-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256 I am https://t.me/M1kaela at Telegram, but as per their username policy[1] I am unable to reserve the name there due to not being a user of Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and I have no desire to become one. This means that theoretically anyone could takeover any Telegram username I register and thus my account there should be confirmed outside of Telegram to ensure I am being chatted with, not someone who registered my username at two of three of those services and thus got the username transferred to them. [1]:https://telegram.org/faq#q-what-do-i-do-if-my-username-is-taken -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iIsEARYIADMWIQRp/0Vahp+QMaaR4PGZOS9iuuMHIwUCX50Z0hUcbWlrYWVsYUBt aWthZWxhLmluZm8ACgkQmTkvYrrjByMn7wD/dwsuBxxNoj3zy2yrnSvOxzV+Gpol ulytPRYmn2kQEZIA/jw85UJCF6gTwjiO+ztMDKQQfbTfNu6I3U0FP1NAME8K =Glx2 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----