--- layout: mini permalink: /n/systemd-boot.html redirect_from: - /n/systemd-bootd.html - /n/gummiboot.html - /n/dracut.html - n/uki.html - n/unifiedkernelimage.html sitemap: false lang: en --- This is mostly based on [kowalski7.cc.xyz instructions](https://kowalski7cc.xyz/blog/systemd-boot-fedora-32/) which also tells more clearly what to do. These are my notes on what I have done on top of it and probably not very much comprehensible by others than me. Automaattinen sisällysluettelo / Automatically generated Table of Contents - [Installing Fedora?](#installing-fedora) - [Converting to systemd-bootd later](#converting-to-systemd-bootd-later) - [REMOVE ME UPON CONFIRMING THE ABOVE IS CORRECT](#remove-me-upon-confirming-the-above-is-correct) ## Installing Fedora? Boot Anaconda with the flag `inst.sdboot` to not have to install systemd-boot later. ## Converting to systemd-bootd later 1. `sudo mkdir /efi` 1. Edit `/etc/fstab` mmounting the EFI partition to `/efi` 1. `sudo mkdir $(cat /etc/machine-id)` also note the machine-id, it's used a lot. 1. `sudo dnf install systemd-boot-unsigned sdubby -y` 1. `cat /proc/cmdline` noting it, it will become included in `kernel_cmdline=""` in `/etc/dracut.conf.d/99-cmdline.conf` (or other freeform name as long as it ends to .conf?) Might also be worth it to note other dracut configuration files including defaults `/usr/lib/dracut/dracut.conf.d` 1. TODO BOOTCTL INSTALL FROM ARCH WIKI? 1. TODO `printf "\tsudo mkdir /boot/%b/%b\n" "$MACHINEID" "$EXPECTEDKERNEL"` 1. TODO `printf "\tsudo kernel-install add %b /lib/modules/%b/vmlinuz\n" "$EXPECTEDKERNEL" "$EXPECTEDKERNEL"` 1. The original instructions said to `sudo dnf reinstall kernel-core`, but this has deviated with systemd-uki. They also said to `sudo bootctl` to see if it got installed properly before... 1. `sudo reboot` 1. TODO: PROTECTED PACKAGES SHELL-THINGS! I saw an instruction somewhere about `sudo lsinitrd` displaying what is within the image, but that doesn't seem to be the case for UKI. TODO! --- # REMOVE ME UPON CONFIRMING THE ABOVE IS CORRECT 1. Read https://kowalski7cc.xyz/blog/systemd-boot-fedora-32/ very helpful and base of this 2. Anaconda inst.sdboot 3.efi mounttaus /efi, fstab 3. Mkdir /efi/machine-id 4. systemd-boot-unsigned sdubby 5. cat /proc/cmdline 6. dracut asetukset 7. bootctl install 8. kernel-install add 9. dnf reinstall kernel-core? Ei liene tarpeen, koska uki? 10. Sudo bootctl 11. Reboot Note protected packages. Shell-things, grub? https://github.com/dracutdevs/dracut/issues/1995 lsinitrd /levykuva| less # tietoa sisällöstä ---