--- layout: post comments: true title: "Autostarting tmux + WeeChat" category: [english] tags: [english, irc, tmux, cron, weechat] redirect_from: /english/2016/03/14/autostart-tmux-weechat.html --- *This is another note-to-self post, but I think other people might also be wondering this.* **THIS IS ENTIRELY UNTESTED UNTIL THE SHELL WHERE I AM USING THIS REBOOTS THE NEXT TIME!** ```cron ## Environment # To avoid having to type absolute paths, append output of `printf "$PATH"` PATH= # Locale you wish to use LANG=fi_FI.UTF-8 # Timezone TZ=Europe/Helsinki # The actual autostart magic @reboot sleep 500 && tmux -2u new-session -s auto -d && tmux send -t auto weechat ENTER ``` * `@reboot` = tell cron to do this on reboot * `sleep 500` = the shell where I intent to use this primarily is using NFS and I think it's reasonable to expect everything to be mounted in five minutes. * `tmux -2u" = force enable 256 colors & UTF-8 * `new-session -s auto -d` = start a new session with name `auto` (as in automatically started) and detach it * `tmux send -t auto weechat ENTER` type `weechat` to tmux session named auto and press ENTER to execute it.