--- layout: null permalink: /r/gpg.html redirect_from: /r/gnupg.html sitemap: false --- Quick GPG note where I may find it. To create an Ed25519 key, or whatever will be the default version in the future as defined by your GPG version: ``` gpg --quick-gen-key address@domain.example future-default ``` Note the keyid and edit it ``` gpg --edit-key KEYID adduid # here fill your name and details as asked 1 # to select the uid the first command generated deluid # to delete the uid which doesn't contain your name save ``` Then you are ready to publish the public key however you generally publish it, preferably in multiple places from where some recognise revokation certificates if the time ever comes. NOTE: You can extend the expiry time of an expired gpg signature by issuing the `expire` command in `--edit-key` and the key is valid again when the update is reimported to gpg keyrings by other people. Keybase note: To publish the key `keybase pgp select --multi` (where multi is required for multiple PGP keys per account and to submit changes to it, `keybase pgp update --all` (where --all is again necessary only if you have multiple keys).