--- title: Discuss layout: page permalink: /discuss.html redirect_from: /discuss/index.html excerpt: "Introduction to my public instant messaging chats" navigation: true --- # Discuss I have a [PUBLICLY LOGGED](https://view.matrix.org/room/!xFKkXCpcnEwgBEQBFt:matrix.org/) instant messaging chatroom for comments to my blog and other things I do. They are connected together by [Matterbridge](https://github.com/42wim/matterbridge/#matterbridge). As [Code of Conduct, Contributor Covenant applies](https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/2/0/code_of_conduct/).
I don't see a reason for forking it as this community is forming around me and my website while I would have separate community for any actual Open Source Software project if I begun any that grew bigger. As for languages; English is preferred due to majority of the discussion participants speaking it, but Finnish and Esperanto are also fine.
I sadly don't consider myself capable of holding a discussion in other languages, but I do hope to be able to grow this list in the future. * IRC@Etro, [`#mikaela.info`](ircs://etro.mikaela.info:6697/#mikaela.info) my selfhosted IRC server. * [(Recommended) Gamja webchat](https://irc.etro.mikaela.info/#mikaela.info) * `MapAddress etro.mikaela.info otzmigofmchtadpek223bkmrzqoa6mmvhmr5dxqurcrtwalizfibuxid.onion` * [LiberaChat], [`#mikaela.info`](ircs://irc.libera.chat:6697/#mikaela.info) * [Gamja webchat](https://web.libera.chat/gamja/#mikaela.info), [KiwiIRC webchat](https://web.libera.chat/#mikaela.info). *Warning: Libera.Chat has no message history* * `MapAddress palladium.libera.chat libera75jm6of4wxpxt4aynol3xjmbtxgfyjpu34ss4d7r7q2v5zrpyd.onion` * [Matrix], [`#mikaela.info:matrix.org`](matrix:roomid/xFKkXCpcnEwgBEQBFt:matrix.org?action=join&via=matrix.org&via=tedomum.net&via=the-apothecary.club), a decentralised conversation store. * [Convene webchat](https://letsconvene.im/app/#/join/%23mikaela.info:matrix.org), [PUBLIC LOG](https://view.matrix.org/room/!xFKkXCpcnEwgBEQBFt:matrix.org/) * [PirateIRC], [`#mikaela.info`](ircs://irc.pirateirc.net:6697/#mikaela.info) * [Gamja webchat](https://webchat.pirateirc.net/) * `MapAddress irc.pirateirc.net cbmtec5xuhpjwjq245kpp5jk2wij63ydgu5vwbxvdamzibfubc5uzaqd.onion` * [Telegram], [invite link](https://t.me/joinchat/OEuthjzmg60xNzA0) a popular instant messenger with open source clients. * [Twitch], [Ciblia](https://twitch.tv/Ciblia), a propietary game streaming platform. * Expect my streaming to happen in [mikaela@libremedia.video](https://libremedia.video/accounts/mikaela/) (PeerTube) instead. * [XMPP], [`mikaela.info@conference.blesmrt.net`](xmpp:mikaela.info@conference.blesmrt.net?join), a federated chat protocol. [ErgoChat]:https://ergo.chat/ [LiberaChat]:https://libera.chat/ [NixNet IRC]:https://docs.nixnet.services/IRC [Matrix]:https://matrix.org/ [PirateIRC]:https://pirateirc.net/ [Telegram]:https://telegram.org/ [Twitch]:https://twitch.tv/ [XMPP]:https://xmpp.org/ * * * * * ## A couple of words on protocols * *IRC* was invented in 1988 and regardless of developing integrated message storage since then, it's still *trivial to setup* and runs well on *a toaster*. *IRC servers* are generally *[easy to enable Tor support on](https://github.com/ergochat/ergo/blob/master/docs/MANUAL.md#tor)* and *IRC clients* widely come with *[proxy settings](https://hexchat.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tips.html#tor)* where *[Tor can be enabled](https://weechat.org/files/doc/stable/weechat_user.en.html#irc_tor_sasl)*. My personal *IRC* history begins in 2010 as user and since then I have also opered mostly on *Charybdis+Atheme* and nowadays on a couple of *Ergos*. * *XMPP* runs on *a bit more powerful toaster* and the servers talk to each other without prior approval, it was originally introduced in 1999. I don't have a record on when I begun using it as *all multi-protocol chat apps* that were common even before 2010 supported it. I haven't had a need or desire to *selfhost*. * *Telegram* was introduced in 2013 and is a popular *instant messenger* with many *open source clients (not server)* also on minority platforms (by third parties). It's favoured by many for stickers and ease-to-use, while that comes with *concern on security and privacy*. * *Matrix* was introduced in 2014 and I started using it in 2016. Many of the *client and server implementations are heavy*, *especially on server side* requiring what to outside looks like *a constant maintenance* to deal with the *implementation performance issues*, *I am not interested in even trying to selfhost a Matrix (home)server and bridges until the situation significantly improves*. *[Matrix clients also seldom support connecting through Tor easily](https://github.com/vector-im/element-meta/issues/200)*, while the *[Synapse server by Matrix.org team doesn't support connecting](https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/issues/5152) through [I2P or Tor](https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/issues/5455) at [all](https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/issues/7088)*. ## And on transports, relays and bridges * One of the marketing points of *XMPP* was to connect to other protocols by means of transports. They plug into a *XMPP server* and can be provided either by yours or be open for other *XMPP servers*. * The word *relay* is often used on *bots which copy messages from one protocol/network and paste (or more simply said relay) it to another*. They aren't transparent and thus the messages from them appear to be coming from bots beginning with the message sender instead of being completely transparent. This is what is *commonly used on IRC to connect to other IRC networks or protocols*. * *Matterbridge regardless of the name acts like a relay. Like IRC and XMPP*, it also *runs on a toaster requiring only [the binary](https://github.com/42wim/matterbridge/releases) and a [config file](https://gitea.blesmrt.net/mikaela/gist/src/branch/master/irc/matterbridge/matterbridge-example.toml)* being trivial to setup anywhere quickly or move around. * *[Recent IRC development allows (RELAYMSG)](https://github.com/ircv3/ircv3-specifications/pull/417)* allows relays to be transparent making messages appear from users outside of the channel that don't actually exist. This is similar to *Discord webhooks (that Matterbridge also supports) and Matrix Discord bridge*. * Common complaint from *Matrix* users is that they look ugly, but as shown by *IRC and Discord*, that doesn't have to be the case [and I hope *Matrix will fix their issue allowing low-budget "toasterbridges"](https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-spec/issues/840)*. * *Bridges are popularised by Matrix* and *are almost XMPP transports*. However while *XMPP transports connect to the other protocol, bridges attempt to copy everything on both sides* so *Matrix users* see each other directly instead of through the *transport* on the other side and on the other side of *open protocols* *Matrix users* can be interacted with as if they were native to it. * Unlike *XMPP*, the *bridges also tend to be heavy and require a full homeserver setup.* The *IRC bridge also generally requires blessing from the IRC network* and while some public bridges exist, they *move the control away from you* hijacking the room to *their rules* and often have *performance trouble compared to "local toaster matterbridge".*