [Snowflake](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mafpmfcccpbjnhfhjnllmmalhifmlcie) - `mafpmfcccpbjnhfhjnllmmalhifmlcie` Helps bridge traffic to Tor by looking like WebRTC call. -### Bitwarden +### [Bitwarden](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/nngceckbapebfimnlniiiahkandclblb) - `nngceckbapebfimnlniiiahkandclblb` The password manager of my choice. -### Privacy Badger +### [Privacy Badger](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/pkehgijcmpdhfbdbbnkijodmdjhbjlgp) - `pkehgijcmpdhfbdbbnkijodmdjhbjlgp`