--- title: Discuss layout: page permalink: /discuss.html excerpt: "Introduction to my public instant messaging chats" navigation: true --- I have a [PUBLICly logged](https://view.matrix.org/room/!ZFnQcqwxcebAepncKr:feneas.org/) instant messaging chatroom for comments to my blog and other things I do. They are connected together by [Matterbridge](https://github.com/42wim/matterbridge/#matterbridge). As [Code of Conduct, Contributor Covenant applies](https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/2/0/code_of_conduct/).
I don't see a reason for forking it as this community is forming around me and my website while I would have separate community for any actual Open Source Software project if I begun any that grew bigger. As for languages; English is preferred due to majority of the discussion participants speaking it, but Finnish and Esperanto are also fine.
I sadly don't consider myself capable of holding a discussion in other languages, but I do hope to be able to grow this list in the future. * IRC@Etro, [`#mikaela.info`](ircs://etro.mikaela.info:6697/#mikaela.info) *[onion](irc://otzmigofmchtadpek223bkmrzqoa6mmvhmr5dxqurcrtwalizfibuxid.onion:6667/#mikaela.info)*, my selfhosted IRC server. * [(Recommended) Webchat](https://irc.etro.mikaela.info/#mikaela.info) * [ErgoChat], [`#mikaela.info`](ircs://irc.ergo.chat:6697/#mikaela.info), home of the Ergo IRCd that I and most of this list happen to run. * [KiwiIRC webchat](https://ergo.chat/kiwi/#mikaela.info) [Gamja webchat](https://ergo.chat/gamja/#mikaela.info) * [Matrix], [`#mikaela.info:feneas.org`](https://matrix.to/#/#mikaela.info:feneas.org), a federated chat protocol. * Additional aliases can be added by `!altalias publish `, while those may not provide additional value due to Matterbridge being a central single point of failure to other protocols. * [PUBLIC LOG](https://view.matrix.org/room/!ZFnQcqwxcebAepncKr:feneas.org/) * [LibertaCasa], [`#mikaela.info`](ircs://irc.liberta.casa:6697/#mikaela.info), another IRC network. * [Webchat](https://liberta.casa/kiwi/#mikaela.info) * [NixNet IRC], [`#mikaela.info`](ircs://irc.nixnet.services:6697/#Mikaela.info), home of [Libremedia](https://libremedia.info/). * [Webchat](https://irc.nixnet.services/?join=%23Mikaela.info) * [Telegram], [invite link](https://t.me/joinchat/Ikv7FkqOeBSzz4odrpxqcg), a popular instant messenger with open source clients. * [Twitch], [Ciblia](https://twitch.tv/Ciblia), a propietary game streaming platform. * Expect my streaming to happen in [mikaela@libremedia.video](https://libremedia.video/accounts/mikaela/) (PeerTube) instead. * [XMPP], [`mikaela.info@conference.blesmrt.net`](xmpp:mikaela.info@conference.blesmrt.net), a federated chat protocol. [ErgoChat]:https://ergo.chat/ [NixNet IRC]:https://docs.nixnet.services/IRC [Matrix]:https://matrix.org/ [LibertaCasa]:https://liberta.casa/ [Telegram]:https://telegram.org/ [Twitch]:https://twitch.tv/ [XMPP]:https://xmpp.org/