diff --git a/conf/i3/config b/conf/i3/config index eda74b1a..8c8ab121 100644 --- a/conf/i3/config +++ b/conf/i3/config @@ -464,6 +464,10 @@ exec --no-startup-id sleep 15 && telegram-desktop -startintray exec --no-startup-id flatpak run --command=telegram-desktop --file-forwarding org.telegram.desktop -startintray # HexChat IRC client in tray exec --no-startup-id sleep 20 && io.github.Hexchat --minimize=2 +# who actually prefers HexChat? +# Jami, VIP, P2P, won't get sold and disappoint, not Electrin, I hope +exec --no-startup-id sleep 25 && jami-qt + ## Redshift for better night display # Centre of Lauttasaari