--- layout: post comments: true title: "I moved to Lauttasaari, Helsinki" category: [english] tags: [life] redirect_from: /english/2015/11/03/moving.html published: false --- _As this blog is so depressing and full of Kotka, I should mention that I moved to Lauttasaari (~5km from Helsinki centre) a few days ago._ I think my biggest problems are now over. I can move outside without issues and there are groups I can visit like HeSeta's gaymer's night where I went on the first day here to play board games as I got friend with me. Getting to places is just 2€ per hour or using season from travel card and works for all public transport. From Lauttasaari it's hopping to bus and then changing to another bus or metro/train/tram. Metro is also coming nearby in August when [West Metro](https://lansimetro.fi/en/home.html) opens. I don't know about psychiatrical health care yet other than there will be appointment on coming weeks about arranging it. _This post is too short for my taste, but so was the previous one about hau._