language: ruby sudo: false script: - gem install github-pages - jekyll build --drafts - python2 --version && python2 -m pip --version - python2 -m pip install html5validator --user --upgrade - ~/.local/bin/html5validator --root _site/ --ignore 'Bad value “Content-Security-Policy” for attribute “http-equiv” on element “meta”.' --blacklist r rvm: 2.1 notifications: email: false # In hope Travis will be more reliable than Notifico... irc: channels: # Encrypted in case this repo will be forked and Travis # enabled for the fork(s). # travis encrypt "ircs://" -r Mikaela/ - secure: "lhesEYTGkRQ1wpEnWxpno0I+9+bFH03okjDcIxolIirsmQFxDlWdLDDynODnomiwSJaqUJi2oOboSPwWG4Nh8tVoXQgqi8g7y3W8M1wTsDcdPa5Um7O/44hKcRQey0Sj3wa3RWytK3VywFwpoZPY8gOMvQtOwEXRF/AF7YOJ064=" use_notice: true matrix: fast_finish: true env: global: - NOKOGIRI_USE_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES=true