--- layout: post comments: true title: "Tunnelbroker.net & ASUS routers" category: [english] tags: [IPv6, english] redirect_from: /english/2015/12/25/asus-tunnelbroker-net.html --- *I am typing this, because there is a lot of misinformation on this, especially about the dynamic DNS part.* ## The tunnel Go to the router web panel and IPv6 under advanced settings. ### Basic Config * Connection type: Tunnel 6in4 * Server IPv4-address: *Server IPv4 Address from IPv6 tunnel endpoints in tunnelbroker.net tunnel details* * Client IPv6 address: *Client IPv6 address from IPv6 tunnel endpoints in tunnelbroker.net tunnel details* * IPv6 prefix length: 64 * Tunnel MTU: 0 * Tunnel TTL: 255 ### IPv6 LAN Setting * LAN IPv6 Prefix: *Routed /64 from Routed IPv6 Prefixes from tunnelbroker.net tunnel details* * LAN Prefix Length: 64 ### IPv6 DNS Setting * IPv6 DNS Server 1: 2001:470:20::2 *(this is the one tunnelbroker.net says for me)* * IPv6 DNS Server 2: 2001:4860:4860::8888 *Google DNS 1* * IPv6 DNS Server 3: 2001:4860:4860::8844 *Google DNS 2* ### Auto Configuration Setting * Enable Router Advertisement: Enable ## Dynamic DNS Go to Advanced Settings, WAN, DDNS * Enable the DDNS CLient: Yes * Server: WWW.TUNNELBROKER.NET * Host Name: *tunnel ID from tunnelbroker.net tunnel details* * User Name or E-mail address: *username of tunnelbroker.net * Password or DDNS Key: *Update Key from tunnel details under the Advanced tab* All guides I have seen say that username is user ID from index of tunnelbroker.net and password is account password, but that doesn't work for me. This is how I got it working guessing the details based on *Example Update URL* at the same place you got the Update Key. Now it should either work or not. * If it gives error saying something about trying again later, you are doing something wrong. * If it gives error about endpoint IP not changed since the last update, it works. * If you don't get error, it doesn't work. Now I would suggest you to go to Administration and from there Restore/Save/UPload Setting and clicking the "Save setting"s "Save" button so in case something bad happens you can easily restore the working state. And I probably shouldn't need to say this, but I will say it anyway: **don't use admin/admin as username/password combination!**