--- layout: null permalink: /n/dns.html redirect_from: - /n/ffupdater.html - /n/rethink.html - /n/esni.html - /n/ech.html sitemap: false --- # DNS notes _For DNS resolvers, refer to [r/resolv.tsv](/r/resolv.tsv)_ - [Identifying DNS resolver](#identifying-dns-resolver) - [Identifying ECH support](#identifying-ech-support) - [What is ECS?](#what-is-ecs) - [Why to use ECS?](#why-to-use-ecs) - [Why to not use ECS?](#why-to-not-use-ecs) - [Why to use private ECS?](#why-to-use-private-ecs) - [Identifying support for ECS](#identifying-support-for-ecs) - [Mobile applications](#mobile-applications) - [Android](#android) - [Rethink](#rethink) - [FFUpdater](#ffupdater) --- ## Identifying DNS resolver - [DNS-OARC's Check My DNS](https://cmdns.dev.dns-oarc.net) - popup under "Network". - [dnsleaktest](https://dnsleaktest.com) - [whatsmydnsserver](https://www.whatsmydnsserver.com) - [ipleak.net](https://ipleak.net) - [dnsadblock](https://dnsadblock.com/dns-leak-test/) - [browserleaks.net/dns](https://browserleaks.net/dns) - [dnscheck.tools](https://www.dnscheck.tools) The above list is based on [redirect2me/which-dns README alternatives section](https://github.com/redirect2me/which-dns/blob/main/README.md) --- ### Identifying ECH support At it's current state of implementation, Encrypted Client-Hello requires DNS-over-HTTPS in the browser level or it won't be used. If downgrade from application level DoH to OS resolver is allowed, ECH will get disabled at least temporary. Thus I think this list belongs here close enough. - [Cloudflare Browser Check](https://www.cloudflare.com/ssl/encrypted-sni/) which still speaks of ESNI, while ECH replaced Encrypted Server Name Indication ages ago. - [crypto.cloudflare.com/cdn-cgi/trace](https://crypto.cloudflare.com/cdn-cgi/trace), look for `sni=encrypted`. - [tls-ech.dev](https://tls-ech.dev/) - BONUS: [OCSP stapling test](https://www.vpnhosting.cz/ocsp/) --- ## What is ECS? [EDNS](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extension_Mechanisms_for_DNS) [Client-Subnet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EDNS_Client_Subnet) is a DNS extension letting the authoritative nameserver know your subnet, generally a `/24` (IPv4) or a `/56` (IPv6), but the revealed subnet size is up to your DNS resolver configuration. _See also simpler explanation at [PrivacyGuides.org DNS Overview](https://www.privacyguides.org/en/advanced/dns-overview/#what-is-edns-client-subnet-ecs)._ - /24 is the first three parts of your IPv4 address e.g. 192.0.2.xxx. The last part of your IP address (the xxx) again is a number between 1 to 254 (since 0 is reserved for the network itself and 255 is the broadcast address). - `/56` includes 256 `/64`s and if your ISP (Internet Service Provider) follows [RFC 6177](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6177), it's assigned solely to you meaning the authoritative nameserver will know the request originated from your network. - However many ISPs, especially wireless ones, will just assign you a `64` which is required for [stateless address autoconfiguration]() which is the most common way of getting IPv6 address in your local area network as opposed to IPv4 where you would have [Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_Host_Configuration_Protocol). - Your router does get the IPv6 subnet assignment for LAN distribution by means of [DHCPv6 Prefix Delegation](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prefix_delegation) which is also common on mobile networks. ### Why to use ECS? _Android DoH3 option:_ `dns.google` > [...] The longer the distance the data must travel from the data centre to > the end-user device, the more energy the transmission consumes – > regardless of the transmission path used. Intercontinental transmission > networks are fundamentally very efficient. Transferring data from the > United States to Europe may consume a fraction of the energy compared to > the last kilometre from the base station to the mobile phone. - [Green Code](https://www.exove.com/green-code/) ([pdf](https://www.exove.com/app/uploads/2023/09/Green-Code-v2.pdf) [txt](https://www.exove.com/app/uploads/2023/09/greencode-v2.txt)) If you utilize services of internet giants or content delivery networks, ECS will likely give you [the shortest distance, the lowest latency, the highest speed](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edge_computing) and may help with decreasing your _digital carbon footprint_. If those matter to you, you may also like to consider [increasing your minimum TTL to around an hour in a local server](https://blog.apnic.net/2019/11/12/stop-using-ridiculously-low-dns-ttls/). _Criticizers will ask whether changing your DNS server will save the world? No, fighting climate change takes much more, while some of it is small effortless tasks which effect cumulates. Anyway, keep reading._ ### Why to not use ECS? _Android DoH3 option:_ `cloudflare-dns.com` > [...] we [Cloudflare] don’t pass along the EDNS subnet information. This information leaks information about a requester’s IP and, in turn, sacrifices the privacy of users. This is especially problematic as we work to encrypt more DNS traffic since the request from Resolver to Authoritative DNS is typically unencrypted. **_We’re aware of real world examples where nationstate actors have monitored EDNS subnet information to track individuals,_** which was part of the motivation for the privacy and security policies of > > [...] > > We are working with the small number of networks with a higher network/ISP density than Cloudflare (e.g., Netflix, Facebook, Google/YouTube) to come up with an EDNS IP Subnet alternative that gets them the information they need for geolocation targeting without risking user privacy and security. Those conversations have been productive and are ongoing. [...] - [Cloudflare co-founder](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19828702), emphasis mine. ECS will decrease the cost of mass surveillance as instead of having to surveill everything happening on the network, anyone between your DNS server and the authoritative nameserver can see which IP addresses access the site with a reasonable accuracy. Then there are those with commercial interests, particularly outside of Europe, advertisers may be interested in making money out of the additional metadata. There may also be adblockers which don't block the DNS request, causing the advertising company to receive your IP address (or close enough to it) even if you didn't see the advertisement itself. Some say _the less metadata is produced, the smaller incentive there is for starting collecting and monetizing it._ Additionally researchers (below) have used it to perform cache poisoning against an individual target directing them to a wrong location and with low TTL making it near impossible to audit later. What domains do you use? What if someone far above you knew regardless of Encrypted Client-Hello? Are the domains you use DNSSEC-signed? Do you verify DNSSEC locally? Do you use HTTPS everywhere? Do you know to not accept warnings about certificate issues? Do the other (less technical) users of your network? Would you or them be a delicious target? See also: - [_Understanding the Privacy Implications of ECS_](https://yacin.nadji.us/docs/pubs/dimva16_ecs.pdf) ### Why to use private ECS? _Android DoH3 option:_ [?](https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/main/+/main:packages/modules/DnsResolver/PrivateDnsConfiguration.h) Do you want the benefits of ECS with the privacy and security of not having ECS? Private ECS is a compromise solution in the middle, although not without its own issues. Your private DNS provider will lie for you and say that your IP address is somewhere else where it will also place many others from your ISP. However what if it says you are a customer of another ISP, possibly even located in another country? It tends to have greater accuracy with IPv4 than IPv6, [see AdGuard Google Domains issue](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-google-domains-fixed.html). In that case you may get even worse performance than without ECS. Then again if everything works properly, you will get the benefit of ECS without the privacy impact and lessened security impact. See the next section for testing "where you are." Consider also what is important for you if you had to pick one or two. See also: - [NextDNS (Medium.com): How we made DNS both fast and private with ECS](https://medium.com/nextdns/how-we-made-dns-both-fast-and-private-with-ecs-4970d70401e5) - [AdGuard DNS: Privacy-friendly EDNS Client Subnet](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/privacy-friendly-edns-client-subnet.html) - [DNS0 Privacy Policy](https://www.dns0.eu/privacy) ### Identifying support for ECS Or what is being sent to the authoritative servers. ```bash # https://support.google.com/interconnect/answer/7658602 dig +short TXT o-o.myaddr.l.google.com. # https://www.akamai.com/blog/developers/introducing-new-whoami-tool-dns-resolver-information dig +short TXT whoami.ds.akahelp.net. dig +short TXT whoami.ipv6.akahelp.net. dig +short TXT whoami.ipv4.akahelp.net. # https://powerdns.org/useful-names/ dig +short TXT whoami-ecs.lua.powerdns.org. dig +short TXT whoami-ecs.v6.powerdns.org. dig +short TXT whoami-ecs.v4.powerdns.org. ``` - Note: [Cloudflare sends ECS only for `whoami.ds.akahelp.net`, nowhere else](https://developers.cloudflare.com/ --- ## Mobile applications _With the exception of those apps that config I remember otherwise or share it with desktop versions etc._ ### Android Use either `cloudflare-dns.com` (which doesn't have ECS) or `dns.google` (which has ECS) as the (Settings → Network & Internet → Advanced →) _Private DNS_ server as [they have special handling](https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/main/+/main:packages/modules/DnsResolver/PrivateDnsConfiguration.h) and are thus DNS over HTTPS3 instead of the usual DNS over TLS. This can be confirmed with [``](https://one.one.one.one/help) (when using `cloudflare-dns.com`). Then setup your web browser (including Firefox (other than stable which disables `about:config`) and Chrome) to use DNS over HTTPS with your preferred server and while at it enabling HTTPS only mode. Do other Android based OSes contain the special handling? - GrapheneOS: [yes](https://github.com/GrapheneOS/platform_packages_modules_DnsResolver/blob/13/PrivateDnsConfiguration.h) - LineageOS: [yes](https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_modules_DnsResolver/blob/lineage-20.0/PrivateDnsConfiguration.h) - /e/OS: [yes](https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/android_packages_modules_DnsResolver/-/blob/v1-t/PrivateDnsConfiguration.h) ### [Rethink](https://github.com/celzero/rethink-app) **_NOTE!_** This pretends to be a VPN and thus breaks things depending on seeing the IP directly such as wireless debugging LAN IP, Briar LAN connections, cause warnings in Ooni Probe and disable automatic testing, Syncthing Fork will not autostart due to detecting the network as metered, unless it's given permission to run in metered networks. 1. Use either GitHub or F-Droid release as Google Play doesn't have blocklists. 1. Enable it. 1. In Android Settings, Internet, Advanced, VPN, select Rethink, make it always-on and block connections not using it. 1. Disable private DNS in Android settings too, as it conflicts. 1. In Rethink itself open Configure. - DNS: enable whatever DNS you prefer. - DNS: Visit _on-device blocklists_. - DNS: Consider enabling _Use in-app downloader_, _DNS booster_ - DNS: Disable _Prevent DNS leaks_ to avoid breakage. - Network: enable _Use all available networks (experimental)_ - Network: _Loopback (experimental)_ - This also implies the previous option. - Network: _Choose IP version: Auto_ - Network: _Perform connectivity checks_ 1. Remember to also visit Android app details for Rethink, in battery menu select unrestricted and in network allow unlimited data even with data saver. Hopefully there is no situation where Rethink stops working and thinks it's still working. As can be deduced from this section, sometimes Rethink and I disagree with each other. _I don't guarantee I know what I am doing._ ### [FFUpdater](https://github.com/Tobi823/ffupdater) - `https://dns0.eu;2a0f:fc80::;2a0f:fc81::;;` - `https://open.dns0.eu;2a0f:fc80::ffff;2a0f:fc81::ffff;;` - `https://doh.opendns.com/dns-query;2620:119:35::35;2620:119:53::53;;` - `https://dns11.quad9.net/dns-query;2620:fe::11;2620:fe::fe:11;;` - `https://dns12.quad9.net/dns-query;2620:fe::12;2620:fe::fe:12;;` ---